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"I'll pick you up some ginger ale on the way home," Bucky promised, carrying a damp washcloth over to him.

As Bucky placed it on his head, Steve weakly said, "Thank you, honey."

"Of course, doll," Bucky marked over his slender shoulder. It was obvious that he wanted to kiss Steve, but since the omega had been hugging the toilet all morning, it was best that he didn't in case he was contagious. To appease himself, Bucky kissed his own fingers before softly pressing them to Steve's temple, "Just try and get some rest."

Tiredly nodding, Steve closed his eyes, already feeling sleep creeping up on him. Not realizing just how fatigued he was until that moment. How long had it been since he had just... relaxed? Of course, even then his mind wandered to how he needed to vacuum and finish the laundry, and how he still needed to triple check all the wedding detai–

"Wave bye-bye to papa," Bucky quietly instructed their toddler.

Forcing his eyes open, Steve watched as Oliver half-heartedly waved. All day he had been wanting to lay with Steve and smother him in his love, but his fathers wouldn't let him. Not willing to let Oliver catch the stomach bug, if they could help it. Which, of course, led to a grumpy and temperamental two year old.

"Have fun, honey," Steve weakly smiled and blew him a kiss.

"Love you," Bucky reminded as he bounced Oliver on his hip in hopes of cheering the tike up.

Steve nodded and playfully argued, "Love you more."

Knowing exactly what he was doing, since his single comment made Oliver loudly proclaim, "Love more!"

The two men smiled at one another when Oliver happily blew Steve a kiss. Steve smiled and reached up to pretend that he caught it. Holding his hand to his cheek, he settled further in bed and said, "Bye-bye, baby."

With one more smile, Bucky carried Oliver out of their room. Leaving the door cracked so Greg wouldn't annoy Steve with wanting in and then wanting out and then wanting back in again. Glad that he wouldn't have to hear her constant crying as she couldn't make up her mind.

Hearing the garage door close, Steve closed his eyes, allowing sleep to take him away.


Eyes flying open, Steve looked over at the fluffy golden cat. Rolling his eyes, he reached out to scratch her head while she loudly purred. As she curled up beside him, he reached over for his phone. Realizing that he had been asleep for three hours and had over two dozen messages from Bucky.

Opening the messages, he smiled at the pictures he was bombarded with. Pictures of Oliver in his Elmo swim trunks, running through the sprinkler with his cousins. His sun-kissed skin dotted with freckles and his dark hair tinting red under the sun. Even managing to get a few pictures with the older girls. Which was pleasantly surprising since the recently presented alpha, Violet, had been anti-pictures since the start of puberty. Something less surprising, but equally as welcomed were the pictures of Winnie and George. Steve's favorite though was the one where Tibby, Mandy, and Becca were all flipping the camera off.

Briefly chuckling to himself until his eyes landed on Tibby's baby bump. Only then did it occur to Steve that perhaps it wasn't a stomach bug. After all, he and Bucky weren't trying to prevent a pregnancy. Of course, they hadn't been actively trying either. Especially not after the couple of times Steve had gotten his hopes up, only for the tests to come back negative, breaking his heart more and more each time.

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now