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It was the day Steve had been planning for the past year and what was he doing?  He was hunched over the toilet, sick

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It was the day Steve had been planning for the past year and what was he doing? He was hunched over the toilet, sick. Not knowing if it was because of his pre-ceremony jitters or if it was the twelve week old fetus in his womb. Either way, this wasn't how he wanted his afternoon to start. Especially not on his wedding day.

With a knock at the door, Steve spit and called out, "Just a minute."

However, the door cracked open and Bucky peeked his head into the room, "You okay?"

"It's bad luck to see each other befo–" Bile interrupted Steve.

Of course, that wasn't going to stop Bucky from entering the room and trying to soothe him. Steve couldn't fault his partner though. After all, it only reinforced that Bucky was perfect and understood that this was a forever type of thing. An in-sickness-and-in-health forever type of thing.

God, Steve loved him.

Once finished, Steve flushed the toilet and washed his hands. Brows furrowing, Steve watched Bucky's reflection pull a toothbrush and toothpaste out from his inner suit jacket pocket. Shoulders slumping in his affection, Steve appreciatively accepted them and got to work brushing his teeth.

"I'll see you out there," Bucky assured, kissing Steve's temple before exiting the bathroom.

Aggressively and thoroughly brushing until he felt as though he had scrubbed his taste buds off. Only then did Steve rinse and wash the tear stains from his face. Hoping that he would look half-decent in the photos. Of course, he'd probably look better if his morning sickness wasn't so severe this time around.

Checking the time, Steve decided to empty his bladder one last time. Hoping that no one would notice that his pants were being held together with an elastic hair tie. Sure, it was a black one, so it'd match his slacks, but he still felt self-conscious for showing so soon. Even if he was the only one who had noticed. Even if the Expectant Omega Guide: Baby Number Two claimed that over half of all omegas showed sooner with their second baby than they did with their first.

Letting his hunter green velvet jacket cover his bump, Steve left the bathroom. Since Natasha was the only one who knew about his current situation, Sam assured, "The jitters go away once you're out there."

Nodding, Steve falsely agreed, "Good."

"Good," Natasha and Laura repeated while Natasha helped pin a beige kippah to Sam's short, stylish dreadlocks.

Giggling from her complimentary mimosa, Laura added, "Great!"

Focusing on the three of them, dressed in their beige wedding party attire, Steve's sight started to blur with unshed tears. Damn pregnancy hormones, Steve wanted to say as he started rapidly blinking in hopes of his tears disappearing. Not like they were going to listen since he couldn't even control his morning sickness.

"Aw, honey," Laura pulled him into a hug, rubbing over his back.

Sniffling, Steve reassured, "I'm just so happy."

"Of course, you are," Laura agreed, still soothing him.

"We're happy for you," Sam added, holding out the box of tissues.

Taking a few, Steve sniffled again and dabbed at his eyes, "Thanks."

Then, before anything else could be said, there was a knock at the door. Steve's heart jumped up into his throat as the wedding planner, Phil Coulson, cracked the door open, poking his head inside. When he noticed that everyone was dressed, he entered the room.

"Who's ready to get married?" Phil grinned.

Quickly blowing his nose, Steve tossed it out. Turning expectantly to his wedding party, Steve tugged at the bottom of his velvet suit jacket. Silently asking them if he looked okay and desperately hoping that he did. After all, it was one of the most important days of his life. And he, of course, wanted to look nice for it. Even if Bucky was lightyears out of his league with his classic Hollywood looks.

"You look amazing," Natasha assured, stepping forward and removing his hands from his jacket.

"Thanks," Steve smiled. Looking over to Phil, Steve confirmed, "Let's do this."

So, Phil led them out of the room. Leading them all the way through the decorated brewery towards the doors leading out to the courtyard. Steve's heart was pounding the entire time and if it wasn't for Nattie, he probably would've fallen to the ground with how weak in the knees he was.

"Papa!" Oliver called out as soon as he saw them. Wearing his own black slacks and green jacket, he ran the short distance to Steve.

Catching his toddler, he hoisted him up and smiled at him. Loving the way Oliver leaned forward to rub the tip of his little nose against Steve's. Smoothing down Oliver's styled hair, he complimented, "You look so handsome!"

"Like dada," Oliver proudly stated while Steve double checked that the small yarmulke was secure at the crown of his little head.

Steve's grin only grew as he agreed, "Handsome just like daddy."

Looking over Bucky's half of the wedding party and the flower girls in their little, matching dark green dresses, Steve smiled at them all. His eyes already starting to get misty. Scenting Oliver, Steve tried to keep his emotions under control. At least until he was standing in front of Bucky.

Eventually, he had to set his little guy down and line up the way Phil instructed. The way they had rehearsed. With Laura and Clint, per Natasha's suggestion since she was trying to play matchmaker again – and considering how well her last coupling turned out, Steve wasn't going to get on her bad side. Following them was Sam and Jim. Then it was Natasha and Dum Dum.

Getting Lucy, Gracie, and Sadie to settle down was easier than Steve would've expected. Of course, with Dum Dum being there probably helped. Though, not as well as Natasha being there. She even made the butterflies in Steve's stomach settle with that look.

In his headset, Phil instructed for the piano, cello duo to start playing. Then, he opened the doors. Gesturing for the first couple to lead the way. Steve's hands shook as he put them by his sides. Feeling a comforting squeeze, Steve looked down, finding Oliver holding his hand.

In return, Steve gave his little hand a tender squeeze. Grateful to have his little guy with him when he didn't have anyone else. Crouching down, Steve quietly asked, "Ya gonna walk me down the aisle?"

Determined, Oliver nodded. Steve smiled, kissing Oliver's round cheek before straightening back up. Although Oliver was the ring bearer, Steve didn't mind being, "given away," by his son. Rather liking the idea. If he couldn't have his mom, he was glad to have his son.

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now