Secrets Revealed

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A few days have gone by since I moved here. Work was amazing the people here are so nice its surprising I'm glad I came here I sighed. I sat on my porch watching out over the park and noticed Luca sitting by a tree reading a book. For some reason seeing him made me smile and my cheeks blush. I know he was worried about be telling his secret it made me sad to him such a sweet person having to hide a secret like that. 

Luca leaned against the tree and closed his eyes. Other than Giulia he didn’t have any friends and he was always getting picked on. Mostly because his size or the way he dressed someone even brought up how much he smelled like salt water. He sighed before going back to reading he loved to learn about the stars he could watch the sky for hours. Before looking back down at his book he looked over my way and smiled. I waived when I saw Luca staring at me you could see his face go red when he saw me wave but he waved back. 

I got up from my chair and slowly made my way over to him quickly waling across the blacktop road since it was hot and I was barefoot. Hot Hot Hot I said louder then normal as I walked across it. Luca looked up and watched me act like I was dying from the hot pavement. Laughing he yelled you should have shoes on. I smiled and said I don’t wear them unless I half to smiling. I slowly made my way over to him and asked if I could sit beside him. Slowly nodding his head yes. I smiled and said thank you. I leaned back against the tree and closed my eyes the wind felt nice and I was enjoying it. I slowly started to think about Lucas teal scales and I thought maybe I should tell him so he doesn't feel alone. Sitting up I looked at him. Luca? Y-yes he responded. Do you know anywhere to swim? Its hot out and id love to swim its been awhile. He smiled and said ya but he couldn’t go till later. Can you show me we can sit on the beach or something just talk if you want. Luca shook his head ok and we got up and started walking.

Luca looked nervous as we walked toward the beach. We stopped at the beach and I looked at Alberto and said this is one of the best beaches in Portorosso looking up at me smiling. Its beautiful I said the water looks perfect. Luca would you like to go swimming with me I asked smiling. A look of fear crossed his face. Look I know your a sea monster it doesn't bother me I smiled looking at him. When I took off my shirt I could see him blush and hide his face behind his hands. For some reason I took his hand and took off running towards the water. Luca was yelling no I can’t someone could see me. Splash

Pulling Luca under I swam to where I thought we would be safe and I disappeared behind a rock. Alberto? Luca yelled. Panic started to cross his face what if something happened to him. Luca a voice called out to him. Panicked Luca looked around and saw a periwinkle colored sea monster with beautiful green eyes. A-Alberto is that you he asked softly? Yes I guess now you know why I wasn’t afraid of you. His eyes just looked up and down your scales there beautiful I’ve never seen a periwinkle color sea monster before. The compliment made me smile for some reason. We saw around for what felt like hours. After crawling out of the water and drying off we sat there and looked at the stars.

Luca someone yelled. Down here he yelled back. The little red headed girl came walking down the beach and stopped when she saw me sitting there beside Luca. Hi im Giulia she said sticking out her hand. Alberto I smiled back shaking her hand. So what were you two doing she asked plopping herself down in the sand. Luca smiled and said we went swimming. A shocked look crossed her face you went swimming? Did anyone see you? She looked at me and said Alberto you can’t tell anyone about him please she started crying. Giulia, alberto said im not going to tell anyone his secret is safe with me I said smiling. Luca looked at me and said she likes sea monsters its ok. Giulia looked confused as Luca stood up and took my hand. I looked down at his small hand holding mine and smiled. Come on Giuila he said. Getting up we all made our way to the water he smiled at me and for some reason it melted my heart. He jumped in and came up with teal and blue scales all over his head. Cute I thought before smacking myself mentally.  I jumped in and came up with my periwinkle and purple scales showing. Smiling I looked at Luca at that moment I felt completely at peace. Looking towards Giulia surprise I said smiling. You're a sea monster to she asked? Ya last time I checked I was laughing and smiling. We saw for awhile before getting out and drying off and making our way home. Luca and I exchanged numbers so we could text. Thanks Luca said For what I asked? For showing me I wasn’t alone its been awhile since I’ve seen anyone like me. Your welcome Luca I smiled now you better get inside its getting late. He smiled and ran up the steps and into the house. 

He made me laugh. He so happy I said out loud I wish I could be like that. Alberto someone said scaring me. I jumped some turning around seeing Giulia standing there. You scared me I laughed rubbing my neck. Luca likes you she said he trusts you please don’t hurt him. What do you mean don’t hurt him. She looked down and said he’s not like us. What do you mean Giulia I looked confused who would hurt him he’s so sweet and kind. There are things about him you don’t know. I smiled and said if and when he wants to tell me he can. Im not going to hurt him I just found out that I'm not alone anymore there are more like me. Looking down I’ve been alone for so long I whispered. She looked confused what do you mean alone? I never knew any other Sirena and when I helped Luca and saw his scales I thought I'm not alone anymore I just didn’t know how to tell him. She smiled and said well you're not alone now. Thanks I smiled back. 

Giulia walked up her steps and into her house. Luca was sitting on the couch smiling. He looked up at me and said can you believe it another sea monster here maybe we can be friends he smiled. Luca, she sighed what about your other secret? Oh he looked down I could see tears running down his face. He will hate me when he finds out won’t he? Im not sure Luca he seems different. She sat down beside him and he leaned on her shoulder and cried slowly falling asleep.

Alberto made his way home he was happy he met Luca. He had a friend that was like him. But what Giulia said kept repeating in his mind. What did she mean by there are things about him? Was he going to be ok? Alberto sighed and climbed the three steps to his apartment and went inside. Beep his phone chimed. Luca he smiled Thanks for today and thank you for trusting me with your secret i’m glad I'm not alone now. Alberto replied Your welcome Luca its nice to have someone I can trust and I'm happy to not be alone anymore. And if you want your always welcome to come hangout I don’t mind. Lucas phone beeped and he looked down. Alberto texted back he said shocked. He read the text out loud so Giulia could hear. D-do you think he could like me he asked looking up at her. Oh Luca she said I'm not sure. You're a sweet boy but I don’t wanna see you hurt. He looked down again and sighed you're right nobody could love me Im different and people hate that. He got up and walked up the steps to his bedroom. I heard him close his door and I could hear him crying. 

A few days went by and Alberto hasn’t heard from Luca which seemed weird. He walked outside and saw Luca by his tree with his noise in a book. Alberto looked at his watch and made his was towards Luca. He had time before his shift started. Luca, Alberto called which startled Luca. He looked up and saw Alberto standing there in his uniform and he blushed god he’s so hot Luca thought. Alberto noticed and smiled kneeling down he looked at Luca and asked did I do something wrong? Lucas eyes went wide and confusion crossed his face. W-What d-do you mean? Well you haven’t texted me in a few days and I thought I upset you or something. He looked down and almost looked sad. Alberto, Luca said touching his hand I'm sorry I didn’t text you. Looking down Luca started to cry which Alberto noticed. Luca you can tell me anything what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Because I'm afraid you’ll hate me if you knew the real me. Luca I don’t hate anyone like I told you when we first met remember? He sniffed and said ya I remember. If you want to tell me you can if not I won’t push it. Luca looked up at me and said Alberto Im gay. I sat there not saying anything before I could say anything Luca was up and running across the street into his house. I got up and slowly walked towards my truck and went to work.

After my shift was over I texted Luca. Can we talk please? I didn’t get anything back. He must hate me I thought but why do I care I'm not gay. But this is Luca he’s different right? I parked my truck and walked towards my apartment. Why did Luca make me feel like this?

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