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"Welcome! To the next round of the Semi-finals in the Kalos League. And let's meet our trainers who made it this far! Trainers please enter!"

Alain arrived at the platform with his arms crossed.

A girl around 13's, she has light blue hair that is tied in low pigtails braids, dark eyes and wearing a white shirt with a red and black jacket over the top, black skirt with white socked and a pair of black shoes. She has red pin Key Stone attached to her front jacket flaps.

"Now our first battlefield is..."

"A grassland!"

The judge stepped on the Grass field, "Trainers, please send out your first Pokémon!" He ordered

"Musharna, lets go!" Hikari sent out the drowsing Pokémon.

"Mush Musharna~~" It floated.

"Scizor, go!" Alain sent out pincer Pokémon.

"Scizor Sciz." The pincer Pokémon said, snapping his claws, ready to battle.

• • • • •

"Wow, what a cute Pokémon." Mairin eyed the drowsing Pokémon with interest in her eyes.

ash took out her Pokédex and scanned the drowsing Pokémon.

[Musharna, the Drowsing Pokémon. The mist from its forehead takes the form of things present in the dreams it has eaten.

Note: Dream Mist seeps out of the mark on Musharna's forehead, this mist has various colours depending on what kind of dreams Musharna has eaten; it is most often dark pink.

Second Note: Shapes and forms of the dreams Musharna has eaten can appear in the mist as well.]

• • • • •

"We have Musharna VS Scizor! Musharna has a disadvantage against Scizor, we'll see folks."

The raised both arms in the air, "Let the match begin!" He announced.

"Scizor use Agility and then Bullet Punch." Alain commanded.

Scizor disappeared from his standing stop and reappeared behind the drowsing Pokémon fast, one of Scizor's claws glows light blue and he punched Musharna repeatedly with his claws.

"Mush Musharna!" The drowsing Pokémon cried out in pain but still floating.

Hikari eyes widen, "Fast. Musharna, Charge Beam!" She said.

Musharna fires a yellow beam towards the pincer Pokémon.

"Dodge it and X-Scissor." Scizor dodged the Charge Beam and then both his claws glowed light blue, he crossed his arms in an X and then strikes the drowsing Pokémon. "Again." He strikes once more, sending the Pokémon crashing to the ground.

"Musharna!" Hikari exclaimed out, worriedly.

As the dust began to clear, revealing a unconscious swirling eyes, Musharna.

"Musharna is unable to battle! Scizor wins!" The judge announced.

"And Scizor takes the first match with speed!"

The crowd cheered.

Hikari recalled back her Pokémon, "Thanks. We were at a disadvantage." She said.

"Hikari Aoi, please call out your next Pokémon." The judge ordered.

"Togekiss." Hikari sent out the jubilee Pokémon.

"Toge~ Togekiss~~" It said, as it flew down.

• • • • •

"Cute!~" Mairin squealed.

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