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After the chicken matzo ball soup, and after cornmeal-crusted flounder with the lemon-garlic asparagus, Steve was surprised to find that he was still hungry. Of course, that was probably because of his nerves settling since everyone knew about the fetus developing in his womb. The very fetus that was probably causing him to pig out on, not only his own purple cabbage and mandarin orange salad, but sneaking bites of Bucky's sun-dried tomatoes and pecans salad too.

"I'm sure Gabe will make you another plate," Bucky smirked.

"No, that's okay," Steve declined, licking the dressing from his fork. Setting it down, Steve reminded Bucky just as much as himself as he said, "Need to save room for cake."

Bucky nodded, his gaze being caught over Steve's slender shoulders as he leaned close to warn, "Speaking of cake, here comes Phil."

His stomach doing somersaults as he thought about having everyone looking at him again. However, thinking about how Bucky would be there with him, and he wasn't actively trying to hide the start of his bump, he figured it wouldn't be that bad. Mainly for the Bucky of it all.

"Hey, guys," Phil greeted. Smiling at Oliver, he suggested to the newlyweds, "Ready to cut the cake?"

"Ready," Bucky easily answered, taking Steve's hand in his and fondly rubbing his thumb over the rings on Steve's finger. Turning his attention to his husband, Bucky suggested, "Let's cross this off the list."

Chuckling, Steve half-mocked, "Go team."

Squeezing Steve's hand and kissing his temple, Bucky confirmed, "Go team."

Turning to the toddler coloring beside him, Steve asked, "Wanna help me and daddy cut the cake?"

Eagerly, Oliver tossed the crayons on the table and enthusiastically nodded. Steve nodded along with him and gestured for the toddler to climb into his arms. Nuzzling close to inhale that happy-pup scent. Gladly accepting the sweet kisses his son gave his cheek too. Even if he was squirming to get out of his grasp so he could be lifted into Bucky's arms.

As he stood, Steve playfully narrowed his eyes at his husband. Not that it bothered Bucky any as he smugly held his hand out for Steve while Oliver settled on his hip. And since Steve couldn't deny either of his guys, he accepted. Lacing their fingers together as they followed Phil over to the table with the cakes.

Once at the table with the beautifully decorated cakes, Bucky asked Steve, "Which one are you in the mood for?"

"Hmm," Steve hummed, gaze roaming over the chocolate cake with the dairy-free chocolate frosting, the carrot cake with the Daiya cream cheese frosting, and the raspberry swirl cheesecake. Honestly, he was thinking about having a slice of each. Grateful that they had considered for extras, so Steve could have a slice of each.

"Ladies and gentlemen, at this time our newlyweds are going to cut the cake," the muscular blond, DJ Thunder, instructed, "You're more than welcome to grab your camera to take pictures for your memories."

For the photo op, Steve decided on the carrot cake. Just remembering the taste test caused his mouth to start watering, "Carrot cake. Definitely the carrot cake."

"Carrot cake it is," Bucky agreed, then asking Oliver, "How does that sound, bub? Ya thinkin' carrot?"

While their loved ones started loosely gathering around the table, Steve stood closer to Bucky. All the while, Oliver was tapping his little chin with his tiny baby-chubby finger, a grin broke across his little face as he nodded. Steve beamed and leaned over to kiss his son. And, as always, gladly accepting the nose brushes the toddler gave him in their own loving gesture.

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now