Chapter One

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The setting sun made rays fall along the creek next to me. I traced the odd shapes and lines with one hand. The moss tickled my fingertips with each light touch. This time of year was always enjoyable. The heat from summer was dying down to a bearable temp and work for winter was already mostly done.

It was during these moments that I felt like I was mostly present. Most of the time I seemed to fly by on auto-pilot. The book that laid in my lap moved a bit and brought my attention back to it. A small grey bird had become brave enough and decided to use it as a perch. I watched as the small thing bounced and moved before taking flight again into the nearby oaks. I glanced back at my page, I tried to read about the plants of this region but my mind ended up wondering.

I was new to this region and had made a new home just outside of a small town that was surrounded by miles of forest and mountains. At a certain point, you would reach hot zones and mining factories. Worlds edge as it is called on the Apex games is a few miles away. It was warned by the townsfolk to stay away from the cooler areas and the arena. I figure it was because of the prowlers and other predatory animals that inhabit this planet. 

I closed my book and slowly stood to my feet. I needed to get started on dinner but needed to get some ingredients from town. It would be about a twenty-minute ride there and I didn't want to be out too late.

I went inside and laid my book on the back of the couch before turning to my shoes that were next to the door. I quickly slipped the plain sandals and headed back out the door. My bag and key were all ready in the rover. a grand thing about living so far away.

I settled into the Hover Rover and turned the key in the ignition. The machine roared to life, I slid the gear shifter into place before pulling around and down my makeshift drive. I didn't bother with the small radio that was in the hover rover. It wouldn't work anyways. I sighed and kept my eyes on the trail before me.

Maybe I would get myself a pet. It was lonely driving by myself with nothing to listen to. I was also getting to the age where i found myself wishing for a lover. Someone to look forward to seeing or maybe it was the thought of someone to take care of. Yeah, Im going to look into a pet. It would help ease my loneliness. 

After what felt like an eternity i had finally made it to the town. Þorp fólksins as the townfolk like to call it. It was close-knit but welcomed outsiders. People traveled here to be close to the games while others came to hunt and trade goods with the people. 

I had found myself looking over a vlog about the hot springs and harsh climate. The pictures of mountains and forests forever covered in snow and ice had drawn my attention. 

I pulled the rover over next to a smaller one and turned off the engine. I took a deep breath before grabbing my bag from the floorboard and shifting it to my shoulder. I opened the door and stepped out into the cool dusk. People were still in the town center selling numerous goods while children ran and played before their mothers called them home for dinner. 

The town seemed to be livelier as I walked into the town center. People were chatting up excitedly within groups while browsing goods. I stopped and looked over canned goods at a shop. I picked up a jar of whole fish and pursed my lips. I sat the jar back down before glancing over rows of blood pudding and smoked liver sausage. I grabbed a basket that was nearby and grabbed a couple of jars of canned fish soup and mixed meat soup. I could have them during the week when i didn't feel like fixing anything to eat. 

I had grabbed some of the meats that were smoked and offered in the market before paying for all of my stuff. I frowned at my coin purse before putting it back into my bag. I would have to find work soon or suffer without the market. 

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