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Crouching down, so he was eye-level with Oliver, Steve tenderly asked, "What's wrong? Bebe said you weren't eating."

Tiredly, Oliver was rubbing his red eyes. Steve wiped his tear stained cheeks while Oliver explained, "Sauce yucky!"

Brows furrowed, Steve stood. Looking down at Oliver's plate setting at the kids' table, Steve picked up the small cup with the apricot mustard sauce and reminded, "You liked it when we were making the menu. Remember? We ate all the yummy food?"

"It yucky!" Oliver's cries returned as he reiterated, "Don't wike it!"

"Well," Steve set the cup down to gather his two year old in his arms. Balancing Oliver on his hip, he wiped the tears from his little face and smoothed down his messy hair. Letting the little boy decide as he asked, "Do you want to see if Uncle Gabe has normal mustard?"

Nodding, Oliver said, "Yewwo ! Bir-bird!"

"That's right," Steve encouraged, rubbing the two year old's back. Turning to Winnie, he relayed, "We're gonna find mustard."

"Okay," Winnie nodded. Having the mind to ask the rest of the kids' table, "Does anyone want yellow mustard?"

"Of ketchup," Steve added, looking over his niece's and his new, younger extended relatives.

When he got a few nods, Steve left for the kitchen. Grateful for his brother-in-law owning the brewery. Also grateful that he got along with his in-laws. Especially when he cautiously entered the kitchen and found the man, himself, working on one of the plates.

Noticing the snot covered toddler, he asked, "What's going on here?"

"You wouldn't happen to have ketchup and yellow mustard, would you?" Steve hesitantly asked.

Smiling, Gabe entered further into the kitchen. While he was gone, Steve made sure to stand off to the side, out of the way, as he pulled out a tissue and cleaned the toddler's face. Wanting him to be his usual happy self, Steve made it seem like an adventure.

Encouraging his son's curiosity, Steve asked, "What're they doin'?"

"Cookin'," Oliver sniffled, his mood lifting.

Steve nodded, "What're they cookin'?"

Oliver leaned forward to get a better look, even though they were almost on the other side of the kitchen. Steve tightened his grasp, so Oliver didn't fall. When he settled on Steve's hip again, Oliver's face scrunched in disgust, "Gel-wee fish."

Chuckling, Steve corrected, "Gefilte fish."

Soon enough, Gabe was returning with ketchup and mustard. The same kind that he had at home. As he handed one of them to Oliver, Steve thanked him. As he exited the kitchen, Steve bumped into Bucky.

A toothy swoon-worthy grin crossed his face as he greeted, "I was wondering where you ran off to."

"Little guy didn't like the sauce for the bagel dog bites," Steve clarified. Feeling a little dizzy, he passed Oliver to Bucky.

"You alright?" Bucky asked, bouncing Oliver on his hip. Being the good alpha he was by trying to make sure that both his men were happy.

Steve nodded, "Just need to sit down. Maybe eat something."

Bucky nodded and kissed him as he took the ketchup from Steve. He encouraged his husband, "You relax and I'll take care of Squirt."

"Okay," Steve agreed, standing on his tiptoes to kiss his husband. His husband, Steve couldn't help but grin at that and up at the man himself.

I'll Call You Mine: Green Series 3 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now