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When it was finally their turn, Steve took in a deep breath to settle his nerves and squeezed Oliver's tiny hand in order to ground himself. As soon as he was out of the brewery and following the trail of purple hydrangea petals, Steve looked forward. With his eyes locking on Bucky's, he eased. Eased into the moment, into his skin, into their love.

Bucky looked devilishly handsome in his emerald suit jacket and black bowtie. His usually tousled hair was styled more carefully. But Steve was more drawn to the large grin crinkling all the way up to his steel-blue eyes and the tears falling down handsome his face. Having only seen Bucky cry like this a few times. All of which, had been in regard to their children.

Before Steve knew it, he was out of aisle. So, he turned and kissed Oliver's forehead. As he turned to face the front, he was glad to see Bucky stepping down from the platform to kiss Oliver's forehead as well. Winnie came to gather Ollie and kissed Steve's and Bucky's cheeks before bringing the two year old over to the rest of the family. Making sure that Oliver sat in the seat beside the empty one reserved for Sarah.

Sarah seemed to be in the air around them. From the seat to the flowers to the white lace shawl used as the wedding canopy. Taking Steve's hand, Bucky helped him up the steps towards the short stage and under the chuppah.

Facing each other, Bucky reached up to wipe the tears that Steve hadn't realized were streaming down his face. Grinning affectionately at him, Bucky took Steve's hands in his. As Bucky rubbed his thumbs over Steve's knuckles, he winked, instantly causing Steve's cheeks to redden.

Once the song ended, their officiant, Mary, started, "We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments. The joining of two hearts. In this ceremony today we will witness the joining of Bucky and Steve in marriage."

The only person that Steve could look at was Bucky. Especially when the alpha mouthed, "I love you."

"Out of the routine of ordinary life, the extraordinary has happened. They met, fell in love, and are finalizing it with their wedding today. Romance is fun, but true love is something far more. And it's their desire to love each other for life that we're celebrating here today."

Tuning out everything and everyone besides Bucky, Steve must've missed something because Bucky was starting to bring him to the table. Right, the wine ceremony, Steve reminded himself. Another blush coloring his cheeks as he tried to not redirect his attention to his soon-to-be husband.

Focusing on the woman in front of them and her words, Steve listened as Mary said, "As with a glass of wine, one of you may find it sweet, the other perhaps dry or somehow different. Let the drink you share today serve as a reminder that although you may perceive things very differently, being right is never more important than being happy.

"With this space that you give each other, always putting your commitment to love and honor one another first, your lives together will grow deeper, richer, and greatly satisfying, like a rare wine. You may now drink from this fountain of love."

Lifting the glass of sparkling white grape juice, Steve took a drink and then Bucky did. Feeling love drunk, Steve smiled at Bucky and gave his hand a tender squeeze.

"And now the couple will read their vows to each other," Mary announced.

Taking in a shaky breath, Steve reached into his inner jacket pocket. Pulling out the folded piece of paper, his hands shook as he unfolded it. His lower lip quivering as he tried to swallow down the emotion. Especially since he was going first.

"I, Steven Grant Rogers, choose you, James Buchanan Barnes, to be my husband, best friend, and one true love," Steve promised. Blinking away the tears as he continued, "I vow to dance with you around the living room whenever you get the urge, even if there's no music playing. I vow to only wake you up once when you're snoring, and always share the covers with you."

As their loved ones softly chuckled, Steve took the moment to take in another deep breath, but it didn't stop the tears. In fact, it made them fall more fiercely. Bucky reached over to wipe them away and leaned in to kiss his temple.

Steve sniffled, "I vow to try not to roll my eyes when you take care of me when I'm sick. Even though you know how much I hate being taken care of. And I vow to love you, every minute of every day, for the rest of my life."

Briefly kissing Steve's cheek, Bucky wiped his tears, and kissed his nose. From the audience, Becca yelled, "No kissing yet!"

Which, of course, got everyone laughing again. Even getting Steve to chuckle. Bucky pulled back and when Steve looked up at him, he noticed that Bucky was crying again. Not that that stopped him from smugly smirking and winking at Steve.

"I, James Buchanan Barnes, choose you, Steven Grant Rogers, to be my partner in crime and the one true love of my life. I promise to always tell you my strange dreams, even if you didn't ask to hear them. I promise to carry you to bed when you fall asleep on the couch or in our children's beds. I promise to taste test your baking, especially when it's a new recipe. I promise to encourage your creativity, even if it's two in the morning and your arthritis makes it hard to use the hot glue gun, so I have to. But above all else, I promise to continue loving you for the rest of our lives."

"Good," Mary softly assured them before turning her attention to the attendants, "Now, it's time for the rings."

In his shining moment, Oliver raced towards the stage. Not wanting him to climb the stairs since there wasn't a railing, Steve crouched to accept the little box with the rings. Also accepting the slobbery kiss that Oliver gave him.

"Thanks, baby," Steve smiled, kissing his forehead.

With open arms, George gestured for Oliver to return to them. Meanwhile, Steve stood up and opened the box. Taking the band meant for Bucky and handing the box to him. The brunet purposely brushed their hands along one another, earning another blush from Steve.

"The ring is a symbol of the unbroken circle of love," Mary informed before instructing, "James, repeat after me. 'With this ring.'"

Taking Steve's hand in his, he rubbed his thumb over Steve's knuckles as he repeated, "With this ring."

"'I take you as my husband, for as long as we both shall live.'"

After Bucky finished, he slid the yellow gold band engraved with an elegant, Go team!, onto Steve's bony left ring finger. Bringing Steve's hand up, Bucky pressed a kiss over the spot where the gold band now resided.

Steve couldn't blame him. Especially not since he sped through his turn and felt his heart shift again when he saw the matching band on Bucky's finger. God, it felt good to see that. Even if Bucky was probably going to end up wearing the band on a chain around his neck.

"The final act of today's ceremony is the shattering on the glass," Mary announced as she placed the cloth wrapped wine glass on the ground. "The fragility of the glass is to suggest the fragility of human relationships. That Bucky and Steve should consider these vows as an irrevocable act. Just as permanent and final as the breaking of this glass. Knowing that this marriage is permanent, Steve and Bucky should strive every day to show each other love and respect and happiness."

Nodding her head, Mary gestured for Bucky to step on the cup and crush it. So, after giving Steve's hand a squeeze, Bucky forcefully stomped on the object. Immediately, the wine glass broke, and everyone yelled out in joy. Celebrating them as they exclaimed, "Mazel Tov!"

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husbands," Mary smiled, "You may now kiss each other."

Pulling Steve in, Bucky dipped the petite omega. Passionately kissing him while their loved ones cheered them on. Steve chuckled into the kiss as Bucky grinned around his lips. When they pulled back, Oliver ran up to them. Bucky lifted him in his arms and balanced him on his hip. Grabbing Steve's hand, Bucky raised their linked hands into the air, earning more applause.

"It's my pleasure to introduce Mr. and Mr. Barnes!"

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now