~Chapter Nine~

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Ambria was prepared to wake up to the large alarm clock. She was already awake and walking around the cemented walls. They made her claustrophobic, and as soon as the alarm went off Brielle slowly woke up.

Ambria walked over to her and shook her awake before the soldiers came around. They threw the already dirty jumpsuits onto the hard floor, and Ambria quickly got changed and walked out the now open doors.

Ambria looked around. All the work they had done yesterday was back to the same way it was before they did anything yesterday.

"Yep, exactly the same course every day," Jax said, sneaking up behind Ambria.

"We have to do the same thing that we did yesterday?"

"Yep. Same assignments, same work, and same life everyday."


"To create friction." He pointed to the white lit up floors.

"Alright everyone, get to work," a man said, shoving multiple people into lines.

Jaxs got everyone moving towards the piles of dirt they had to shovel. Though for some reason he mostly just glared at Bryce who had caught up to them.

"Hi," Bryce said, walking the long way around to avoid Jax, wary of his glare directed at him.

"Okay..." Brielle started just as confused as Ambria was. As they started getting back to work, Ambria caught Jax still glaring at Bryce for some reason. Ambria walked towards Bryce and dragged him a couple more feet away.

"If you wanted to see me that much you could've just asked," Bryce said, as Ambria groaned from all of his snarky comments.

"What's with that?" Ambria asked, tipping her head towards Jax, who was watching them suspiciously.

"How should I know?"

"I don't know."

"All he's done is hate me since I got here," Bryce said, "Though I don't know how anyone can hate such a handsome face like this."

He twirled his finger around his face like he was a fairy with a magical wand.

"No wonder he hates you," Ambria assured him, looking past him and back at her brother. He seemed to be moving closer and closer to where they were standing.

Ambria walked back to where Brielle and Jax were talking, though Jax didn't seem to be paying attention.

"Hey," Amrbia said, getting back to work. She grabbed a shovel and started shoveling the piles of dirt into wheel burrows. Jax and Brielle did the wheel burrows, while Bryce and Ambria shoveled the dirt.

After about two hours of shoveling soldiers made their rotation and made them go to the spot to work on. They had to carry rocks from one spot to the other spot.

"Why do we even have to do this?" Ambria asked, as she started picking up the fifty pound rocks and carried them over to the platform. Bryce and Brielle followed right after.

"Who knows?" Bryce said, grabbing more rocks.

After thirty minutes, Bryce started complaining.

"Four words. I'm bored."

"Apparently you can't count," Ambria said, "That's two words."

"Nah. It counts as four words. Remember I said 'four words.' That's two, then I said 'I'm bored.'"


"Why do you have to be so snarky?" Brielle argued.

"I'm not snarky. I am the definition of snark. And handsome. Of course handsome."

Jax glared, and Ambria stood open mouthed.

"That was my line." Jax grumbled, as Ambria remembered when Jax had said the exact same lines when she was ten.

"What?" Bryce asked, confused.

"Jax saids the same exact line when I was going into fifth grade," Ambria replied quietly, "Did I ever say those lines?"


"Then how do you know them?"

"I don't know, they just ran off my tongue."

Ambia grumbled, and got back to work as a couple men in black came walking by. They glared at them and they started going faster.

They passed them and into a next rotation where a forty year old man sat resting for a minute.

The soldiers grabbed the man and he jumped back trying to get away from the soldiers. The soldiers quickly grabbed the man again, and tripped him onto his knees.

A younger man, a teenager, probably about nineteen years old, rushed to help the other man. The soldiers shoved him back, but he fought harder to get closer to the man.

"No!" The nineteen year old screamed, kicking and scrambling to help the man. One of the soldiers pointed a large gun at the older man, as he scrambled back.

There was a loud bang of the shot and all Ambria could see was the blood. The sound rang in her ears as it suddenly got quieter and the sound dimmed.

The voices were muffled, and Ambrias arm started to tingle starting from the tips of her fingers. Her arms felt numb, as her vision went dark.

She could hear voices calling her name, though she couldn't place them. Her knees eventually gave in and collapsed. 

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