14. Ruined me

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"Shush!" Jungkook winked stripping quickly so soon there was just Jimin's oversized pajama shirt between them and he looked hotter than ever with it slipping off his shoulder exposing the rich mating mark

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"Shush!" Jungkook winked stripping quickly so soon there was just Jimin's oversized pajama shirt between them and he looked hotter than ever with it slipping off his shoulder exposing the rich mating mark.

"I have showered before," Jimin was watching him with burning eyes, but Jungkook reached to the tap opening the water stream that was cold at first splashing over them.

Jimin squealed cuddling to his chest both shivering until the water turned to warm, Jimin's shirt sticking to his body uncovering more than he would wish to show.

"Is the water ok?" Asked Jungkook caressing the mess of his omega's wet hair back.

"It's warm," Jimin smiled moving on his tiptoes pouting his delicious lips out so Jungkook melted into their taste.

It was too good the warm flavor, their tangled tongues massaging smoothly how he enjoyed the most his hands traveling up and down Jimin's thighs and butts, spreading shower gel over his sides and back, both losing reality completely touching without stop kissing so deeply.

"Ah, I have been dying for hours to have this again," Jungkook began to waste Jimin's neck, shoulders, the uncovered parts of his upper chest while grinding on him slowly getting ready to suddenly lift his hips and press in.

"Jungkookah! Ah! We shouldn't so often... or so much..." Jimin was begging, tilting his head back squeezing his hair in those small fists.

"You're on birth control pills, I won't come inside you... don't worry, just trust me... let me feel you," Jungkook was stuttering between mad passion rocking his husband up and down the shower wall while cursing on that wet fabric between them instead of Jimin's perfect soft warm skin. "I love you so much, you're my everything," he muttered getting so high on the thrusts it was difficult to speak, difficult to continue kissing. Jimin whimpered arching his back, digging his nails into his shoulders, both getting completely lost on ecstasy of love, riding out higher and deeper until he felt his husband's rapid climax dripping down his body so he rocked harder squeezing his thighs fighting for air, but everything faded in a lightning that filled all his cells with pure fire and salvation.

Jungkook's heartbeat a mess, his body glowing when he was pressing Jimin against the wall trying to get his breath back, slowly pulling out caressing down his man's legs, but a sniff filled the shower cabin.

"Jimin?" Jungkook looked into his husband's pale face. "What?"

Instead of answering Jimin grabbed the shower gel and shower hos rubbing into his opening with trembling fingers and then it hit Jungkook that he has forgotten himself and come inside him.

"Jimin, hey... it's ok, no worries, you're on the pills," whispered Jungkook but Jimin was rubbing even more gel into himself turning the shower stream to strongest trying to clean himself.

"Hey," Jungkook touched his arms but Jimin jumped away.

"How could you," he hissed taking another portion of shower gel, rubbing harshly.

"Jimin, you will hurt yourself," Jungkook stretched his hand out but Jimin only slipped to the edge of the cabin sniffing more.

"Leave me alone," he said.

"I want to help."

"You damn want to ruin my life again! I will not survive losing everything for the second time!" Yelled Jimin when a silence fell.

Jungkook bit his lip his heart beating loudly as what was that supposed to mean.

"When have I ever intended to ruin your life?" He asked in frustration.

Jimin turned from him trembling more.

"So I'm the bad guy, right? Only here to hurt you, right?" He hissed before storming out of the shower grabbing a towel to dry himself quickly as he needed to get the hell out of here as far as possible.

I'm the bad guy who has ruined your life, that's what I am for you, he was yelling in his head getting dressed up quickly tying his dripping hair up then walking down the corridor swiftly.

"Dad?" A soft voice crumbled all hair on his body so he stopped to catch Jungminie's frightened eyes.

"Go to sleep Minie," he muttered stretching his hand out to caress over his son's hair.

"Dad! Where are you going? It's dark," Jungminie shivered.

"I need a walk, go to sleep."

"Take Haneul with you Dad, don't go alone," Jungminie was watching him with big scared eyes.

Jungkook sighed whistling so the Labrador came towards him wiggling his tail happily.

"Haneul will take care of me, sleep," he wanted to break out into tears or scream, or both but he only lifted Jungminie then carried him to his bed to tug his son into the warm duvet. "Goodnight," he muttered kissing the boy's forehead.

"Night Dad, love you," whispered Jungminie cuddling to Bunny.

"I love you too, so, so much, you can't imagine," Jungkook's heart so heavy it could burst when he switched off the light in Jungminie's room then left the house with Haneul tugging himself into a warm jacket.

The night cold outside reminding him of that snowy day when he found out Jimin has almost proceeded with abortion. What if he has had, without even telling him he had been pregnant?

Jungkook's body filled with pins and needles as it could have been one different decision of his husband and he would have never seen Jungminie's face, would never have the opportunity to hold his son, play with him, watch him grow, his eyes filled with tears and he started to jog to release that insane tension.

Would you really give our son's life for a chance to study in ballet school, he thought bitterly. Am I really the bad guy who has ruined your life?

 Am I really the bad guy who has ruined your life?

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Thank you so much for your love. What do you think about the chapter? Jikook's hot time and their argument? What will happen now after Jimin's words?

Much <3

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