Chapter Six

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I awoke to Artur nibbling my ear. I opened my eyes to sunlight sinking in through the pale white curtains. I sat up slowly and Artur bounced across the bed before flapping its wings and landing on the bedpost. My arm was sore and stung as I moved it.

"Good morning Artur," I spoke to the bird, "Thank you for waking me up."

Artur cooed and nibbled under its wing. I watched them a moment before sliding to the edge of the bed slowly. Pain radiated up my wounded arm as I cradled it to my chest. I was breathing hard from the small movement. I looked around the room to keep from focusing on the pain.

A note on the side of the bed caught my eye. The note was yellow parchment held down by a clear cup with some blue and Grey pills inside. Beside it was a large pitcher full of water with a cheesecloth ball in it. I grabbed the note and slipped it out from under the glass. I read the thick writing that littered the page.

Krúttið mitt*
I am sorry I had to leave. The pills shall help with the pain, do take them quickly, and be sure to drink the water.
I shall return soon. Do try not to leave the room. Relax and Heal.


I sat the note down and looked over at Artur who had buried themselves in nibbling the underside of their wing. I figured I should do as bloodhound had asked of me. I smiled as I turned back to the dresser.

I tensed as I leaned over to grab the pitcher. It wasn't as heavy as I had thought it would have been but was still a struggle to lift. I poured my glass quickly. I sat down on the pitcher before taking the pills quickly, To my surprise, the water was lightly sweet with a hint of mint and some other herbs, and quenched my thirst that I had been unaware of.

I then took time to look at the room I was in. It was plain without any pictures or decorations. There was a dresser and a basket full of clothing that was folded. I wasn't surprised to find a fur blanket covering the back of the chair Bloodhound had been using last night to sleep in.

Just as my thoughts ran to last night I felt my face heat up. I had acted like a child! I had demanded for Bloodhound to sleep with me! I groaned as I covered my face with my good arm. How could I face him after last night?

Artur cooed softly and I felt him bounce over to me. He seemed to pur almost as he nibbled at my side.

"I was just remembering last night," I explained as I dropped my arm, "I'm embarrassed, to say the least."

Artur cocked their head to the side and bounced around to my otherside. They then brushed their head into my arm.

I petted their head as they seemed to demand and was amused to find that Artur moved to have my hand hit the right spots.

"If you're saying to not worry and to care about you then I think you won," I chuckled and moved back on the bed to lean against the headboard, "I will admit it was nice feeling someone next to me."

Artur followed my movement and settled into my lap. My (unharmed) hand worked the pin feathers on his head. I was amused to find them puffing up and nudging closer as they enjoyed the attention.

I sighed and leaned back into the soft bed. The medicine finally kicked in making my head feel fuzzy. Arthur noticed the change and jumped to the bedside table.

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