past hurts

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Third pov
Y/n sat on the swing and read. Then y/n how her arm and said "i will make everyone who messed with mw pay for everthing". Y/n got up and touch her arm. Y/n ran to the tree and the take off her. Y/n look and saw the man whole tortured her. Y/n invited him inside and they sat outside in the garden. The old man look at y/n beauty. He grabs y/n hand and said "miss L/n i can help you get more maids and butlers if you need any". Y/n hand her hand and said "no i don't need any". He said bring it now". Y/n saw a boy about her age. Y/n walks and took off his bag over his head. Y/n look shocked and saw her old friend. Y/n grab her gun and said "Let him go Now!!(points gun with tears). The old man didn't and y/n shot him in the shoulder. Y/n didn't care anymore and killed the old man. (Y/n grab the keys and unchain the boy and hugged him). Y/n said B/n its you your alive". (The boys said" Y/n is it you". Y/n said "you have changed alot b/n". The boys hugged y/n and said "your alive and safe". Y/n called her butler and said " fix him up". Y/n went to her swing and sat there and said "he is alive and safe now". Y/n look up and saw her father. He father said "y/n i wanted to ask something"? Y/n nod and said "go ahead dad". He father said "y/n when will you have kids".( y/n was blushing red). Y/n said "d dad why do you ask that"? Y/n dad said "it's because you need to have a child to make you smile and have a family".
Y/n dad grab y/n hands and said "i think yami will make you happy for sure and plus you and him look in love". Y/n said "dad i don't know"? B/n came out and ran to y/n and bow and grab y/n hand. He said "i will serve you my new miss". (Kisses y/n hand). Y/n dad grab y/n and said "Don't boy". Y/n dad left and y/n sat on the swing. B/n said "y/n what happened to you after that day". Y/n look at him and said "i was taken by that boy and i was taken by a new family. (Crying). I lived with them until(crying). B/n hugged y/n and y/n hugged him and was crying. I live horrible until i started to school and meet Yami Yugi". B/n grab y/n and said "Yami Yugi he is a Mafia boss. Y/n he is a dangerous man". (Y/n shaked her head). Y/n said "he not he help me and cared for me". B/n grab y/n and said "Y/n you care for him don't you". Y/n said "well of course he help me". B/n pulled y/n and hold her shoulder and said "Y/n get hold of yourself. He just hurt you and you be heartbreaking". Y/n said "He is different and not like other mafia bosses".(y/n pulled away). Y/n said "now leave me alone i need to practice". Y/n saw a tree to her window. Y/n ran to the tree and grab the branch and flip and landed it. Y/n walking into the balcony of her room. Y/n opened the door and walking and closed the door and started to cry. The gang goes inside and they said "show us y/n room". The gang saw y/n sitting on her floor behinden the balcony doors. Y/n said "he is the only person that was there and yugi and the others. Tea is the first girl friend i have had in a long time. Joey and Tristan are the first funny and dumb friends. There is Seto that help me. There's Yami the first guy that help me after everything and the guy i started to trust and love". That gang was shocked that y/n final said it and to herself. Y/n plays music and sat in her room. Y/n opens her balcony and sat there look outside. Y/n sat there looking out. Y/n looks at the gift yami gave her. Y/n said "i meet someone that help me escape that place and help me have friends after so long". The gang look at yami and were all happy the boss has someone in love. Y/n walks to her bathroom and came back looking all different. Y/n had a phone and said "girls ready for a time at the club. The next persons there". The girls said "Yes we see him here". Y/n said "another person that ruined my life. I want to make them pay for everything they did. Y/n had a tattoo on the back of her neck. It had a number. Y/n touch it amd said "those two people so called friends where in all this time. Because the day my parents die they brought me home late and knew my parents where home and no else". Y/n then threw a lamp on the wall. Y/n said "i had to live hell for my step parents and been bullied,harassed by a boy i hate and old man that killed my parents". Y/n put her hands on her chest and said "why can't B/n understand he was never the guy i loved". Y/n opened her old drawer and saw an old dairy. Y/n look at the book. Y/n read a part

"Dear Dairy
Today i just meet a sweet and funny boy at my parents party. He look really cute and really shy. I wish i could meet him again. His hair was funny look like a star. His name was something with a y and that's all i remember. He has a brother too they look same. My mother said to me that i might like him but i meet him when i was 7. I still remember he gave me a stuff dragon and necklace too. If i meet him i will marry him. He was a maifa boss son that's all i remember.

Love Y/n

Y/n look shocked and said "what did i write when i was little this. Y/n goes to her old room. The gang saw on the tv. They see y/n open a box and said "this it ". The gang saw y/n dust the dragon and y/n saw a box with a necklace too but with like yami necklace. Y/n put it on and y/n had a headache. Y/n didn't know where she walked and hit her head on the door when she fell. Everyone yelled y/n and ran to y/n. The gang see if y/n fine. Kirato walks to the photo and said "she finally remember a bit of her past". The gang look at y/n dad kirato. He hands the gang a photo. Yami grabs it and said "it was y/n this whole time". The gang said "yami". Yami gave the photo to the gang and walks to y/n. Tea said is this you yami and yugi with this girl is y/n.

Yami said "yes it is". (Tea,joey,Tristan shocked).
Yami said"i meet y/n when we were kids and i can tell you.

Hey everyone i am back after so long and sorry i haven't update it and i got new ideas. I need a break for good ideas.

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