Chapter Two

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Days had passed since meeting Bloodhound in town. Surprisingly I found myself looking at meals and wondering Would they like this? Or small things like what their favorite color was. They seemed to invade my mind while I did task around my house. Did they also clean around their place? I often would shake my head and continue with my task.

I now stood in the forest with my book in one hand and a plant in the other. I kept looking between the two while sitting on the ground with my legs under me. The plant was leafy green berries that looked blue and purple.

"Are you edible?" I asked and huffed out while leaning my head back to look up at the sky.

Would they know if it was edible?

I shook my head, I dropped my gaze to the book again and then back to the plant in question. The plant I was holding looked much like the plant in the book. Its berries were much the same. I feared that eating them would cause me to get sick or worse.

My fear caused me to shift towards my basket that had other herbs. I gathered what I thought was Mountain Avens, a white flower with a yellow center, it was good for inflammation and teas. I also found dandelions which were always good in salads and the roots similar to taste to coffee, It was the only plant in my basket that I was sure about. I also gathered a yellow-flowered plant that I had found a large section of, I figured I could look up the plant later as I sorted.

I glanced at the plant in my hand and pursed my lips. I finally groaned and bent over myself. I screamed in frustration into the mossy ground before laying with my nose touching the cool ground. The sweet smell of the plants and growing moss within the ever damp dirt eased my stress.

A snap of a stick that was out of the normal sounds of the forest brought me up from my spot and looking in the direction. A large slow-moving goat stood looking towards the ground nibbled at the moss. It's pelt green with the same plant it was eating. Its horns twisted along its head looked like the bark of birch that it was slowly moving through. I watched as it disturbed trees as it pressed through. The goat paid no attention to me in my small barry patch.

A gloved hand wrapped around my shoulder causing me to jump and let out a yelp. Another hand wrapped around my mouth as a body pressed into my back just as suddenly. I moaned behind their hand as fear racked up my spine. I tried to turn my head to get a look at the person holding me. The person drew their head closer to me. I stilled waiting on the person to do something.

"Shh, Kona*," BloodHounds muffled voice reached my ears, "We do not want to spook it."

I nod and soon felt their hands move away from my body. Bloodhound moved beside me while resting heavily on one knee. I looked over their mask as they kept their face forward towards the goat. The goggles tinted so darkly that you couldn't see even the shape of their eyes. My gaze shifted to their chest which stored many pockets. I wondered what was in the pockets before shifting back up to look at the mask.

"He should be far enough ve should not worry about spooking him," Bloodhound shifted and they seemed to face me, "Why are you so far in the forest?"

"I was gathering herbs," I held up the plant I was holding.

I could feel their eyes shifting over me. I turned away from them and stared at the plants and moss around me. They shifted and grabbed my basket. I quickly looked at them as they sorted through the plants. 

"You cannot eat Brennisóley*," They took out the yellow-colored blossoms from my basket and tossed them away from us, "Fífill* is edible down to the root. Holtasóley* is good too."

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