51. Not a date

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There was giggling coming from the living room Jungkook heard the moment he left the bedroom, he was just freshly showered wearing sweatpants hoping he will find some inspiration to work on his film project

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There was giggling coming from the living room Jungkook heard the moment he left the bedroom, he was just freshly showered wearing sweatpants hoping he will find some inspiration to work on his film project.

The giggling became louder, so he slipped into the living room to see a heartwarming sight. Jungmine was sitting in Jimin's lap, both watching an episode of Coward the clumsy dragon breaking out into mad laughter.

So precious, his angels. Jungkook chuckled taking the laptop then sinking on the couch beside them.

"How's Coward doing?" He asked.

"Coward has visited a new land and made a friend in a very brave mouse," Jimin winked.

"But BadBella is coming there!" Jungmine squealed, so Jungkook ruffled his hair assuringly, he knew his son was afraid of the bad witch.

"So, what are you working on?" Jimin pointed at the laptop.

"The project I have recorded during our holiday," Jungkook sighed putting the laptop aside, he didn't want Jimin too see much yet.

"I don't think I'm good enough to be your model."

"You're flawless, my favorite person to record, beside this young man here," Jungkook scooped closer to his  husbands caressing over Jungminie's arm.

"Oh no! Bella is there, Coward, BadBella is there!" Jungmine began to squeal jumping up  in Jimin's lap.

"Coward will be fine," Jimin cuddled the baby laughing.

"He's taking that cartoon too personally," Jungkook shook his head.

"But it's his favorite."

Their eyes met when Jungmine was still yelling for Coward to run away faster.

"Kookie, can you reserve tomorrow evening for me?" Jimin caressed down his chest.

"Sure, I'm all yours. What will we do?"

"Let's go to La Vespiane," muttered Jimin naming one of their favorite restaurants.

"Is it a date?" Jungkook leaned in to sniff on his husbands scent glade getting drunk again.

"I wish, but no... I want you and Jungmine to accompany my to my special dinner tomorrow. I will be meeting up with Seokjin."

The moment the sky blue Lamborghini parked in front of La Vespiane restaurant Jimin forgot how to breath from anxiety. He has spent a sleepless night, tossing and turning, waking Jungkook up several times, till his husband proposed a long walk which calmed him down a bit, yet the moment of facing his biggest fear of losing it all again was here.

"Jimin!" Seokjin was dressed up nicely, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi," Jimin found his voice faint watching his manager giving the car key to the parking boy, then sprinting up the stairs.

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