The Truth Please

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The sun slowly crept through the window hitting Alberto in the face causing him to wake up. As he opened his eyes he sat up in a panic he didn’t remember where he was. Setting up looking around he noticed he was in the tower but who brought him here.  Slowly he looked around the room and saw Luca asleep leaning against the wall shivering. 

Alberto stood up and took the blanket and covered Luca smiling. He sat there and waited for Luca to wake up he knew he owed him the truth. Finally he heard Luca starting to wake up he looked over and both boys made eye contact. Luca looked away afraid Alberto would see the tears in his eyes he heard Alberto sigh. Standing up he made his way over to Luca and sat down beside him. Sitting there in silence Luca finally asked why? What Alberto said looking up? I wanna know why you did it? Luca asked just looking at Alberto his eyes full of pain and anger. Luca I'm sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. I don’t care if you didn’t mean to hurt me. You did hurt me he screamed letting the tears fall from his eyes. 

Looking down feeling broken Alberto whispered Im sorry Luca. I don’t expect you to ever forgive me but I couldn’t live with you being gone I was worried something happened to you. I don’t know why I did that with her but I can tell you it didn’t feel right. When I saw you there in the door and my heart broke. I know that I messed everything up and I know there will never be an us but I just want you to know Im not with her I don’t want her. Luca Looked up and said who do you want then? It sure isn’t me since you’ll fuck anything with legs he spat. Alberto sat there shocked he never heard Luca swear but tears were filling his eyes and he didn’t stop them. Im so sorry Luca and you're wrong? This pissed Luca off and he jumped up walking away from Alberto. What do you mean I'm wrong? One minute you talk like you wanna be with me then you fuck some girl? I mean what am I missing? Don't you understand I love you Alberto I fucking LOVE you he screamed tears falling from his eyes turning his cheeks teal. Luca, Alberto started I didn’t have sex with her. What he said looking up? I never had sex with her. I couldn’t after I saw the hurt in your eyes. For the last two weeks I searched everywhere going to small villages all over asking people and sea monsters if they knew where you were. I took off work to search for you he chocked out. But why Luca asked? Crying Alberto looked up and said because Im in love with you Luca. 

Luca just froze looking at Alberto. Y-you what he said? Luca Im in love with you and only you. I know I lost you because of this but I just wanted you to know that I love you. Look I'm sorry for everything I know I messed but but I just had to tell you. Why did you come looking for me Luca asked? Because I missed you I was so worried something happened to you I couldn’t have lived with myself if something happened to you. Luca you are so special and sweet I know I don’t deserve you. I know words won’t ever heal what I’ve broken and I'm sorry. I know Giulia misses you and I want you to be safe. Look I know you hate me and may never forgive me but I want you to know how truly sorry I am. Alberto stood up and started to walk towards the ladder and looked back at Luca and said you don’t have to worry about me bothering you anymore. Luca looked up at Alberto and said what do you mean? When I get home ill put in a transfer back to Genoa so you don’t have to be reminded of me when you see me. 

Alberto slowly reached for the ladder before feeling a small pair of arms wrap around him. Please don’t leave Luca cried please don’t leave me. Falling to the ground Alberto dropped to his knees and pulled the smaller boy into his arms. Ill never leave you Luca I promise ill never leave you. Luca looked up at Alberto and slowly pulled his face down their lips connecting. In that moment both boys knew that was where they needed to be. Alberto pulled away and looked down at Luca and said I love you I'm sorry it took me so long to see that. Luca smiled and said I love you to before pulling Alberto back into a kiss. 

After a few minutes the boys pulled away. Alberto smiled at Luca and said let's go home. Standing up he held out his hand pulling the smaller boy up to him. Leaning down and kissing his forehead then picking Luca up and slowly climbed down the ladder. When Alberto reached the ground he looked and looked back at Luca confused. So umm how did I get up there exactly? Luca chuckled and said I carried you up. It took awhile and a lot of swearing was involved but I got you from the beach to here he smiled proudly.  Laughing Alberto carried Luca down to the water and slowly slipped beneath the water. 

They swam back to Portorosso both boys felt happy like everything was going to be ok. They didn’t know what the future would hold but they didn’t care all they wanted was to be happy. 

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