Chapter 11

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The first stop on the actual world tour was Dublin, Ireland. But before they would leave England, Louis had a radio interview scheduled. He actually had a couple of interviews booked along the road on his tour. Most of them were radio ones, but some were actual tv-interviews. And for the first time, Harry didn't mind Louis being all busy - because this time he would play a big part of it too. Not only was he supposed to take pictures during the shows and behind the scenes of them, he was also supposed to take pictures during interviews. And it surely felt so much better following around with a camera, capturing and experiencing everything together with Louis than working in a restaurant and constantly waiting for a text back. Although they would still keep their actual relationship undercover. No one in band, let alone anyone in the management could find out about them being romantically and sexually involved. It was their secret, and the only ones knowing were the guards.

Louis walked in first, followed by Paul and Harry and they got followed by another guard. Outside the radio studio-building there had already gathered up fans that were screaming for Louis as he walked by. One of the guards belonging to the radio station lead the way through the building and to the room where a man and a woman held their radio show. Since Louis weren't supposed to go on until after the break, they stayed outside waiting.

As the commercial break in the radio program came along, both of the interviewers let Louis along with Harry and Paul inside the studio. Louis sat down on a chair by the table of system. They chatted a bit before the woman welcomed the listeners back to their show.

"Hello peopleee! As I assume you guys already know - we've got company in the studio right now." The woman said meanwhile Louis looked around smiling, trying not to look too much in Harry's direction.
"Oh yes, we do. Mr. Louis Tomlinson - welcome! How are you?" The guy continued.
"Hello, hello! I'm really good thanks, how are you guys?"
"Really good", the female answered. And the guy;
"So much better when you're here, haha!"
"Oh yeah? Lovely, hahaha", Louis responded.
"Before we go on, I just want to clearify that if you listeners hear some clicking - it's nothing wrong with your speakers or headphones. It's just Louis' new photographer taking some behind the scenes pictures for his instagram, haha!", the guy explained while peeking over at Harry who held the camera in front of half his face. Harry showed a small smile.
"Hello.", Harry said shyly. Unsure of whether he should speak or not, but he wanted to be polite.

As the interview was over Louis stayed chatting with the interviewers meanwhile Harry stepped out of the booth and waited outside, looking through the pictures he had taken

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As the interview was over Louis stayed chatting with the interviewers meanwhile Harry stepped out of the booth and waited outside, looking through the pictures he had taken.

After a while Louis and Paul came out as well and the three of them got escorted out of the building and into a black van that would drive them to the hotel, where the others were and the bus.

Louis and Harry sat next to each other in the backseat. As the windows were tinted Harry felt safe enough to lean his head on Louis' shoulder and close his eyes. Louis peeked fondly at him and kissed his head to which a smile started creeping on Harry's face.


Later that evening Louis and the band along with guards and Harry went out to a pub to have a late dinner. Since it was a Wednesday evening there weren't many people out which only made it easier. They all sat down along a big table. Louis along with Paul and two members of the band on one side, Harry along with another guard and the other two band members on the opposite side. Louis and Harry sat right across from each other. They all seemed to have a good time, even the guards. They had a mix of foods, between some fancier burger to steak and most of them were drinking beer. As the alcohol level in their blood raised, their voices became louder and some of them had trouble pronouncing words from time to time. Laughter and shouted conversations filled the pub making some of the other customers having a look in the direction of the bigger group of boys in their early/middle twenties. For once Harry enjoyed the moment fully without being on his duty. He was not much of a drinker but had one or two beers to his food. He noticed that Louis on the other hand had more than a couple but he seemed to be very much present still. Once they had finished eating they stayed there chatting for a good time. Harry smiled and looked at Louis not caring if he was caught staring. Especially since from time to time he felt Louis' foot either laying alongside his own or it even being slightly wrapped around the back of his ankles as his longer legs pretty much reached over to Louis' legs under the table. And he knew for sure that it was Louis since each time he felt a touch from underneath the table Louis would either give him a look with his blue piercing eyes, a wink when someone else was talking knowing the focus wasn't on him or a small smirk creeping on his face. 

As they got ready to leave Louis and Harry managed to sneak out before the others. Some of them used the restroom inside the pub while others sat around longer waiting for the check to be paid. Louis excused himself to go out for a smoke before they headed to the hotel and Harry politely followed him out for company. Finally it was just the two of them as they went out through the backdoor which the chef had guided them to. Louis lit up his cigarette and inhaled his first blow meanwhile Harry stood leaning on the wall next to the door, looking and scanning Louis. The way he fixed his hair from falling in his eyes as he lit it up, how he held the cigarette between his index and middle finger, how his cheeks got hollow as he breathed in the smoke and the way his lips parted as he let it out. Harry bit gently on his bottom lip watching Louis. He did not like smokers or the idea of smoking, but damn, Louis managed to make everything hot. Even smoking. Louis breathed out some smoke and turned his head to Harry who was staring at him. Louis smirked and walked closer even though he already stood next to him with a maximum of 30 cm between his heel and the tip of Harry's shoes. Louis turned around to face Harry completely and stood in front of him meanwhile Harry was still leaning on the dark brick wall, with only a small outdoor lamp lighting up the door next to them and the side of their faces. Since they knew it was only them there Louis didn't even bother looking around to make sure of it before he let his free hand on the wall, next to Harry, for support and to make sure Harry wouldn't escape. Even though they both knew there was not a single chance that Harry would even let the thought of escape enter his mind. 

"Hello sexy.", Louis said with a smirk and breathed in some more of his cigarette while keeping his eyes on Harry's face. And despite the bad lighting he caught a glimts of red appearing on Harry's cheeks. 

"Hello hottie.", Harry answered and licked his lips which made Louis' smirk wider. 

"How are you babyboy? Had a good time tonight?"

"I'm good and yes I did. What about you?"

"Oh so good, baby! And I love how you are getting along with everybody. This is going to be the best fucking tour, I'm telling ya! Me and the boys is gonna be fire on stage and you, you and me are going to be fire in the sheets." 

Harry giggled and bit his bottom lip. Louis was clearly on the edge between drunk and tipsy. But he surely wasn't wrong. Knowing that whether Harry decided to sleep in the bus with Louis or get a hotel room, he knew he would spend every single night with Louis. After a long day of work, with preparations and the actual concert - some days had interviews - he knew that the tension that built up by not being able to be touchy or flirty with Louis would most likely end up in the sexual direction as the night came along. 

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