Chapter Seven

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A week had passed by in the blink of an eye. I learned a lot about Bloodhound at that time and I'm sure they learned just as much about me. I would often read and wait for Bloodhound to come home from doing their duties as tribe chief. I would listen to them talk about their day as we doctored my arm and after I would watch them cook as i told them about the few things I've done in my life.

Like any other day, i was sitting in the chair near the window of the living room while reading one of the many books bloodhound had. I was covered in the green and brown comforter with the book laid across my lap. I took a sip of tea and sat my cup down.

I lifted my head and watched the door as i heard footfall land on the porch. The door opened and a man that was a whole head taller than bloodhound enter the house and froze when they spotted me. I spotted the automatic arm hang limply at their side as they looked around, paused, then turned swiftly before leaving out the door and returning a second later to then point at me.

"Who the hell are you, lass?" Their accent surprised me and I stared wide-eyed at the man.

"I'm (F/N)," I explained and stammered while trying to stand up quickly, "I-I'm staying with Hound while I heal."

"Houndy?" He chuckled before finally walking to the fridge and opening the squeaky door, He grabbed a bottle and turned back towards me while kicking the door closed, "You must be the newcomer everyone in the village is talking about. You got lots of them folk talking up a storm lass."


"Woah," They mused, "You're even wearing their clothes!"

"I asked them to stop by my place a grab my clothes but they refuse,"

In a few quick steps, the tall dark-haired man was towering over me, "Lass, I will be frank with you, and I can be right, mate?"

I looked up at the man and nodded.

"I'm fuse by the way," he explained and tapped my cheek with the cold steel of his hand, "I need you to not hurt my friend, right ho?"

"W-wait you're fuse?" I gasped

"The one and only," They chuckled and grinned down at me, "A fan?"

"I mean I have watched you in the games but Hound told me about you,"

"Ah, they've told you about us then?"

I nodded and tugged at the bottom of my shirt, "Yeah,"

They eyed me and then patted my shoulder, "Lass, I'm not going to get between you two,"

"W-what? No-"

"I can tell you like 'em," Fuse mused towards me and then fell back on the couch near my chair, "I was the same way."

I sat down in my chair and pulled the blanket back over my lap as I pulled myself to face Fuse, "Do you still like them?"

"oh yeah lass," they hummed and sipped from the bottle.

"Why aren't you two together?" I asked in a small voice, "They never told me."

"I'm sorry lass," He sighed and leaned towards me, "If they didn't say then it's not my place to tell, Ya get?"

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