Family Trouble

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Its been several months since I’ve asked Luca to be my boyfriend and its been great. We decided we should live together since we were dating and we wee always with each other. Luca knew we still had to tell his family and he was nervous about it which is understandable since we didn’t know how they would react. After weeks of trying and planning he finally asked his family if we could all have a family dinner. 

As we drove to Lucas family home he was nervous. He sat there shaking the whole ride I tried holding his hand to relax him but it didn’t work. Luca, are you alright you seem so scared? Luca smiled and said I am scared what if they don’t love me or they try to make me leave you? Smiling back at him I said i'll never leave you and they can’t force you to leave plus why wouldn’t they love you?

(The boys neared the house but neither one would expect what was going to happen. That night would change their lives forever. Can there love survive it or will it crumble leaving both heartbroken and alone?)

Pulling up to His grandparents house Luca started to panic about what was going to happen. When should we tell them before dinner or after dinner? Luca don’t over think it I'm going to be here with you if they get mad we just leave ok? Leaning over I kiss his cheek which calms him down. Walking around the truck I open his door and we walk towards the house. 

Luca pushed the door bell and we were immediately answered by a maid that welcomed us and took our jackets. She then took us towards a family dining room. I whispered Luca this house is beautiful he chuckled and said ya his grandparents were rather wealthy and since he grew up with them he was use to this type of life. Alberto looked down and asked if you had all this and your choice of anyone to be with why me? I can’t give you this life I wish I could but with my job its not possible. Before I could say anything else he stopped me and said I would give this all up for you. I don’t care about money and this life isn’t me. You're my life Berto never forget that ok. Alberto smiled and said ok bug lets go meet your grandparents  

Dinner went by fast I can’t even pronounce half the food we ate and there was so much. After dinner we made our way to another room where tea was set up. Now I knew where Luca got his obsession with tea causing him to smile. As everyone sat down and tea was poured they started talking and asking questions the biggest was who was I and why was I there with Luca? After telling them the story of how we met and how I kept his secret they understood we had a close friendship. His grandmother looked at me and said are you like him? Excuse me I said what do you mean like him? A sea monster  she asked almost sounding disgusted. I asked what’s wrong with sea monsters and she told me the story about how his mother was married to one and he hid it form here till Luca was born. I shook my head and said yes Im just like Luca I stuck my hand into my glass of water and they watched my fingers turn into a purple scaled hand. Pulling it and drying off I sat there and told them about my work and how many of us there are in Portorosso which they seem shocked. Without thinking Luca grabbed my hand and squeezed it causing me to smile and squeeze back.

The room seemed to go silent and I watched his face turn blank as he remembered his grandparents were there to. Slowly he looked towards then still holding my hand. His grandfather stood and said what is the meaning of this Luca? Why are you holding another mans hand? ANSWER me he screamed causing Luca to jump towards me. I wrapped my arm around him without thinking I instantly went into protective mode. Standing up pulling him behind me I was still taller than his grandfather. Luca I said are you ok? He shook his head and spoke grandparents Alberto isn’t my best friend he is my boyfriend. Shocked his grandfather stepped back looking at us disgusted. Before I could say anything his grandmother was screaming to get out we were no longer welcome in their home. I pulled Luca into a hug and picked him up and started walking towards the door he was already crying then his Grandfather said that 6 letter word that send shivers down my spine. Turning around I started growling slowly feeling myself turning into my sea monster form out of anger. What did you call us I screamed which shocked them. Luca was full on crying at this point which I hated to see. How dare you treat him this way all he’s done is love you and now because of who he loves you call him a faggot what the fuck is wrong with you. Luca begged me to leave between cries. I turned and headed towards the door letting them scream at me all they wanted I had Luca cover his ears.

As we walked out it was raining causing us to both change into our sea monster form. Before reaching the truck I saw red and blue lights coming up the drive. I turned to see his grandmother smiling like she had won. Get out of this fish fag she screamed as the cop walked up two us. He looked and me and said Alberto is that you? I turned and looked to see a officer that I’ve been on many calls with. His wife was also a EMT with my station he knew us explaining everything to him and he said I heard her call you a fish fag he said looking down the hurt on his face. He was also a sea monster. I put Luca in the truck and we walked towards the house. His grandparents started yelling again all kinds of sluts which made the Police officer very upset. Taking off his cap he slowly turned into a sea monster shocking Lucas grandparents. Look he yelled you need to stop that shit now he growled I know these boys and there amazing young men. They saved a little boy and now you treat them like this because of who they love. You're disgusting he screamed. Turning to me he said get Luca him he needs you now. Turning to the truck we drove off. 

During the ride Luca cried looking out the window. It broke my heart seeing him like that. I pulled over and pulled him onto my lap and held him close. Im so sorry Luca I said I didn’t mean for it to go like that. He whispered I feel like I’ve lost everything but yet I’ve gained everything. I looked down into his brown eyes and said Luca your home is with me I will always love you and keep you safe. Its going to be ok I promise. He smiled and nodded. Putting him back into his seat I held his hand as we drove towards home. As time passed I heard soft snoring from his side. I looked over and smiled  saying I love you Luca.

Luca thought he lost his family that night one to realize just because your blood doesn't make you family. Alberto was his family now and he loved that. Everything would be ok as long as they had each other.

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