The Mistake

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There will be light smut in this chapter.

It's been about a week since Luca and Alberto had their talk. Alberto was still confused and hadn’t reached out to Luca since whenever he asked Alberto just said he was working extra shifts so he could avoid Luca. Giulia notice that Luca had been acting different over the last week but when asked he never talked to her. Luca slowly climbed the steps to his second floor bedroom sighing as he reached his door. Deep down Luca thought maybe Alberto did like him and that something would happen between them. However over the last week Alberto has been avoiding him but why?

L: Hey Berto you ok?

A: Ya im ok just working a lot 

L: Oh im sorry for bothering you. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out later?

A: sorry Luca can’t tonight im working late

L: oh that’s fine sorry

Alberto looked down at his phone feeling bad that he’s been avoiding Luca. Locking the screen he slid the phone into his pocket and walked into the restaurant. Waiting for him by the door was a short blond from school. Hey Alberto she yelled waving at him. Smiling he looked at her before walking over to her. Hey Erica how are you he smiled taking her hand as they walked to their table. Over the next hour they talked about school and work sometimes about silly things.

As dinner ended Alberto asked Erica if she wanted to go back to his house and watch tv or something not really wanting to be alone. Smiling she agreed to follow him back to his apartment. That decision would come to haunt him later and for years to come.

Luca was laying in bed when he heard a door close than another. Slowly getting up from his bed he walked to his window and looked out to see Alberto and a girl walking towards his apartment. Confused Luca looked at the time seeing it was only 10:30 and Alberto was supposed to be at work right? Pulling out his phone he Texted Alberto…

L: Hey what’s up?

A: Not much you?

L: Same bored are you home yet?

A: No im still at work unfortunately 

L: oh I just miss you is all :(

A: im sorry Luca

Luca looked down at his phone and started to cry. Giuila heard him crying and knocked on his door Luca are you ok? No he cried out as she opened the door looking in to see him on the floor crying. Whats wrong pesce ragazzo she asked? I thought I told you to stop calling me that Luca looked at her. You did but your my fish boy so deal with it she laughed causing Luca to smile some. Luca looked back down at his phone and held it up to show her. As she read the texts she looked at him and said he’s just at work Luca that’s all. Tears started to fall again and he looked at her and said he’s home I watched him walk in with a girl. Oh Luca she said pulling him into a hug. Im so sorry I wish there was something I could do. It's alright Giulia I'm tired I'm going to bed now he said smiling at her. Alright she said smiling goodnight Luca.

Getting up Giuila helped Luca into bed before walking out and closing the door. Damn you Alberto she whispered under her breath pulling out her phone.

G: Wtf is wrong with you????????

A: What do you mean?

G: You lied to Luca, Like wtf he’s crying because of you.

A: I told him I was at work

G: But yet he watched you walk into your apartment with some girl?

A: He saw that?


A: Im sorry I didn’t know

G: Stay away from him you hear me. You're not the person we thought you were.

A: Let me explain please.

G: Go to hell 

Alberto looked down at his phone and sighed he knew he messed up. Hopefully he can talk to them tomorrow before work. He looked up seeing Erica walk back into the living room he smiled. She sat on the couch beside him slowly rubbing her hand up and down his thigh. Smiling he looked at her before picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom.


Alberto put her on the bed and slowly crawled up towards her. She laughed and pulled him into a kiss. He froze but then kissed back feeling something was off that it didn’t feel right. Pulling him on top of her she slowly took off his shirt to reveal his chest and toned stomach. Her fingers traced down his chest driving him nuts she rolled him over climbing on top she removed her shirt and bra he looked up at her not knowing what he was feeling. This didn’t feel like it was before this felt wrong. Alberto smiled and looked up at her so she continued to tease him causing him to moan. 

Luca woke up and decided he was going to talk to Alberto. He wanted to know why he lied if he didn’t want him why not just say that. Slowly making his way to Albertos he opened the door which wasn’t locked. Walking in he noticed the door to the bedroom was slightly closed. He pushed it open seeing Alberto and this girl on top of him. What was she doing to my Alberto? Shocked he stood there and gasped before slapping his hand to his mouth. Luca? Alberto sat up looking at the door seeing him standing there. Before he could say anything Luca turned and ran out the door tears filling his eyes. He had his answer Alberto would never be with him. He ran towards the beach splashing into the water turning into his sea monster form. Turning around he saw Alberto running towards him Luca please wait he cried. Goodbye Alberto was all Luca said before disappearing beneath the waves.

Alberto was in shock when he heard the gasp. Looking up stood Luca with hurt across his face. Before he could say anything Luca ran out the door. Pushing Erica off him he sprinted towards the door and out into the street. He saw Luca heading for the beach and tried to catch up to him. He needed to explain everything he needed to apologize. Hearing a splash he saw the younger boy standing there in his sea monster form god he’s beautiful he thought. Luca he screamed please wait. All he heard was Luca say goodbye as he slipped beneath the waves.  Alberto jumped in the water and looked around for Luca swimming frantically. Alberto was crying now wishing he could find him. Slowly he swam back to the beach. Crawling out he screamed for Luca but there was no answer. Then he heard the noise of feet running on the road getting closer to him he looked up and saw Giulia.

Alberto she screamed what’s wrong where’s Luca. She saw him crying as he looked up and said I messed up. After telling her the whole store she looked at him and asked how stupid are you? Didn’t you see how much he liked you? Alberto looked at her and said softly I liked him to I made the biggest mistake of my life and now he’s gone. Alberto hung his head and cried wishing he could see Luca to explain to him to tell him that he loved him. 

What will the future hold for the two boys. Destin to be together but yet two broken hearts. Is this something that can be fixed? Is there a chance for them to finally be happy? Only time will tell but for now this remains the Biggest Mistake. 

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