A Stream on Conciousness

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Generations of hurt,
Generations of pain,
Ingrain generations of stains,
We try to scrub our record from one cell to next with sheet spread over our eyes,
We cry,
The tears cover the stains and the pain that was ingrained,
Why do we hide and lie,
We confront the truth on the forefront,
Stare down a barrel, it feels like torture,
Somebody told me on the other side is the ones that hurt ya,
Ain't that some shit,
They probably made peace and I've took the seemingly eternal internal hit,
Don't trip, now you might falling into lucidness,
"Why we doing this?"
Pills and shit,
Take your pick,
Zeros and ones may be making up this ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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