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Our heroes are in for a surprise at this small town Pokémon Centre.

The gang were resting in the Pokémon Centre, while Nurse Joy is looking after their Pokémon and giving Mairin's Pokémon Egg a check up.

ash was on the phone with Professor Oak.

#"Hello ash , I can see that you are doing wonderful on your journey."# Professor Oak smiled. #"How is Takato?"#

"Yes I am and he is doing great. How is all my Pokémon doing?" ash asked.

"Ah, all of them are doing just great and I'm impress on the amount of Pokémon you caught from other regions and rare colour ones."# Professor Oak answered, #"Everyone is training greatly, helping each other learning new attacks and combinations that you taught your Pokémon."#

"Ah." ash nodded.

#"Anyway tell Alain that his Pokémon are here as well, training along side yours. Augustine agreed to to let Alain's and Mairin's Pokémon be sent here."# Professor Oak explained.


#"Great, now I have to go. There are a lot of paperwork to get through. Bye."# Professor Oak said before ending the call.

---- [Break Scene] ----

After getting their Pokémon back from Nurse Joy the gang were now inside a restaurant talking about the Pokémon Egg.

Mairin happily hugged her Pokémon Egg, "Wah~ I can't wait for you to hatch." She said.

Takato took a sip of orange juice, "Hai hai. But what Pokémon do you think is going to hatch from it?" He asked.

ash hummed, she already knows what Pokémon it is because of the pattern.

"Who knows." Brock replied.

"We wouldn't have to wait this long. Nurse Joy said that the Egg is hatching today." Alain said.

"I know! I can't wait." Mairin smiled.

---- [Break Scene] ----

They left the restaurant and were about to continue on when, two woman appeared dressed up like olden time girls and both were holding a basket filled with egg and the eggs looks similar to Mairin's Pokémon Egg.

But unknown to the gang that's its Team Rocket who are disguised as Egg Sellers.

"Hello everybody." One woman greeted, with red hair.

"Good day." Second woman greeted, with short blue hair.

"We're Egg Sellers and we were wondering if you were interested in buying our eggs." The red haired woman said.

"No thank you." ash declines.

"Yeah, we already have a Pokémon Egg." Takato added.

But that didn't stop Team Rocket plans of stealing the Pokémon Egg, "Plan B!" They threw the fake eggs at the gang.

"Hey!" The gang tried not to get hit by the fake eggs.

And what they didn't notice was a certain scratch cat Pokémon, swipe the Pokémon Egg from Mairin's arm.

When the fake eggs stopped flying at them.

"AH!" Mairin cried out, in alarm when she notice that her Egg was missing, "My Pokémon Egg isn't here!"

"Ches!" Chespie gasped.

"What?!" Takato shouted.

"But how?" Brock asked.

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