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With Bucky's tongue lapping over Steve's scent glands and his hard cock thrusting into him, Steve could feel that warmth coiling in his abdomen. His orgasm almost in his grasp. So close that he could almost taste it, and fuck, did it taste sweet. Considering they didn't get many of these filthy moments together since Oliver had the energy of the Energizer Bunny and planning a wedding on top of that was draining, the pair was lucky if they even kissed each other goodnight before passing out.

Of course, Steve supposed that it could be worse. They could go months between romps instead of usual quickies every other week.

Sliding his hand down the hard ridge of Bucky's sweaty torso, Steve cupped along his alpha's growing knot. It wouldn't take long now for either of them. To give Bucky that extra nudge, he pressed onto the ballooning skin at the base of his cock. No matter how much Steve wanted to feel his alpha tying them together, they both knew that they couldn't. With a mostly unpredictable and curious two year old, they had to be mindful.

Swallowing down Bucky's quiet moans, Steve arched his back when Bucky thrust in just deep enough for his growing knot to tease Steve's rim. Kissing up Bucky's neck, Steve nipped over his scent glands and whispered in his ear, "God, I want you to knot me."

"Doll," Bucky whined, rolling his hips just dirty enough for Steve's eyes to roll into the back of his head, "When you talk so sweetly, I almost do."

Snaking his other hand to his own neglected cock, he started stroking himself off to the rhythm that Bucky set. With their mouths moving together again, Steve whimpered, "Wanna come."

"Yeah?" Bucky encouraged, doubling his efforts and quickening his pace.

"Wanna come," Steve repeated. When Bucky's cock started nailing his prostate, he gasped and rushed, "Gonna come. Gon – gonna co–"

Painting their abdomens with his clear omega release, Steve clenched on Bucky's dick, earning a low, long growl. Still riding out his own high, he was only half-aware that Bucky was filling him with his hot release. Half-mourning not being aware enough to watch his partner come considering it was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen.

Playfully, Bucky went limp on top of Steve, earning a weak chuckle from the exhausted omega and a half-hearted shove. Holding more of his weight, Bucky pushed himself up into his previous position. Smiling down at Steve, Bucky leaned in and kissed him. Around Steve's lips, Bucky reminded, "I love you."

"I love y–"

A wail broke out, interrupting Steve and causing both men to look in the direction of Oliver's room. It wasn't a unique situation, but it still made Steve's chest clench and his heart stutter uncomfortably. He wanted to comfort his son, but also knew that some people suggested toddlers learn how to self-soothe themselves. Even the Expectant Omega Guide: Toddlers and the Truth About the Terrible Twos encouraged it.

Even if it tore Steve up inside, he gritted his teeth and remained under Bucky. Well, until the wailing continued, and Oliver screamed and pleaded for them, "Papa! Dada! Papa! Dada!"

Briefly giving him another kiss, Bucky reluctantly pulled out and grabbed his discarded clothes. Wiping the remnants of Steve's climax from his abs and pecs before pulling on his plaid pajama pants and gray t-shirt. Spritzing himself with a scent neutralizer, he unlocked the door and exited the room. Leaving Steve a tired, sloppy mess.

Climbing out of bed, Steve headed for the bathroom to clean himself up. Not a thorough job, but good enough until he shared a quick shower with Bucky before they finally went to sleep. Pulling on the pajama pants he had been gifted last year for Father's Day, he got the soiled sheets off the bed and left the room. Walking down the hallway on his way to the laundry room, Steve paused outside of Oliver's bedroom.

Peeking inside, he found Oliver cuddling with his Squirt blanky. Meanwhile, Bucky was on all fours, checking underneath the toddler bed. Even reaching under it to show Oliver that there wasn't anything there.

"Nope! No monsters here," Bucky confirmed. Standing, he crossed the room for the walk-in closet. Turning on the light, he moved some of the clothes around and even made it a point to walk inside. Showing that, again, "No monsters in here either."

Defiant and frustrated, Oliver argued, "Monser! Eared it!"

Steve's brows furrowed and Bucky asked, "You heard it? What did it sound like?"

Mimicking a low growl, Steve's cheeks instantly heated while his eyes widened. Considering how Bucky scratched at the back of his neck and looked down at his feet, Steve knew that he understood too that their son had heard him. Bashfully, Steve pushed himself off the doorframe, but stayed in the shadows so he could hear how Bucky was going to talk himself out of this.

"I'm sorry, bub," Bucky sheepishly apologized, taking a seat on his bed. "That wasn't a monster, that was me."

"Why dat?" Oliver's little brows furrowing the same way Bucky's usually did. Explaining, "Scare me."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Bucky rubbed Oliver's leg, marking him and easily lied, "I stubbed my toe."

Pressing his lips together to hold back a chuckle, Steve shook his head and continued through the dark house. Rounding into the kitchen and carefully swerving around Greg as she threw herself on the floor. When Steve didn't stop to pet her then and there – the way that he usually did – she got back up and followed him into the laundry room.

After shoving the soiled sheets into the machine – leaving the actually cleaning for himself to do tomorrow – he bent down to scratch Greg's head. Enjoying the way she loudly purred. Knowing that, while he wasn't her favorite person, she still appreciated his attention.

Once she was done with him and ran off, Steve opened the linen closet to get the clean sheets for their bed. As he made the same trek back to the master bedroom, he paused at Oliver's room once more. Bucky was still sitting on the side of the bed, marking him, even though the two year old's eyes were closed. Peacefully heading to Snoozeville.

Redirecting his attention from their son to him, Bucky exchanged a soft smile with him. Steve couldn't believe that in a month – give or take a couple of days – he would be marrying him. Over the past two years, one thought remained a constant: how the fuck did I get so lucky?

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now