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After earning the Marsh badge, our heroes travelled their way to Lavender Town.

"Why do you want to stop at Lavender Town?" Brock asked.

"Well I wanted to say 'hello' to an old friend that lives here." ash replied.

"Hey isn't Lavender Town where Ghost Pokémon are found also?" Brock asked.

Alain nodded, "Yeah it is."

Mairin froze, "Ghost..."

When the gang reached Lavender Town, it seem a bit spooky especially with the quiet sound and a deep mist was rolling in.

"Hey ash nee chan does Lavender Town usually look like this?" Mairin asked, she was spooked out of the fog.

"To be honest, it does it quite misty here, I been here a couple of time with our aunt cynthai , but usually the mist only rolls in at night time." ash answered, "Something doesn't feel right."

[Break Scene]

ash lead, Alain, Mairin and Brock to their friend house.

ash's old friend was a boy, four years older than her; named Ken.

Ken has dark brown hair and dark green eyes, he wore a simple plain dark red shirt with black shorts with a pair of black sneakers.

"Hiya Ken!" ash greeted.

"Well well, if it isn't 'ketchup', and I see pikachu as well." Ken greeted back with a hug from ash

"Pika! (Hello!)" pikachu smiled.

ash introduced Alain, Mairin and Brock to Ken.

"Nice to meet you all." Ken said.

"Hey Ken, what's with all the mist outside? Isn't it a bit too early for the mist to start rolling in?" ash asked.

Ken sighs, "Your right mew, it is early, since the mists only starts rolling when its almost night." He said, "But I think I know what's going on." He got up and headed to the door, "Follow me, I'll show you."

The gang got up and followed Ken.

 [Break Scene] 

As the gang followed Ken, he lead them to a tower that looked like a monster.

"Ah, this is Lavender Tower, if I remember most Ghost Pokémon lives here." ash said.

"Yes and this is the place is the source of where the mist is coming from." Ken revealed.

"What? Why is that?" Alain asked, curious.

Ken sighs, "I'll tell you. The truth is a ghost seems to be haunting the place." He replied.

"A ghost?!" Mairin yelped, because it was a real one from the tone of his voice.

"Oh man." brock said.

"Please explain why?" ash almost begged, she can't deal with real ghost, if its a Ghost Pokémon she can handle.

Ken laughed a bit, he knows ash is bad with ghost, "You see a few months ago, some Team Rocket grunts came here to take all the Pokémon from this tower." He explained.

"Did they manage to succeed?" Brock asked.

"Good news is that they didn't." Ken answered, then his face turned sad, "But the bad news is that they actually killed two Pokémon."

"WHAT!!" The gang exclaimed, horrified.

"Whose the Pokémons they kill?" Alain asked.

"Its a pair of Chandelure." Ken answered, "They sacrifice their life to get rid of Team Rocket grunts."

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