Chapter 10

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Dazai's POV 

Uraraka walks up to me and asks me an important question "Do you have a plan to beat them because both of them are really strong" I turn to look at her and nod my head as I do so her eyes light up. I motioned her to come closer and whisper the plan in her ear after she heard it and thought about it she looked me dead in the eyes with pure determination and nodded her head.  We then stand in complete silence preparing ourselves  for what is to come. As soon as we heard the signal we began what will be a battle real or fake. 

After a minute of walking we are on the fourth floor my prediction is that the bomb will be on the fifth floor but I kept that to myself. We are about to turn a corner Bakugo came out for a sneak attack I grabbed Uraraka got out of the way. He turned and faced us "What are you scared to fight me" as he was running up he began to yell again "I wont hurt you so badly they have to stop, just close" I watched how his fist closed and his right arm went back. Right when he was about to attack I grabbed his hand and flung him on the ground I could tell he tried to use his quirk but it didn't work his eyes widened, but before he could process anything his back hit the ground. I turned to my partner while still holding him and said "Now" she nodded and took off. Good we have a better chance of winning if we split up. 

I only met this dude for a few minutes and I feel like Deja vu whenever I see him but why. I knew he was going to attack us head first and not cooperate with his partner, why did I know that. He can also recover quickly but he was shocked like he didn't know my ability was he not listening, but he also seems to be that type of person to not listen and think highly of himself.  Rushing towards me like an idiot screaming like a mad man "You think that you're below me or I'll show you" as explosions come from his hands. I jump over him landing gracefully but he's surprisingly quick with his body and mind I prepared to fight him but as he was rushing towards me but uses his quirk to go over me using the perfect trajectory  I was taken back about how smart he is for someone as so impulsive but that was a quick second until I caught him in mid air and slammed him back on the ground. I decided I needed some space from his hands even if I can touch him I can't hold him the whole time while fighting him and I need to tie him up. I then heard Uraraka through my ear piece "I found Iida and the bomb on the middle of the fifth floor" I touch the thing in my ear "Okay thank you I will try to meet you there as soon as I can" I hear his foot steps coming closer. I need to think of something quick that doesn't cause high amounts of damage. I do some quick probabilities in my head and now I know what the best plan of action is. 

Uraraka's POV 

He looks at me and yells "Now" all I can do is nod and run to the next floor. Thinking of his plan I notice how right he is calculating everyone's move based on their personality and the limited time in the classroom. This is all going perfectly a little too perfectly but I trust him I have to do it as an exercise for trust and combat. I make my way to the fifth floor following his suggestion that it might be in the middle on one of the floors. To my surprise it was in one of the middle rooms I better contact him to tell him so I activate my ear piece "I found Iida and the bomb on the middle of the of the fifth floor" I hear a connection going through "Okay thank you I will try to meet you there as soon as I can" then disconnects I sweat drop well I guess he is a man with few words. I see him pacing in front of the bomb planning his villainous persona he really is taking this really seriously but then I remember Dazai's plan in the beginning and start giggling. He turns to me and starts giving his speech saying how he hid everything in the room so I wouldn't be able to my quirk, but I already knew because of my partner.  

All I need to do is keep a calm head and surprise him through distractions and skills. I got this I have to believe in his plan and he hasn't failed me yet. I rushed over to Iida and got prepared to throw him off. He talked about not being able to activate my quirk so I did but on myself to float myself he seemed to be put off for a bit but then moved the bomb thinking that it was my aim. I noticed that it's near the entrance of the room so it's in the perfect position. A few minutes later I was just letting him ramble to waste time but the bad part is that he's about to be done. Thankfully the buzzer turned on and announced "Hero Team wins" and Iida was shocked then turned around and saw Dazai touching the bomb. 

Analyzing room POV 

 "Hero Team Wins" All Might announced sounding confident but everyone in there could see how confused he was, but so were them seeing bakugo tied up and him at the bomb in less than a minute.  They thought for sure the villains were going to win with Bakugo and Dazai fighting because Bakugo can simply over power him and add that to Uraraka blowing her cover and losing the bomb because of Iida's speed. It was complete silence until a red head spoke up "I expect nothing less for dude who is as manly as him" slamming his fist together with Ashido speaking up "Yeah I knew he could do it but I didn't know he was that cool" jumping up and down.    

Dazai's POV 

I lay low to the ground waiting for him while decreasing my presence I see the fist part of his foot, and my plan goes into action. I grab his foot throwing him off his balance so he slams into the ground while he is off his guard I wrapped him in the capture tape fast. Then start heading to where my partner is on the fifth floor. As I get to her I see that she has done a great job following my plan Iida is almost done with his rambling I walked up to the bomb hiding my presence and silencing my foot steps. I touch the bomb securing the victory for us "Hero Team wins" All Might yelled through the speakers I hear the uncertainty of his voice but he hid it very well. I looked at my partner and immanently understood what I was trying to convey or at least I hope, because I wanted her to see that if I'm her partner she will never lose or if I'm on her side. Well I mean she nodded with determination so I think so. 

Bakugo's POV 

How? How did I lose, I never lose. I was about to turn a corner then I went head first into the ground then I got tied up by that dude. I bet he thought he was above me but little does he know he's just a little bug that I can crush. There was something odd about that dudes quirk because whenever he touched me my quirk would stop working, but then again it could be mine but I know it's not. It didn't even feel like a quirk it seemed to have no limits. I heard the speakers turn on "Hero Team wins" I was left just sitting there questioning how I lost. 

Dazai's POV 

 All of us were at the evaluation place with All Might questioning who the MPV was until a black hair ponytail girl spoke up "I would think Iida or Dazai because Iida played his part really good and took his enemies quirk into account, but let his gaurd down in the very end causing the hero team to win. Dazai on the other hand remained calm and collected even through combat but you could tell that he underestimated his opponent you could see that due to the shock on his face and the pause when Bakugo went over him using his quirk." leaving everyone in the room baffled but I thought about her words and responded "I wasn't underestimating him I was simply shocked he didn't go strait into combat like he normally did during our other encounters, and besides I think the winner should be Uraraka because she did an amazing job at what the exercise was aimed for which was cooperation and she did fallow my plan and because of that we won" I countered her statement and because of I didn't want the MPV and I think she deserved it the class tensed with the teacher speaking up "But Uraraka revealed her presence to Iida which could've been fetal in a real fight" I looked him in the eye "she did that because I told her to and she trusted my plan and followed it" after I finished everyone looked stunned. All Might sweat dropped "All right Uraraka is the MPV" her eyes widened and gleamed. After everything was announced I sighed and walked to Ashido and Kirishima  they turned to me "is it true that you planned that" I nodded then Kirishima looked confused and in deep thought " so what was your plan" I started to think back on what I told Uraraka "Stick together until Bakugo comes for us because knowing him he would not work with Iida and go off on his own, and then when we meet him split up and I will fight him while Uraraka finds Iida at the bomb and give away where she is so when she attempts to get the bomb which will fail make sure it is at the front of the room by the door and just waste time from there." it also turns out that everyone was listening from there shocked expressions and that they turned right towards me. Uraraka decided to but in "But what you also forgot to mention that the bomb might be on the fifth floor if it is or isn't it has a high probability to be located in the middle somewhere " then everyone was looking at me and I wanted to shrink into a ball. The cycle of the battles continued until everyone went and then the afternoon classes began.  

A/N: Wow I've been productive, and the last thing I wanna say is happy PRIDE month. I hope ya'll have a good month or even a day.   :) 

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