6. Explain to Seokjin

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"Um... my best friend stayed over, he has dog and yes, it was kind of noisy," Jimin was barely able to speak from anxiety.

"Can you be in the company later today. We need to talk urgently."

"Yes, I... I can be there around 3 pm," Jimin sighed looking at the kitchen clock.

"I'm waiting for you in my office," Seokjin ended the call not so nicely when Jimin felt the panic attack raising again, so he cut the rest of the fruit quickly throwing them into a bowl, discarding the gloves then carrying the snack out and placing it on the carpet.

Jungminie was building a strangely looking construction eagerly when Haneul was observing them from his favorite armchair. Bunny was sitting on the floor holding a lego in his lap, but Jimin was only looking for Jungkook's warmth cuddling to his husband to press his nose to that a little bit softer scent glade.

"You're tense again," Jungkook lifted the shirt to caress over the line of his lower back.

"Seokjin called, he's mad."

"You will come up with something," Jungkook's burning gaze slid down his face stopping on his lips when Jimin's mind emptied. "You can always tell that you have met a lonely alpha last night, invited him over, got drunk on wine then had him make you use a whole vocabulary of cure words and yell like a wild animal," Jungkook lowered his voice so Jungminie couldn't hear them.

"Stop," Jimin hit his chest playfully. "This here is serious."

"You have your needs, so from time to time..." Jungkook was touching over his thighs when Jimin closed his stupid mouth with a long slow kiss.

"Dad! Dad Jimin! Ergh! Don't do those thing again!" Yelled Jungminie so they glued off each other sighing loudly.

"Have you finished Haneul's house?" Asked Jungkook changing his voice to strict.

Jungminie shook his head watching them with big eyes.

"So concentrate on finishing it," Jungkook winked to Jimin who chuckled lying down on the carpet with his head in his husband's lap watching his son struggle with the construction of the roof.

Jungkook was playing with his hair and it became so calm, like he loved it, time passing again towards the meeting with Seokjin, while today he would wish to do nothing, just stay at home and cuddle to his husband.

The office door was right in front of him and Jimin collected all his courage to knock lightly.

"In," his manager's voice raised goosebumps.

"Hi," Jimin blushed slipping inside stopping at a chair.

"Sit down," Seokjin tapped the table top impatiently. "So what has that been?" He asked when Jimin sank on the armchair keeping his gaze low.

"As I have said a friend of mine came over, he has a dog..."

"Stop bullshitting me!" Seokjin's eyes glowed up red, his fist hit the table top.

Jimin suddenly jumped up storming out of the office feeling his breath too short, his whole body in shivers when he was running through the corridor down the stairs into floor 7 to storm the empty practice room where he curled up at a wall.

Minutes long like copper bullets, but the door was opened, rushed steps sounded.

"Jimin. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry, let us talk," Seokjin's voice was clam, he sat down on the floor in some distance to him when Jimin was still trying to breath in properly.

His first ever panic attack happened after the main audition to ballet school, that worst day in his entire life, the voices of all the other candidates and the jury still ringing in his head.

"Jimin... please calm down and let us talk. Is it some case of neurosis, depression or any other condition?" Seokjin was trying to scatter the room in a calming scent, but it wasn't helping a lot so Jimin pressed his palm to his right shoulder trying to feel out the shape of the mating mark underneath the t-shirt and imagine Jungkook's soft lips closing there.

"I have a past trauma I'm still dealing with," he whispered.

"So has it really been your friend there in your house? Have your symptoms worsened?" Seokjin's eyes filled with genuine worry.

Jimin only nodded, it was better that way.

"You should have told me you're not feeling mentally stable enough to do the live. You know you can trust me, I'm not only your manager but also your friend. If anything like that happens again tell me honestly."

Jimin nodded his head again trying to calm down.

"But for this here to work I need you to tell me what is happening with you. I don't want your image or career being ruined when some dirty secrets of your past will come out."

The omega just bit his lip.

"There is no one who would tell anything bad about me," he stuttered.

"I will not ask you about it right now, but I'm expecting you to open up about that past trauma to me. As your company we need to know what we're dealing with."

Their eyes met sending new unpleasant shivers down Jimin's body.

"Are you at last in therapy?" Asked Seokjin.

"No... I... I record videos, speaking to the people who are watching them has helped me to heal so much over the past three years."

"Oh," Seokjin's eyes raised open in realization.

"This makes me understand your phenomena a lot better. Yet, whenever you feel you might need professional help let me know, we will organize the best therapist for you who will keep all discretion."

"Thank you but I'm dealing. That friend of mine, he... helps me a lot," Jimin moved his fingers underneath the t-shirt to trace them over the mating mark.

"What would help you now?"

"I guess I would like to see my friend," he whispered.

"Call him and arrange a meeting I'll drop you off there. You have a day free. Tomorrow we need to discuss outfits and all the details of the dance performance for The Morning Show. They will record it in a famous theatre in LA."

"Ok, thank you for understanding me," Jimin sent his manager an apologetic gaze.

"Call that friend, I'm waiting outside," Seokjin got up leaving the room when Jimin scooped even more into himself shivering madly.

"Call that friend, I'm waiting outside," Seokjin got up leaving the room when Jimin scooped even more into himself shivering madly

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Thank you for all your feedback and support. I hope you liked the chapter? What do you think about Jimin's explaining? Has Jin believed him or will he be suspicious?

Much <3

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