Chapter Ten

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Both bloodhound and I made it to our shared room. They quickly unlocked the door and rushed me inside.

"That damned robot!" Hound huffed and threw their bag on the table against the wall before slipping off their boots and gloves in a quick session that soon followed the duffle bag.

"Yeah, he's an ass it seems," I settled on the big bed and groaned, "Honestly I'm tired from today."

"Travel like that with meetings always tires me out," Hound agreed as they made their way to the window, they glanced out before they shut the curtains tight.

I pulled off my boots and placed them together next to the bed. I slipped off my jacket as Hound caught my eye, I watched as they turned on the light. The room was bland with cream-colored walls and blackout curtains. I froze when I realized there was only one bed.



"There's only one bed,"


"We are two people,"



"It should be fine. Ég geri ekki neitt nema þú viljir mig líka.*"

I rolled my eyes, "You know I can't understand you,"

"I know," they chuckled.

I watched them as they started taking off items. Their helmet, goggles, and gasmask came off swiftly. I stared at them from my spot, leaning forward on one hand under my chin. Their golden brown eyes trailed over to me and had a brief look of surprise before masking it quickly.

"You did your hair differently this time," i commented.

"I went without the beads," Their voice sounded lighter without their mask covering it, "It hurts worse when getting it in the head with them in."

"Who does your hair?"

"Walter, sometimes, myself mostly,"

"Will you do mine?" I asked while a small blush formed across my face.

"of course, Sæt Kona" They answered and their head tilted as they grinned.

I never noticed before now but, their canines were a bit longer while the rest of their teeth were straight and well taken care of, making their grin small and cute. I felt myself blush when i realized we were staring at each other.

"What does that mean? You call me that a lot," i asked suddenly breaking our staring.

They turned quickly and started digging in their bag, "S-Sæt is only used for interesting things" they coughed out, " meaning sweet, or sweetie, and Kona means woman."

"Sweet woman," I whispered, "You think I'm sweet?"

"I think you're a lot of things," They pulled out a pair of boxers and a button-up tan shirt, "Funny, You pick on Fuse and Myself a lot, sweet, your kind-hearted, you also can be mean when you want."

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