Chapter Five

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I had awoken a couple of times to a strange man stitching up my arm. I remember screeching in agony and falling back unconscious soon after. I also remember being held down by Bloodhound as they murmured into my ear. I felt their lips move against my skin and i briefly thought they didn't have their mask. 

I awoke this time to a dark room with a bathroom open and the light on, casting a soft dim light so I could see. I looked around the room slowly, trying not to move much, as pain would shoot up my arm with even the frailest pressure.  I spotted Bloodhound slumped in a chair next to the bed with their arms crossed over their chest, head down, and breathing deeply. Their face was hidden behind their jacket which was draped over their shoulders.

I blinked a couple of times while I studied what I could see of them. Their hair was was a fair brownish red, braided into intricate design along their scalp, with a few beads woven in. It wasn't like most of the men in town had their hair but it was of the same style.

I decided it was time to try and move as the need to use the restroom was begging to be released. I slowly used my good arm to pull myself up. I sat a moment catching my breath before gradually arranging my legs to the side of the bed. I was surprised to find I was in a button-down shirt. I looked over my bandaged arm to find it wrapped in cotton gauze. I shifted my arm slowly and grunted in pain as I disturbed my wounded arm. 

"Where are you going?"

I looked up from my spot, Bloodhound had moved and was leaning forward in their chair, their golden brown eyes looking me over. The jacket they had dropped across them had fallen to their lap. I noticed they were wearing a tan long sleeve shirt and grey loose-fitting pants. 

My gaze trailed back up.

Their face...

I could see their face clearly now. They had faint scars lining around their face in a spider-like design. Their eyes stared at me with a sad expression, likely waiting for me to react, while staying still. I looked over them more from the top of their hair to their thin lips.

"I glad you saved me," I whispered suddenly


"I'm glad I got to see you again too," I chuckled while cutting them off, I began to tear up, "I don't know why but I was worried."

They moved from their chair silently and sat on the bed next to me. Bloodhound placed a large hand on my back and started rubbing as my small tears turned to sobbing. I was pulled into their arms. I grabbed onto their thin shirt and hid my face as I wept. They held me for a long time as I cried.

"Shush now," They whispered in my ear after a while, "It will be fine, Elskan*."

I slowly stopped crying as they murmured sweet nothings into my ear. I stayed in their arms and listened to their words, unmuffled from their mask. It was light but thick with accent. It was nice to hear it rumble from their chest.

"Where were you trying to go?" They asked after a while.

I sniffed as I pulled back, "I need to use the restroom."

"Let me help you. You may be weak," They stood from the bed, "Plus it will be hard with your arm."

I grimaced as I stood shakily to my feet. They were right, I was shaky, and felt my arm throb as I stood. They walked with me to the pale white bathroom and helped me to the toilet. I was suddenly hyperaware of my body while standing in just a shirt that ended at my thighs.

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