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It was at the club, wearing a penis decorated bachelor tiara on his head and condom corsage on his wrist when Natasha leaned in close to ask over the loud music, "Are you pregnant?"

Since he and Bucky had decided to keep it a secret until after the wedding, Steve choked on his blueberry margarita mocktail. Of course, he should've known that his best friend would've figured it out. Wondering if she had been watching him order his nonalcoholic beverage and had read his lips. Or if his scent was starting to change. Or if he just looked pregnant. Deciding to play it cool, his brows furrowed as he pulled bad to look at her.

Unimpressed, Natasha quirked a brow and crossed her arms. Her satin Person of Honor sash bunching together. And really, Steve should've known better than to try and keep something like this from her. Even if his intentions were good and were meant to surprise their loved ones.

Looking around at the rest of the club goers, Natasha stood and pulled Steve up with her. As she led them through the crowd of people to the restrooms, Steve downed the rest of his drink. Momentarily wishing that it had alcohol in it as he set the empty glass on a nearby table.

Off to the side, so they were out of the way, Natasha pulled Steve close to have a little more privacy in the crowded omega restroom. Momentarily, Steve was sure that someone would tell her to get out, but since she was on suppressants and wearing a floral scent-blocker, no one batted an eye. Crossing her arms again, she demanded, "Spill."

"Okay, fine," Steve exhaled a puff of air and confirmed, "I'm pregnant, but you can't tell anyone. We're waiting until after the wedding."

In her glee, Nat asked, "How far along?"

"Ten weeks," Steve beamed, his hands automatically framing his lower abdomen. His new wombmate was too small to show, but Steve swore he could feel them.

"You knew for ten weeks and didn't tell me?" Natasha's eyes went wide as she playfully shoved his shoulder.

Rolling his eyes, Steve clarified, "No, we've known for two weeks. When we went to the doctor's, she told us ten weeks."

Pressing her lips together to fight her large grin, Nat stepped closer. Instantly wrapping him up in a hug. Steve melted into the embrace, resting his head on her shoulder. Knowing that he wouldn't be nearly as happy without her. And with his heightened hormones from the pregnancy, the tears easily fell.

"Oh, sweetie, don't cry," Natasha sniffled, rubbing Steve's back.

Steve couldn't help it, he told her, "I owe it all to you. If you never had that Halloween party, I would've never met Bucky. I wouldn't have Ollie. I wouldn't have Big Bird."

"Big Bird?" Natasha good-humoredly scoffed and pulled back to look at Steve.

Chuckling now too, Steve wiped away his tears and explained, "Oliver chose it. And you know he's going through a Sesame Street phase."

Natasha nodded and delicately dabbed at the corners of her eyes, catching her own tears so her makeup wouldn't run. Sniffling, Natasha said, "He's such a little weirdo. God, I love him."

"He's not weird," Steve wetly scoffed, "He's two!"

Waving off the comment, she wet some paper towels and handed them to Steve, "Same difference. He likes ketchup on his eggs and pineapple on his pizza, and that's definitely weird in my book."

Steve didn't argue because he agreed. Claiming, "He gets it from Bucky."

Since Steve had downed his drink and was pregnant, he used this time to use the restroom for what it was really for and entered one of the stalls to empty his bladder while Natasha waited outside. Once done, he moved around other omegas to get to the sinks. Ignoring the stares some gave him, but accepting the, "Congratulations," he got from others.

While washing his hands, Steve glanced up at the mirror to check his reflection. Some of the tiny fuzzy purple feathers surrounding his dick-ara had fallen out and his, I'm Getting Married, Bitches!, sash was crooked, but he didn't care. Having too much fun with his friends to care. Too happy, in general, to care.

As he joined Natasha in the hall, she linked her arm through his and led them to the dance floor where Sam and Laura were. Immediately, her voluptuous hips started swaying, and while Steve typically saved his dancing for when he was under the influence or with his guys, he let her tug on his arms until he was shimmying.

Playfully, Sam removed the purple feather boa from around his neck and draped it around Steve's neck. Pulling Steve closer, Sam kissed his cheek and said over the music, "There's a guy at the bar, checking you out!"

Smile dropping and brows furrowing, Steve looked at Sam. With the way his friend was smiling at him, Steve reminded, "I'm getting married!"

Rolling his eyes, Sam spun Steve around. With his brows still furrowed, Steve looked in the direction of the bar and found Bucky. His expression transforming into a grin as he watched Bucky take shots with his bachelor party.

Giving Sam his purple feather boa back, Steve made his way through the dancing club goers towards the bar. Nonchalantly sliding into the space beside Bucky, he played it off as though they were strangers. Keeping his attention on the bartender, as the beta man approached them. Even though from the corner of his eyes, he could see that Bucky had noticed him.

"Another nonalcoholic blueberry margarita?" The bartender asked Steve.

"Please!" Steve confirmed, giving him a polite smile even though he was more preoccupied with his soon-to-be spouse turning towards him.

Playing along, Bucky made a point to check him out. Leaning in closer, Bucky commented, "Would've taken you as an electric lemonade kind of fella."

"Is that right?" Steve bit back his grin; finding it endearing that Bucky remembered his preferred drink.

"Yup," Bucky nodded. Feigning crestfallen, he sighed, "Too bad you're taken."

Rolling his eyes, Steve chuckled, "Yeah, I'm pretty lucky."

Bucky's grin grew more sincere as he nuzzled in close, scenting Steve. Turning to wrap his arms around Bucky's neck and reeling him in for a kiss. Loving the way Bucky marked his hip as he slid his hands around to Steve's back. Although it probably should've annoyed Steve that his alpha came to the club and crashed his bachelor party, Steve adored him for it. Knowing that Bucky and his friends would keep their parties separate if Steve wanted them to. But Steve couldn't think of anything better than having Bucky there with him.

When the bartender brought his drink over, the pair pulled apart and Bucky covered the cost for him. Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and joked, "Hey, pal, I don't know what you think you're doin', but my fiancé wouldn't take kindly to some rando buying me drinks."

"'Rando?'" Bucky quoted, barking out a laugh.

Taking a drink, Steve elbowed Bucky's ribs, "Oh, eat me."

"You offerin'?" Bucky joked, nipping Steve's earlobe.

Playfully, Steve swatted at his fiancé. Looking over to where his friends were still dancing, Steve stood on his tiptoes to give Bucky one more kiss as he said, "I'm gonna go dance."

"Okay," Bucky nodded, sneaking another kiss as he encouraged, "Go have fun!"

"You too," Steve smiled, lingering for a moment longer to kiss him again.

"Hey!" Jim, Bucky's colleague and friend, playfully complained, "Separate parties! Remember?"

Rolling his eyes, Bucky kissed Steve again before turning back to face the bar where shots were being passed out. As Steve went to leave them, Bucky clinked his glass against Steve's, causing him to pause. Redirecting his attention to the brunet just in time to catch the wink he gave him.

Just like the first time Bucky winked at him, Steve blushed. Over the past couple of years, Steve had come to terms with the fact that he would always blush whenever Bucky winked at him. Not even mattering whether they were married or not. Knowing that that part of them would always remain, and Steve was okay with that.

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now