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Our heroes has been thought a lot before arriving in Celadon City.

First; They find themselves walking a path that continues along the side of a sheer cliff. Apparently it was this time of the year were Butterfree's are celebrating their season of love so they can find there mate.

ash released her Butterfree to get the opportunity of finding or getting a mate.

But they weren't alone, a Pokémon Poacher was in the area also, the poacher discovered he'll gain a lot of money for capturing and selling the Butterfree and he found out that it was a perfect time of the year.

ash's Butterfree never really was bothered till his trainer told him, just give it a try and he agreed.

After wondering around for a while, he saw two male Butterfree ganging up on a PINK? Butterfree, apparently the Pink Butterfree wasn't interested in them and refuse, but they refuse to listen and was about to attack when ash's Butterfree came and defended both Butterfree's attack.

And so after defeating two male Butterfree, he talked to the Pink Butterfree for a while before saying his goodbye and heading back to his trainer.

The Pink Butterfree didn't want the Butterfree that saved her to leave yet, she was actually starting to like him, so she decide she want to meet his trainer.

Which ash's Butterfree was confused but didn't stop her, so he lead her to Yuna and the others who are relaxing and looking after their Pokémon.

The gang looked surprised to see a Pink Butterfree and apparently they found out that the Butterfree was taking a liking to ash's one. Which the Pink Butterfree blushed about and started to fidgeting with her paws.

Everything was going great, when a NET came out of nowhere and captured all the Butterfree!

Two more net came out and tried to capture ash's and the Pink Butterfree but ash's one use Steel Wing to cut the net before it could capture them both.

The Poacher revealed himself as a Butterfree Catcher; who captures and sell Butterfree.

Lucky the Poacher was talking, he didn't notice that mairin was calling Officer Jenny and explaining the situation to her.

The gang fight back with their Pokémon and it wasn't long all the Butterfree's were all free from the net. All the Butterfree used String Shot at the Poacher to hold him down.

Soon Officer Jenny arrived and thank them, this Poacher was one of the people she was looking for ever, since the season of Butterfree Mates almost arrived.

ash's Butterfree didn't want to leave his trainer and the Pink Butterfree didn't want to leave with ash one. They both talked to each other for a while; they both decide to mate at Professor Oak's Lab.

ash agreed and sent back Butterfree back to Professor Oak's Lab and warned him about the Butterfree's reason. Not to approach them for a couple of days.

Professor Oak was trilled and excited seeing a Pink Butterfree and he agreed to wait, till their mating days were over. He was still studying about Misteon and gathering information on the Pokémon.

[Break Scene]

Second; On their way to Celadon City, the gang decide to take a rest and have a short break.

And they weren't alone, when a Mankey came out of nowhere and sniffed the rice ball in mairin's hand, it took it and ate it.

mairin pouted, not that she'll admit it, that her food was stolen by a pig monkey Pokémon. Then Mairin thought the Pokémon was cute. Soon it was time to leave, but apparently Mankey didn't want mairin to go and he stole her favorite hat.

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