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Alberto was pacing back and forth in his living room waiting for Luca to come by. He had texted him this morning before he got off work to stop when he was free so they could talk. It's been two weeks since both boys had talked about their feelings. Alberto was still afraid and unsure of what he wanted in his life. He knew Luca was sweet and caring and something about him made Alberto melt. He sat down on the couch and sighed, closing his eyes.

Luca was excited to see what was going to happen. He knew Alberto wasn't gay but then why would he be ok with seeing what could happen? Slowly Luca started to panic what if he wanted to talk and say nothing was going to happen? What if he didn't want to be friends anymore? Luca slowly started crying knowing this would probably be the end of a friendship even. Reaching the steps, he slowly walked onto the porch.

Alberto was still sitting on the couch with his eyes closed when the doorbell rang. Alberto jumped with the sudden noise. Making his way over to the door, he let out a soft sigh and opened it. They're right before Alberto was Luca he looked up crying. What's wrong Luca? Alberto asked Before reaching out and pulling him into a hug. Luca didn't care he held on to Alberto and buried his face into his chest and started to cry harder. Luca, it's ok what happened? I'm here now you're safe I promise. Alberto, Luca stuttered? Yes, I'm here. Luca looked up with tears in his eyes and said are you going to leave me? Alberto looked down at Luca and smiled wiping his tears away making his fingers turn purple. No, I'm not going to leave you Luca I'm just confused right now. 

Luca, Alberto said let's sit so we can talk more alright? Luca nodded and made his way towards the couch. Sitting down he brought his knees up to his chest and held them resting his head on his knees. Alberto sat down on the opposite side of the couch and looked at Luca. Alberto sighed and looked at Luca. Luca, I want to see what happens with us with this being all new to me I'm not sure what to do. 

Luca sighed and said it's alright I understand looking down at the floor. I guess my biggest fear was that you would hate me or not want to be my friend anymore. Luca, Alberto said I will always be your friend I promised I wasn't going anywhere. Alberto smiled at Luca his hand slowly reaching over and rubbing Lucas's hand. Alberto, Luca looked up at him Smiling Alberto looked into Luca's eyes yes he said take as much time as you need ill be here ok. Smiling Alberto shook his head and hugged Luca. Looking down Luca sighed and started to get up knowing he had to go home. They slowly made their way to the front door both not wanting the other to go. Luca reached for the door and said i'll see you later Alberto. 

With that Luca slowly walked towards his house unaware of what was going to happen. Alberto stood there watching Luca walk towards his house he couldn't help but notice how broken he looked. Closing the door Alberto sighed and went into his room completely confused and not sure what he wanted. Both boys went to bed early that night one confused and the other crying himself to sleep with the fear of knowing he would never be with Alberto.

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