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Last time, ash caught the young Lapras after rescuing him from three male trainers who was abusing him.

Now our heroes plus Volkner sets out for the Orange Islands for ash's and Alain's qualifications for the Orange League.

"LAPPP!" Lapras said.

"Wohoo! This is great." Takato cheered.

"Yeah." Mairin agreed.

ash smiled.

Alain and Volkner were riding on Alain's Shiny Gyarados, seeing how they won't all fit on Lapras.

"Pikapi!" Light smiled.

Takato frowned as his stomach was getting hungry, "I'm getting hungry." He said.

Mairin frowned, "Now that you mention it, so am I." She said.

ash looked at the map on her PokéNav Plus, of the Orange Islands, "Good news. There is an island known as Mikan Island not to far from here and to best thing, there is an Orange Crew who lives there as well." She smiled.

"Really that's great." Both kids cheered.

"Big brother!" Mairin started.

"Volkner!" Takato continued.

"Yes." Alain and Volkner said.

"Mikan Island is ahead and," Mairin said.

"There is an Orange Crew there," Takato said.

"So, it's a full speed ahead!" Both kids finished.

The three oldest sweat dropped.

"Lapras, lets go." ash said.

"Gyarados, you too." Alain said.

"Lapp!" Lapras speed up towards an Island.

"Grrr." Gyarados followed behind the transport Pokémon.

---- [Break Scene] ----

When the gang arrived at the Pokémon Centre, ash and Alain had both their Pokémon's check up and got some to eat before heading to the Mikan Island Gym.

"I have a question. What is the Mikan Island Gym Leader like?" Mairin asked, as they all headed to the Gym.

"Well, according the PokéNav, it's says that the Mikan Island Gym Leader is one of the toughest member in the Orange Crew." ash read out. "Sounds interesting..."

"True." Alain agreed.

They continued to walk along a path lined with palm trees, which led to and from the beach and there was a building in sight.

"There it is, the Mikan Gym." ash said.

Suddenly Takato and Mairin saw a coconut on the ground by the road, "Hey, it's a coconut!" They yelled in surprise.

"Wow." Mairin said.

Volkner notice something was wrong with this situation, "Takato, Mairin don't pick that up yet." He said.

Both kids blinked, "Huh?"

Alain pointed to the string attached to the coconut and then traced it all the way to the top of a palm tree that had a bucket there.

"Yikes!" Takato yelped.

"Seems like someone is trying to pull a prank." ash commented, amused and had a glint in her eyes.

"Nee-chan, whats up with that smile?" Takato said, nervously.

"Nothing~~" Yuna sang, "Light, if you would."

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