Chapter 5

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Dazai POV 

 Mori is finally letting get a place to stay I hope it terns out good because everyone else is getting good places, and I do have a higher standing in the mafia. But surprise it's a literal shipping container with a refrigerator, an exhaust fan, a desk, a chair, a bed, and a bare light bulb, so we are off to a great start.  The first thing I do is look at Mori and look at my living with a deadpanned look and all he does is laugh, but I guess this is better then living close to him the farther the better. 

   Oh I forgot to mention that I have to be training this one duded named Ryunosuke Akutagawa he seems like he can be strong with some more effort but right now he's weak, so I decided to train him the only way I know how and he can get stronger faster. It sadly doesn't seem like it's working so I have to go a little harder, and again I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong he just needs to get stronger plus it's the only way I know how. Usually it works and you can see the progress but with him he's still weak, and he seems to attached to me it's creeping me out. 

  But today is different because Mori called me for a mission, and said it's important it seems like an ordinary mission but something about the way it's written seems off. I have seen his writing many times before to the point I have unconsciously studied it; every letter didn't matter if it was lowercase or uppercase and every period. You can easily tell what he is feeling through the way he writes it's not noticeable at first but when you spend almost your whole life looking at his writings it becomes easy. I can tell he is feeling uneasy about this mission probably unsure if I'm the right one for the job, and he is also anxious about sending me to the place. The only way I can tell is by the slight off lines of the ink which tells me he is hesitant about writing the letter and second the slight shakiness of the ink which only happens when he is nervous. When he isn't nervous his hand writing is clean so clean and nice it can be considered the prefect writer; there are no shakiness in the letter and no of lines from hesitation. To put it simple he knows what he wants and can covey it onto the ink. 

  Before I knew it I was at his door I guess I got lost into the annalist of his hand writing again, but what can I say it's the only thing I can do the relinquish myself from this world is analyzing everything I see to stop thinking about my life here. I knock on the door I hear a faint 'come in' as I open the door I walk over to Mori he hands me the file and starts to go over it with me but instead of that he just gives me the file and motions me to sit down and read it.

                                                   c a s e   f i l e # 7 7 3 4

 School name: UA

Location: Musutafu, Shizuoka prefecture, Japan

Known for: hero courses

classes they offer: hero course, support course, general studies, and business/management

principle: Nezu

Staff/teachers: Chiyo Shuzenji, Kashiwade Kioshi, Hirooki Anakuro, Ryo Inui, Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada,  Ken Ishiyama, Nemuri Kayama, Shinya Kamihara, ectoplasm (couldn't find a real name anywhere), Sekijiro Kan, Higari Maijima 

                                                                 p h o t o  o f   u a : 

​Mission: Go to UA and act like a student to get information on hero society and make it slowly crumble

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​Mission: Go to UA and act like a student to get information on hero society and make it slowly crumble. The reason for this is so the Port Mafia can slow expand out of Yokahoma and have more control over Japan its self, and by making the hero society slowly fall we can slip through the cracks a little at a time. It's required to keep track of all the hero's and there weaknesses and if there is any villains that could be a potential threat to keep a close eye on them and report them strait to me.  Reports should be due by the end of each month if something urgent came up tell me straight away, and most importantly don't let them catch you. 

  As I got done with reading the file I looked up at him he looked at me with the same look " do you have any questions" I nodded and started to ask away " where am I going to live?, when am I going?, and can I get extra information on the staff or more importantly there hero life?" he seemed to have take in the information given to him at hand " You will live in a small house, you are leaving next week so you can blend in and get the feel for the atmosphere, and I can see what I can do on that part but to be warned some of the staff are really good at keeping away from the public, is that all?" I do have one more but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say it I took a deep breath a decided to voice it " why me?" he didn't seem surprise by this instead he smiled(?) "Well first of all Musutafu is your birth place, and it can also be seen as a learning experience because I good person in the mafia is skilled in one thing but a great person is skilled in multiple things." I nodded my head indicating that I was done he then later dismiss me to go off and pack. 

  To be honest I never wanted to remember Musutafu even if it was my birth place and all I can remember is my mother and every time I remember her I see her dead body that triggers my mind to think of Odasaku being the same place and position my mother was in bloodied, damaged, and dead. I don't even know what I could do if Oda was dead or how I could take it just thinking about it sends me in a down hill spiral. 

T i m e   S k i p  . . . . 

  I'm meeting with Mori for the last time before I leave for the mission he told me that they are much more technically advance then the Mafia, so we will be connected through technology and not through letters that he usually sends me.  When I get there I have to get used to there normal way of communicating, so I guess I have to find a way through the internet which might be a challenge but I have no choice. He gave me the files for the staff and the top 3 hero's of Japan for some more caution and knowledge that can come in handy I can look at them when I'm settled in the house. 

  Before I leave I want to visit Odasaku so I go to Lupin Bar to explain to him the situation. Oda seems to be really involved with technology because he gave me his suppose email, and told me it's what people do to send letter like messages to people who are far away fast and when I get one to let him know. Sadly good times come to an end and I had to leave for Japan I bid him a farewell and so did he. I got into a train and Mori sent the coordinates to the house through my flip phone so I sat there like a normal citizen waiting for Japan. 

A/N: I should explain the relationship of Yokahoma and Japan, so when quirks started appearing the citizens of Yokahoma got scared and shut there doors from outsiders and closed off from Japan. Only citizens of higher power can travel to Japan and you need a lot of influence if your in Japan and want to go to Yokahoma. The only reason Inko could get in the after she left is because she is a citizen there. I'm making Dazai/Izuku not really a technical person because I think that he likes the old fashion pen and paper so if he uses his phone it's because he has no choice left. I hoped that explains everything, And the next 'chapter is him looking over the case files.


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