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With Bucky's lips on his neck and his large flesh and prosthetic hands on his hips, Steve found it entirely too difficult to unlock the hotel door. Of course, he also couldn't blame it all on Bucky since the stupid key cards only seemed to scan when they felt like it. But it still wasn't helping with this particular time as the pregnancy hormones amped up his libido and his mind remembered the first time they had ever done this. Half of him not believing that everything had worked out better than he had wanted.


Pushing the door to their honeymoon suite open, Steve turned in Bucky's grasp. Instantly wrapping his arms around Bucky's neck, tangling his fingers in the brunet locks as he pulled the taller man into a kiss. Surprising a groan out of the man as Steve hungrily kissed him.

Not to be slowed up by his husband, Bucky used Steve's petite frame to his advantage and slid his hands down to Steve's thighs to lift him. Steve squawked in shock and then laughed against Bucky's mouth at the noise he made. As he wrapped his legs around Bucky's waist, Bucky pulled back from the kiss. Tenderly brushing Steve's hair from his face while he caressed over his cheek.

"God, you're gorgeous," Bucky quietly complimented.

Resting his forehead against Bucky's, Steve shook his head and said, "You should look in a mirror sometime."

Affectionately, Bucky hooked his finger under Steve's chin as he guided his face up. Nuzzling his nose along the column of Steve's neck; sensually scenting him. When Bucky started pressing open-mouthed kisses to Steve's soft skin, he teased him by scraping his teeth along the sensitive scent glands.

Gasping, Steve's eyes rolled into the back of his head. Then, he requested, "Mate me. Please."

Bucky drew back. Moving Steve's head until the blond was looking at him. With brows arched high on his forehead, and his mouth agape, Bucky just stared at him. And Steve's heart started to race as he quickly backpedaled, "Unless that's not what you want. Then, we don't have to do tha–"

Wrapping his hand around the back of Steve's neck, Bucky kissed him. Using Steve's surprised squeak to lick into his mouth. Melting in the passion coming from his husband, Steve tangled his fingers tighter in his hair. They had removed their kippahs in the car ride over, so Steve didn't have to worry about knocking it off. And speaking of off, Steve started untying the black bowtie around Bucky's neck.

When Bucky started pulling away from the kiss, Steve chased after those addictive lips. Not done with them quite yet. Even as Bucky told Steve, "I don't want you to think that we have to mate. Just because that's what some other couples do, doesn't mean that it's something that we have to do. Especially not after everything you've been through."

"I want to," Steve softly confessed, "I've never felt this way with anyone else. Bucky, you're it for me. But if we don't, that doesn't mean that I won't want you anymore, because I'll always want you. It's always been you."

Tears started to build in Bucky's eyes, "I'm not going anywhere. I just want you to want this because you want this."

"Hey," Steve feigned offense as he tugged on Bucky's hair, earning a groan from the alpha. "When have you ever known me to do something because someone else wanted me to?"

"Well, any time our son wants something," Bucky playfully pursed his lips.

Narrowing his eyes, Steve argued, "That doesn't could because you're the same with him."

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now