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"Some of you may know me. For those who don't, I'm Becca, Bucky's older sister –"

"By a minute and a half," Bucky called from their table. His arm draped along the back of Steve's chair while he watched the omega color with Oliver.

Their loved ones chuckled, and Becca blew a raspberry in his direction. Continuing on with her speech, "Clearly, the better looking twin." More laughter and Bucky waved off her comment. "But I am genuinely happy for my brother today. I've never seen him as happy as he's been since meeting Steve. And I can say that Steve has been the best addition to our family."

Watching his sister-in-law get emotional made the tears escape his eyes and to lean further into his husband. There were relatives dabbing at their eyes and Steve reached forward to grab a tissue.

"Steve," Becca focused on him, "You were the missing piece to our family. And I think that I can confidently speak for all of us when I say that we are so glad that you took Bucky off our hands."

Their friends and families laughed, and Steve lovingly squeezed Bucky's thigh. Becca finished, "Seriously though, you've made my brother happy, which makes me happy. I wish you both the best." Holding up her glass, she toasted, "To Steve and Bucky!"

"To Steve and Bucky!" Everyone echoed, raising their own glasses, and taking a drink.

Steve smiled up at Bucky, and Bucky leaned down to sweetly kiss him. Once Becca sat down, Mandy took her place at the microphone. "For the first time ever, I'm going to agree with my older sister that Steve was always meant to be a part of our family. So, Ma, Happy early Hanukkah, you got what you've always wanted: us getting along!"

The room broke out into more laughter and Steve looked over to his in-laws to watch Winnie blow the middle Barnes daughter a kiss. Beside Winnie, George leaned in to kiss her cheek, affectionately holding his wife close. Being the epitome of what Steve wanted his marriage with Bucky to be like.

"When I met Steve, I was at a dark time in my life. Recently divorced at the time and freshly unbonded, I was bitter and just all around unpleasant," taking a large drink of her red wine, Mandy said, "Then, Bucky met Steve. I know that not only was it annoying to hear about all the lovey dovey, ooey gooey things Bucky had to say about Steve. But it gave me hope too.

"Seeing everything that my brother had been through and seeing him come up on top made me think that maybe I could rise again too." Mandy admitted, earning some applause and sounds of sympathy. Bucky gave Steve's shoulder a comforting squeeze and Mandy continued, "Meeting Steve wasn't like meeting a sibling's spouse. It was as though everything clicked into place. As soon as Steve entered our lives, it was clear that he should've always been there. That he belonged there. Wedding or not, bonded or not, Steve would always be family. He is family."

Sniffling, Mandy raised her glass, prompting everyone else to too as she joked, "And now that he's finally, officially – legally – family, Steve can now give me the recipe of those Spouse Stealing Snickerdoodles."

Chuckling, Steve gestured at her with his glass before taking a drink of his sparkling grape juice. All the while, Bucky kept scenting him, making him love drunk. Making him turn towards his husband and get another kiss from him while their guests cheered them on. Even Oliver stopped coloring long enough to applaud them.

Turning his attention to the microphone, he watched as Tibby stood there with her own glass of sparkling white grape juice. Raising her glass and a fork, she hit the wine glass with the fork, as if trying to gain the room's attention. Curious to see who wasn't looking her way, Steve looked around the room, but didn't see anyone not looking at her.

"I've just always wanted to do that," Tibby admitted, earning a soft chuckle from the room. Clearing her throat, she started, "All my life, I've wanted to be like my big brother, Bucky."

That right there brought more tears to Steve's eyes. He grabbed another tissue and brought it to his eyes. Damn pregnancy hormones.

"Whether that was staying up late when he babysat, so I could watch some cheesy omrom. Or dressing up as Sharpay Evans for Halloween just so he could be –" she used finger quotes "– 'forced,' to be Troy Bolton when he took me trick-or-treating."

More laughter broke out and Steve told Bucky, "I'm gonna need to see those pictures."

Bucky rolled his eyes, but there was a fond grin tugging at his lips. Leaning in for another kiss and accepting the extra one Steve gave him.

"Growing up, Bucky set the bar for all other alphas in my life. All other men in my life. Of course, being a kind, goofy, geek was probably a low bar."

"Hey!" Bucky loudly complained, giving Tibby a look when she simply blew him a kiss.

Giving Bucky's thigh a soothing squeeze, Steve watched as Tibby ran her hand over her baby bump. Her eyes glassy from unshed tears, her lower lip quivered as she continued, "I hope that his nephew is half as cool as he is."

Nephew?! Steve's mind screamed. Apparently, he wasn't the only one as the room erupted into cheers. As far as gender reveals went, that sure was something. Steve couldn't keep the smile from his face. Adoring all of his nieces and knowing that he'd adore his nephew just the same.

Facing Bucky and Steve, she held her glass up and toasted, "To my brothers! May they have happiness and may Steve's coolness rub off on Bucky!"

Chuckling, Steve held his glass up. His heart racing and the butterflies fluttering aggressively in his stomach. Standing, Steve walked over to the microphone. Not remembering a damn word that he had practiced. However, it wasn't exactly possible for him to back out now.

"I, uh, I remember the first thing that Bucky ever said to me," Steve started. A soft chuckle escaping him as he relayed, "'You're my favorite deputy!' And if you're confused by that, so was I. Until I remembered that I was dressed as Woody from Toy Story, and as fate would have it, Bucky was dressed as Buzz Lightyear. Yes, thee Buzz Lightyear."

More laughter and Bucky cupped his hands around his mouth as he loudly corrected, "Mrs. Nesbitt!"

"Ah," Steve nodded, "That's right. My mistake. Bucky was Mrs. Nesbitt. One minute, he was suckin' down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette and her little sister. The next, he's hitting on a lonely sheriff at a mutual friend's Halloween party."

Looking over at Bucky, his nerves eased further when his husband winked at him. "Ya know, I didn't have the best examples of marriage and mating while growing up. With my mother raising me by herself. Better than anyone else, God rest her soul. But for a long time, I didn't have much luck in my own love life. Feeling like I was cursed. That the Rogers surname, itself, was cursed.

"So," Steve held his glass up and toasted, "Thank you, Natasha. For not only playing matchmaker, but giving me a family."

The room chorused, "Thank you, Natasha." All toasting the woman who discreetly dabbed at the corner of her eyes.

Softly, Steve thanked her again, "Thanks, Nattie. Without you, I wouldn't have a family, a husband, a wonderful son, or another baby on the way."

At that, the room broke out into excitement. Their loved ones jumping up from their seats in their joy. And since the secret was out, Steve unbuttoned his velvet suit jacket and joked, "And thank you, Mandy for telling me that hair ties can be used for pants all the way back when I was pregnant with Squirt because it really came in handy today."

Sniffling, Steve directed his attention to his husband, "And to Bucky. Thank you for being my person and giving me a life I never thought I could have and didn't know I wanted. I am forever grateful for your love. For now having your last name. Just... for you. I love you."

"I love you!" Bucky yelled back. A smug grin on his handsome face. Oliver was climbing on Bucky's lap, and Steve couldn't wait to see baby number two there too. Maybe even a number three later on. Who really knew? All Steve could do was take one day at a time.

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now