33. Heat crazy

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The phone was ringing so annoyingly Jimin covered his ears groaning loudly

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The phone was ringing so annoyingly Jimin covered his ears groaning loudly.

"It's Seokjin, you better pick that up," Jungkook nudged his arm.

It has been hours of his heat torturing him and his alpha giving him release, or was it a day, Jimin has lost the perception of time completely in that mad lust tearing and pushing in each of his cells.

"I can not speak to him," he whispered grinding himself against the mattress as it was unbearable again.

He had the second damn heat in five years, so it seemed to have come with the power of all the missed ones, but Jungkook pressed the conversation and Seokjin's voice sounded in the bedroom.

"Jimin! Where the hell are you!"

"Ah!" Jimin groaned.

"Answer my question!"

"I'm in my hotel room."

"In your room? What about the schedule?"

"I have my heat," whispered Jimin trying to behave.

There was a silence on the other side.

"What do you mean heat?" Seokjin's voice was filled with worry.

"My damn heat came, I needed to run through the whole city, barely made it into my room without being raped. So I can not leave the room now!" Jimin was rocking his hips over the pillow he has pressed between his legs trying to find salvation but Jungkook caressed his side in a calming manner.

"Are you dealing? Should I deliver some toys to your room, to help," asked Seokjin and Jungkook was trying his best to hold an outburst of laughter but Jimin's cheeks began to burn from embarrassment.

"I'm not alone," he gasped out when Jungkook's eyes became serious.

"What do you mean not alone. Have you invited some random alpha over! What if he will sell that story to the press!"

"He won't, he's ok... and a public person himself," Jimin chuckled caressing down Jungkook's chin for the alpha to kiss the inner side of his hand.

"Is it Min Suga?"

"No," Jimin sighed changing position and trying to hold still against that lustful fever.

"Jimin who is it! I know you're not in a sane state but tell me immediately who it is."

Jimin sighed biting his lip in considering it for a while.

"Jimin! Who is it?" Seokjin was emphasizing each word.

"Jeon Jungkook," he whispered giving in.

There was a total silence on the other side.

"Kidding?" Muttered Seokjin.

"Hi Seokjin, it's Jungkook," the man leaned over the phone. "Don't worry I'm taking care of Jimin, he's in good hands."

"Um... Uh..." there were only unarticulated sounds coming from the other side.

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