New life New Friends

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Hey everyone Luca here I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Luca Paguro and im 17 years old and I live in a small town on the Italian Riviera. I live with my best friend Giuila and her dad Massimo. I have two secrets that would destroy my life even more than it is. the first one is im gay which doesn't bother me I enjoy it me and Giuila get along well because it we have ice cream dates where we go look at guys. She actually accepted me for who I am which I’ve never had before. The second secret I keep from everyone is I'm a sea monster. Yup that’s right a sea monster I have teal scales and bluish fins. We're really not as scary as everyone things and most of us only eat vegetables. 

Luca was sitting on the park bench across from his house enjoying the summer breeze and the birds. He closed his eyes and listen to the crash of the waves on the beach nearby. Life was perfect in that moment he thought to himself then something snapped him out of his train of thought causing him to look up. He saw a moving truck at the house a few doors down from him. Well it wasn’t a house but a small apartment. He wondered who was moving into the house maybe they could be a friend he smiled then realized he didn’t have many friends because of a secret he held. 

As Luca watched the movers carry in everything he noticed a small green truck pull up. It was strange though because there was a small blue light on the roof. He watched as a younger looking guy got out of the truck in a uniform he looked like a firefighter but he wasn’t sure. The guy stood there and looked around and noticed Luca sitting oh the bench staring at him. 

First day in Portorosso I thought as I pulled up to my new apartment it wasn’t huge but it fit me nicely. There is a beach nearby and a park I can relax in. Im excited about this new adventure I transferred here from Genoa. Im a firefighter and emergency medical technician  and when I saw this opening I couldn’t turn it down. My name is Alberto Scorfano I'm 19 and straight but I had gay and bi friends so I don’t judge people. I also have a secret that could get me killed and so far I’ve managed to hide it from everyone but I'm a sea monster which means I can only swim at night or in my dry suit when I dive so people don’t get suspicious. Unlike most sea monsters I'm a periwinkle color with purple fins. I use to be embarrassed by this but I love my colors now that I'm older. As I parking I noticed a boy sitting in the park across from my apartment he was just looking at me. So I waved and smiled which caused him to look shocked but he smiled and waved back so hard I thought his arm would fall off. This made me chuckle he seemed like a nice guy. I turned around and watched them carrying everything into the apartment life was going great. 

He smiled and waved at me Luca thought he was actually nice or he was so far. He was taller then me I could tell he had brown fluffy hair and tan skin. His smile though was amazing I almost forgot I was staring. I couldn’t tell but his eyes almost looked green which were much more beautiful then my basic brown eyes. After he turned around I sighed he probably hates gays tho so he wouldn’t ever wanna be my friend. Luca I hear someone yelling and I turned around and say Giulia walking towards me waving. She came over and saw me watching the new neighbor. 

Gotta crush their Luca she smirked causing my face to turn bright red. No I don’t have a crush I yelled a little louder then I meant to. I pulled my hands over my mouth hoping nobody heard and I turned around to look and saw him staring at us. He smiled again and my face started burning again. I felt like I was going to pass out I was so embarrassed and I stood up maybe to fast there were black spots in my eyes and I fell down.

Luca!! I heard someone yell and I turned around to see a girl kneeling down beside the boy from the park. I grabbed my medical bag and ran towards him. When I got there this girl with red hair looked up at me with tears in her eyes please help him she cried. Whats his name I asked? Luca he’s 17 ok I smiled. I rolled him over making sure he was still breathing which he was so that’s good. I checked his head and arms making sure he was ok there was a little blood on his forehead from where he hit the ground. Luca I called can you hear me? Luca buddy I need you to open your eyes ok. I put my hand on his chest and did a sternum rub which caused him to jump a little. Im sorry bud but I need you to open your eyes for me please.  I opened his eyes and checked them with my little flashlight and everything seemed normal or so I thought he had dirt in his one eye. I looked at the girl and said I need you to get me a towel or something. She ran to her house and as she did I quickly looked around and took out some water to clean his eye. HE opened his eyes just as I was getting ready to flush his eye. There was a look of fear on his face as the water hit him. His brown eye slowly turned yellow and his pupil turned into a slit. Was the water rand down his face it turned into blue scales. I didn’t even notice water hitting my own hand. He shot up and covered his face.

I slowly opened my eyes to someone calling my name. It was the firefighter. I smiled slightly then I saw the water. Oh no I started to panic he’s going to know and I'm going to get killed. The water hit my face and eye and I could feel myself changing. He looked shocked but nothing more. I sat up can covered my face hoping he would drop it or leave. I felt a hand on my hand and he pulled it away from my face and looked at me and smiled which was weird. He looked around lets get you dried off so nobody see ok bud. B-but aren’t you scared of m-me he stuttered. Na he said we have your kind in Genoa we treat everyone. He smiled at me and helped me up to the bench. 

Ok Luca you have a small cut on your head and I have to clean it ok. This is going to hurt some if you need to cry its ok I smiled he shook his head and I started cleaning his cut. I noticed tears running down his face and I apologized for it hurting. After it was clean I blew on the cut to help dry it before putting a bandaid on it. They're good as new I smiled looking down at him. T-thanks he said smiling. You're welcome bud I said I'm Alberto by the way. He smiled and said I'm Luca but I guess you know that already and laughed. I helped him up and asked if he could point me towards his house so I could help him get home. Softly he smiled and pointed to a house on the corner only two down from me. Alright lets go Luca I wanna make sure you get home safe.

He was walking me home I thought he’s so nice and smells so good his eyes are green there so beautiful. Then I smacked myself mentally no he isn’t gay he just is ok with sea monsters nothing more. Then I panicked what if he tells someone. He noticed the tension and looked at me smiling don’t worry Sirena he said I won’t tell anyone your secret is safe with me. I looked up at him how did you know that work I looked shocked but his expression never changed. He smiled at me and winked. I didn’t know if I should be scared or relieved.

I helped him onto the porch and sat him down on the swing. I reached into my bag and pulled out a few more bandaids and some cream to help his cut heal. Before bed and after you get up put this cream on the cut it will help clean it. If you swim and change after you change back use the cream again I whispered so nobody could hear me. In some towns and cities sea monsters were accepted but I wasn’t sure about here yet and I didn’t want anything to happen to him. He was just to sweet and kind I thought to myself. The red headed girl popped out of the house with paper towels and apologized for it taking so long she couldn’t reach them. Its alright I got him taken care of and smiled. Well I have to go unfortunately but Luca if you every need anything my doors always open. Walking down the steps towards my apartment  I heard a soft voice say “thank you Alberto” anytime Luca I respond.

Luca sat there holding the bandaids and cream smiling. Giulia sat beside him and said ya you have a crush and winked. Without thinking I responded ya he’s just so perfect and he knows. Luca looked at Giulia with a small smile. What do you mean he knows? She asked. He cleaned my eye with water and saw my scales. He knows im a sea monster I whispered so nobody heard. I saw panic spread across her face. She started crying does this mean you have to leave she asked? No he was ok with it he told me they had sea monsters in Genoa and they treat everyone. He said my secret was safe and then called me Sirena which is a term sea monsters use for each other. A puzzled look crossed my face and Giulia noticed. Do you think maybe he’s a sea monster to? She looked at me. No he couldn’t be could he? I asked. He didn’t act shocked and he spoke to me like it was normal.

Well its getting late so unfortunately we have to get ready for bed she said.Luca smiled and looked down and got up walking towards the door. He was really nice to me there’s something about him but I don’t know what it is. I smiled and said Luca its called a crush. You like him don’t you. He weakly smiled and shook his head I hugged him and sent him to bed. He's going to get hurt I thought and hung my head before walking into my room.

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