36. Forgive dad

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"So you know that he is mated," Suga's voice was sharp when they stopped in an empty changing room

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"So you know that he is mated," Suga's voice was sharp when they stopped in an empty changing room.

Jungkook sighed closing the door firmly, his heart a mess as he should be with Jimin now.

I'm talking to Suga it all will be ok, he said using their mind connection but Jimin stayed quiet, what wasn't a good sign.

"I have made that mating mark so of course I know about it," Jungkook looked at the producer who's face became even more pale.

"Priceless," he muttered sarcastically.

"You don't understand, I met Jimin almost five years ago. I was a student, he was working night shifts as a waiter in a club, was preparing for ballet school auditions. The moment I saw him I knew he is my mate, he knew it too. We started to go out and date, but things went wrong. Jimin ended up pregnant being barely seventeen, he went to the ballet audition in that state, the way the people there bullied and humiliated him he ended up in hospital, almost lost our son. It was a difficult pregnancy for him, he has been traumatized so deeply, is suffering with symptoms until today. You don't get what we've been through together. Each day I'm doing everything to hold him above the edge for us, for our son. Jungmine is four now, he is our sunshine. So please don't ruin Jimin's second chance in life by telling people. He will not survive that and I need him ok. He is my mate, my husband, the love of my life," Jungkook's voice cracked, a tear suddenly rolled down his cheek.

"Hey, it's fine," Suga approached tapping his shoulder in an almost fatherly way. "Damn, and you guys are keeping that all to yourself."

"It was Jimin wish to keep it a secret, he is afraid he would have never made a career if people knew, but it's complicating so many things."

"Man, I'm so sorry I have tried to touch him, if I had the slightest idea, I would have never."

Jungkook nodded, from what he has seen until now Suga was a very decent alpha.

"You should bring him to tell people, so shit like that won't happen again, so all the others know he's yours."

"How?" Jungkook sighed.

"I don't know, you will figure it out. Now go find him, you will tell me the whole story another time and sorry again for touching your mate. Are we good?" Suga stretched his hand out and Jungkook shook it firmly.

"Thanks," he whispered.

"Go," Suga smiled, so he turned running along those corridors to find Jimin curled up behind the same speaker sobbing quietly.

"Jiminie, hey. It's all ok, Suga won't tell anyone," Jungkook crouched down caressing into his omega's soft hair that has become so long lately.

Maybe he missed Jimin's bight blond hair at times, but that dark color was making him look more mature and sexy.

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