Chapter Three

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I was asleep when knocking woke me from a dreamless sleep. I shifted out of bed and let out a curse as the cool floor bit my feet. I tiptoed through the hall and into the dark living room. Bloodhound was standing in front of the sliding glass door. They knocked on the glass with the back of their hand.

They were dressed much the same as yesterday. The only difference was the colors of their shirt and pants. Their head was still clasped in their gas mask and helmet. I slowly moved to the door and slid it open.

"Do you always sleep with the doors unlocked?" They asked as they lowered their arm.

"I live away from town," I yawned behind my hand and moved away from the door towards the kitchen, I flicked the light on as I passed the switch, "No one visits me either."

Bloodhound entered behind me and slid the door behind him closed as their voice muffled through their mask said, "It is not safe Lítill hlutur*."

"I know," I smiled as I went to work in my kitchen, I sat about getting my kettle from the dish strainer and filling it with water, I set the kettled down on the stove before turning on the heat, I could feel Bloodhound watching my movements "Nothing ever is..."

"You are right," They slowly made their way into the kitchen, Bloodhound stood off to the side as I pulled out a tin can of dried herbs.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked over my shoulder while i set the tin down on the counter before grabbing a cup from the strainer, "I have some herbs from a lady in town. She said she got them from a traveler who came from Solace." 

"I have already drunk tea before coming," They waved as hand in the air, "But you can take your time. I can wait for you."

"Thank you," I murmured as i set a pod of herbs in my cup and turned back to set it on the table, "Would you like to sit? Is Artur with you? I have some sunflower seeds for Artur if he wants them."

Bloodhound nodded and took a seat while folding their hands on the table neatly, "Artur is out...út og í kring*. I probably will not see them until the sun is fully up."

"Well," I smiled and sat at the table across from them, "I haven't seen them since town."

"They have a hard time taking to new people," They shifted their head and the beads on their helmet swayed, "although they seemed to take a liking to you."

"I like birds," I grinned and leaned forward on my hands, "They are free to go where they want when they want. Well, i guess now I'm free too."

"Free too?" They asked softly.

I froze and quickly waved a hand in the air, "It's nothing."

Bloodhound watched me and i was glad when the kettle decided to whistle, I quickly rose from my seat. I moved to the stove and grabbed the kettle before returning to my seat. I poured the water into my cup before returning it to the stove. I sat down at the table and started doctoring my tea.

We sat together, quietly, enjoying the early morning. I yawned before sipping my hot tea, I peered over the rim of my cup at Bloodhound. Who were they? They said they played in the Apex Games which meant they were probably a legend, and if that was true then i was sitting with someone who killed to win. 

What makes them know when to turn off for downtime? Were there people who joined the games able to act so... normal... While back at home? I wondered over my thoughts for a while before they shifted in their seat causing me to snap out of my head.

"Why do you stare so tensely?"

"Oh, Im sorry," I quickly looked away and towards the window, "I was just thinking about you being in the games."

"What is it you want to know?" 

I was shocked as I asked, "You would really tell me?"

"I am not ashamed of my time in the Games,"

"Well then, Why do you participate?"

"I play to gift the all father with my kills and for a friend to be forgiven so he can enter Valhalla, " Bloodhound said as he watched me sip from my cup.

"What if you don't come back? I mean from death that is," 

"If I die it will be because the gods will it,"

I nodded as if I understood and sat my cup down as I whispered, "I wouldn't want you to die and not come back.."

"Why is that, Sæt Kona,*" 

"Well, You are nice and great to talk to," I flushed brightly while tipping my cup to my lips before saying, "I believe you are the first person i could call a friend."

They didn't say anything and I felt fear rise up my gut. What if I accidently rushed our friendship and spooked them?

I sat my cup back down and rose from my seat, "I'm going to get dressed and brush my hair. I'll be back, while i'm busy you can make yourself at home."

They stood as I quickly made my way from the room. I hurried down the hall, too my room, and started getting dressed for the day. I put on a simple flannel, jeans, and a pair of hiking boots. Once I was fully dressed i left my room and headed into the bathroom. I combed my hair before brushing my teeth.

 I finally felt fully awake and the sun was just peering over the mountains when I made it back into the livingroom. I was surprised to find Bloodhound sitting near the window. They were focused outside and as still as a tree. I couldn't even see their chest rise with their breathing. I looked over them as the sun started to beam towards them. Slowly turning their body a golden hue. 

"Come," They turned and headed for the back door, "Let me train you to hunt, my friend."

I felt my face brighten as I followed behind them. 

My friend...


◈Translating Time!◈

Lítill hlutur - Small thing, A
út og í kring - out and around
Sæt - Sweet, sweetie (Only used for a woman you are interested in)
Sæt Kona - Sweet Woman

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