Chapter Eleven

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Evening had come, Fuse, Hound, and I sat together on Hound's bed as we stared at the dark clothing hanging in front of the bathroom door. It was a beautiful dress. Black and simple in design. It was off-shoulder and flowy that would end mid-thigh.

"Im not going," I decided.

"You have to lass," Fuse sighed, "Or i would agree."


"Press, and you being the only civilian brought this year will make it look bad if you didn't,"

Hound, who had been quiet for most of the day, spoke softly, "I think this is all bullshit and a ruse to cause drama before the match."

"I agree," Fuse groaned, "And they let it leak to the news that She was someone's special plus one."

"I dont want to go," I bit at the nail on my thumb.

"If anything goes wrong we will get you out of there," Fuse glanced at Hound, "Right?"

"Yes, We should think of a code to say when you want to leave," Hound turned and looked at me, "Any ideas?"

I froze while being put on the spot, "I dont know..."

"Think of something you would say but not normally," Fuse suggested, "It will be you using it."

"How about 'Houndy'' I suggested.

"Houndy?" Fuse asked, "I always call them that."

"But she doesn't though, She always calls me Hound or BloodHound, it will work perfectly," Hound agreed.

I glanced at the clock in the small kitchenette. It was 5:30, with 6 drawing close. I stood and grabbed the dress.

"I should get ready," I headed to the bathroom.

The others didn't say anything as i closed the door. I dressed quickly, putting on the soft dress while trying to will my fear down. I brushed my hair and fixed it to fit the dress. After a moment of staring at my reflection, i decided to use the makeup kit supplied with the room, i put a very light almost natural look on with eyelined wings to make my eyes brighter.

I felt ready, after another moment of fretting, and turned to reunite with the others. I stepped out barefoot and walked back to the bed. I sat down and started slipping on the strappy heels.

Fuse whistled, "You clean up nice, lass. I almost didn't recognize you."

I glanced at the two and felt heat enter my cheeks. Hound hadn't said anything but their masked face was turned and followed my every movement.

"I figured since the press was there i might as well look good," I sighed, "Hopefully the person picking me up doesn't think im dressing up for them."

"Hopefully," Hound scoffed and crossed their arms.

"It's a minute from 6," Fuse commented.

A knock at the door was sudden but expected.

"Right on time," I murmured and headed to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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