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---- [Break Scene] ----

After crossing the Grassland, our heroes find themselves in the Safari Zone or is it?

Mairin looked around, "Wow, is this the Safari Zone?" She asked.

ash shook her head, "No, this place isn't the Safari Zone." She pulled out her PokéNav Plus and pushed some buttons till she found what she was looking for, "Here." She show the rest of the gang.

Mairin blinked, "Let's see."

"Oh, this is a Pokémon Reserve area." Brock read, "Catching wild Pokémon is forbidden here."

Alain nodded, "That's not all, we need to find the Ranger Station. I've read that the Rangers here gets upset, whenever humans like us enter here." He explained.

"That makes sense. If someone wondered into your backyard without permission, it's annoying and upsetting." mairin nodded.

"It is." A female voice said from behind the gang.

The gang turned around seeing an Officer Jenny with a rifle in her hand and she was wearing a Chansey hat.

"I'm Ranger Jenny and I'm glad to know that you know this area is forbidden for catching Pokémon." Ranger Jenny smiled. "Follow me, I'll take you all to the Station."

---- [Break Scene] ----

They arrived at the Ranger Station.

There was a huge map on screen.

"This map helps me watch over the Pokémon Reserve, when Poachers or trainers enter the area, a red dot light will appear on here." Ranger Jenny explain.

Just then a boy around Mairin age entered the Station, holding a Growlithe. He has spiky medium blue hair and black eyes, he also some sort of birthmark on both his cheeks,

"I'm here Ranger Jenny." The boy said and notice the gang, "Your not all poachers, are you?

Ranger Jenny shook her head, "Don't worry Tomo, they're not." She said, "This is ash, Alain and his little sister Mairin and finally Brock. Everyone this is Tommy who I call Tomo for short."

"Nice to meet you." The gang greeted.

Tomo nodded, shyly back.

While Tomo began playing with Growlithe, he was curious of Chespie, never seen their kind before.

"Well, I've taken care of Tomo ever since he was a baby. You see, his parents were looking at the area seems like they were exploring in their helicopter, but..." Ranger Jenny expression became sad, "Something when wrong with the helicopter and it crashed into one of the tall trees, I immediately went to the area and managed to get Tomo and his parents out before the helicopter exploded." She sighs, "Tomo's parents were critically injured from the crash and was immediately taken to the hospital. Good news is that they are alive, but ever since that day to this day, they are in a coma."

The gang looked sad, hearing how young Tomo was close to losing his parents.

Suddenly a red radar dot light appeared on the map, blinking.

Ranger Jenny became alarmed, "Poachers are here. I must leave at once." She said, getting up from her seat.

"Wait." mairin called out.

"Can we come? We want to help you." ash said.

Ranger Jenny nodded, "Of course, hop in." She said.

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