First Fight

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Two days have passed since we had dinner at Lucas grandparents house and he was still very upset. I tried to help him by telling him it would be ok and that he would always have me. All of a sudden Luca turned to me with hate in his eyes. Look you can't tell me what it's like to lose your family how would you know what it's like to lose everyone you love. I stood there in shock I didn't know what to say. Your family probably loves you no matter what happens you wouldn't know the pain I'm going through. The world doesn't revolve around you Alberto he spat. Tears were running down my cheeks now. He didn't know what my family was like. I stood there letting him scream at me before I snapped.

Your right Luca I scremed. I don't know what it's like to lose a family  I never had one to lose. Once I was old enough to be on my own they left me because I was a freak. I've been alone since I was 9 is that what you wanna hear. They didn't even love me enough to wait till I was 18. He stepped towards me and I pushed him away. You grew up in a Manson me I grew up living on the streets alone hungry and cold. I'm sorry you lost your family Luca I really am. I'm sorry I ruined everything for you. I was stupid to think maybe I could have a family myself but I messed that up to.  W-what do you mean Luca said. I was walking towards the door and looked back. You Luca you were my family and with that I walked out the door.

Alberto he screamed as I walked out. I coukd hear the pain in his voice. Giulia was outside and heard everything she reached for me and I pulled away.  I continued to walk towards the beach and said go to Luca he needs you more then I do. I'm use to being alone. With that I slowly walked into the water slipping beneath the glassy surface.

Luca sat on the floor crying for Alberto to come back. I can't lose you to he screamed. He looked up when he heard the door open only to see Giulia standing there. No isn't the best time he said. I know she said I heard everything. Crying he said I didn't mean to hurt him I didn't know he was alone. It's not your fault Luca you didn't know. He will be back he loves you to much to leave you. Deep down he knew she was right but what if he really was gone. She held him as he cried into her shoulder. The tears slowly stopped and Luca slowly fell asleep.

Alberto sat on a rock just off from the beach thinking about the fight. Luca didn't know you had no family it's not his fault. If he wouldn't have met me everything would be ok he would still have a family. No he said out loud. I love Luca what am I thinking. He is my family which caused him to smile. Slowly swimming towards the surface he went towards the beach. After he dried off he made his way home. It's been a few hours since the fight and he was afraid Luca would still hate him.

Alberto opened the door it was dark in the house. Then he heard Luca. Please Alberto don't leave me. I can't lose you to he cried. Walking around the couch he saw Luca sleeping. Kneeling in front of him he brushed the hair from Lucas face causing him to wake up. Alberto he screamed jumping into Albertos arms. Im so sorry he cried holding on. Berto please forgive me please I don't want you to go. Alberto whispered Luca I'm not going anywhere. I meant what I said when I told you that your my family. There is noway I would ever give that up.

The boys sat on the couch hugging eventually falling asleep in each other's arms. There would be ups and downs in this relationship but the love they had for each other would keep them strong.

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