Chapter 1

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Narrator POV:
At the Valhalla where all gods are done of mankind because the war, the mess, anything that gods were tired of the humans. Somewhere in dark alley there were three cloak figures, two small figures and one tall figure. They listen to the gods complaining and put up the 'x' sign vote to sent out apocalypse to the human.

"Ready big sis?" Two small figures said same time. The tall figure nod their head as they walk through the alley. Zeus about to slam the hammer, "HOLD IT!" The gods look at three figures. "Mind your business!" "Go away!" Two crows said from Odin's shoulders. "With all due respect fellas I had an objection, how about a fight of Ragnarok." The tall cloak figure said. The gods murmured of how joke they said. "So, you all thinking I'm joking? I'm not. But how about this, your all afraid to beat the human is it?"

The gods were angry beyond belief. The tall cloak figure spoke "Zeus got anything to say?" The old man think for a moment and spoke "Alright, I accept this request." He slam the hammer.

The three cloak figures walk back in the dark alley, they remove their hoodies reveal their true face. They had same h/c hair and s/c skin. They heard sound of heel behind them, they stop their footsteps "That was impressive you spoke to them, I was about to go up to them but you.... are interesting demigod....huh Y/n?" Bruhidle said. They turn around facing two Valkyries.

Göll stood behind her eldest sister shake in fear staring at three of them. "No problem, it's our job to save humankind to give them life because history must continue." Y/n said. "Follow me, I had an idea." Y/n and her twin brothers follow the Valkyries heading to Brunhilde office

"Big sis how we able to stop the gods I mean they're strong. What are we going to do?" Goll ask worry tone. "Not to worry, I had a better idea to stop the gods." Brunhilde open a portal, inside the portal was the Valkyrie sisters.

"Our sisters" "They will help us to defeat the god." Brunhilde said. "Brunhilde" she turn around facing at Y/n "Let me go in first round." She was wide in shock what Y/n said. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I won't let the gods win because it's my job to keep the world safe from harms way." Brunhilde hum and said "May I ask why?"

Y/n and her twins move their bangs away that was covering their eyes. Göll and Brunhilde were shock what they saw. Three of them had golden eye from left and the other had e/c eye. "We're half god and half human. Our mother is human and our father is a god of shadow. Our father had golden eye and our mother had e/c eye." They cover their eyes back on. Brunhilde mouth turn into a grin "Alright, be ready because we have 10 minutes til the fight, I'll let you use-" "I don't need your Valkyries."

Y/n summon large sword "I can summon any weapons by using my powers." Brunhilde hum nod her head. "Are you sure you can do this? Some of the gods are tough to handle them." "She'll be fine, she had some trick under her sleeve." The twins spoke.

"What do you mean?" Göll ask. The twins smirk made Göll shiver up her spine. "You'll see" they said in dark tone. Brunhilde bring her phone out see who is the opponent in first around. She walk up toward Y/n held the phone front of her face. Y/n read the message. Thor is her opponent in first round. "Interesting, so I had to fight the god of thunder. This will be fun. Time to get ready."

Y/n exit out office room "We'll see you in arena!" Her twins shout out to her wishing their big sister a good luck.

Brunhilde, Göll and the twins see the gods and mankind are here in arena shouted out with excitement and cheers. "Well this is interesting." The voice came from inside the alley by the Valkyries and the twins. Adam bite out the apple, Jack watch the view with calm look on his face, Kojiro sat on the stone stairs waiting for the arena to start.

Y/n POV:
I stretch my body to warm them up before going up to the arena. I hear the sound of gods and humans cheering out loud. I heard Heimdall begin to the announce which mean the fight is ready to begin. I hear the sound of thunder from outside, seems Thor has arrived. Well, time to get going. I put on my hood back on walk in dark alley heading outside.

I step in the arena hear all the cheers from the humans. Heimdall walk toward me "Excuse me, I need your name and anything about you. If that's okay." I whisper to his ear. After I finish told him he was shock his body turn pale and started to shake "Your...t-the d-d-daughter of..." I nod my head.

His skin turn back to his color started to announce, "THOR OPPONENT IS THIS LADY WHO IS HALF HUMAN AND HALF GOD! SHE DECIDED TO FIGHT AND JOIN OF HUMANITY! THIS PERSON IS GODDESS OF DARKNESS AND LIFE! THE FIRST DAUGHTER OF M/N AND F/N! AND THIS GODDESS IS THE MOST TERRIFYING YOU SEEN! ITS Y/N!!!" I notice the gods were shaking of fear. I can tell they're scared that I'm the daughter of my father who is the most terrifying god in history because he's the strongest. He never gave up a fight, never show mercy, and he's very violence.

I look at the gods, when they see me they froze in place not looking at me with a glance as they sweat a little because they fear me. I look back at my opponent Thor. He glare at me tighten his mjolnir. I summon two large swords went to fight stance. We stare each other waiting for Heimdall giving us the cue.


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