Chapter 17

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Harry_Styles: The city of love - Paris

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Harry_Styles: The city of love - Paris. It was nice. Même derrière les coins...🤫


Nialler: Ooooh, city of loooove with Louis, huh?😉

Hazza: Oh, come on. I'm working!😛

Nialler: Working, right. With Louis, or is he the one working with you?😉😏

Hazza: Ni!

Nialler: Hahaha.🤣 As if you two can stay away from each other. Especially you, you obsessive little boy.😉

Hazza: Hey! I can control myself!🤨

Nialler: Oh? So where is Louis at right now?🤔

Hazza: I have no idea, honestly...

Hazza: I have no idea, honestly

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Nialler: Sup Louis! 🤪

Louis looked at the conversation Harry was showing him on his phone and chuckled. He shook his head and Harry giggled.


"Tell him I said hi, obsessive little boy.", Louis teased making Harry huff as he started typing it down on his phone.

The boys were back on the bus and on the road to the next location. Everyone was sitting in the dining area, chatting and having a good time. Harry put his phone away after briefly texting with his mother and Gemma in their little family groupchat. It was quite late and this night everyone was sleeping on the bus since they drove during the night. Which meant that Louis and Harry wouldn't sleep together.

As the time passed, one after one decided to get to bed. Eventually it was just Louis, Harry and Maxwell in the dining area. Louis sat in the corner of the couch with his legs up on the couch. At the end of the couch, almost by Louis' feet, sat Maxwell and Harry sat on the shorter end next to Louis. Even though Harry wanted to stay until it was just him and Louis to get some intimacy, he felt his eyes almost closing as he was sitting up. He yawned big with a small squeak at the end causing both Louis and Maxwell to look in his direction and chuckle.

"I think I'm gonna go and sleep.", Harry finally said while fighting back another yawn. Before any of them opened their mouths, Harry got up from his seat rubbing his eye. Louis smiled for himself and looked fondly at his little baby.

"Alright, sleep tight.", Maxwell said while leaning his arms on top of the backrest of the couch.

"Goodnight.", Louis said with a smile.

"You too. Goodnight.", Harry mumbled and smiled with his eyes barely open. He looked at Maxwell then at Louis and slowly walked behind the curtain into the bunkbed-area.

Louis followed Harry with his eyes and smiled fondly without noticing himself. Once Harry was gone he turned his head back to Maxwell whom had adjusted the way he was sitting. He had turned himself towards Louis, with only one of his arms resting on the backrest and held up his chin on his fist. He smirked and looked at Louis nodding which made Louis confused. Louis looked around and chuckled.

"What?", Louis asked and took a sip from his glass of water standing on the table in front of where he had his legs stretched out.

"Anything going on there?", Maxwell asked with a smirk and moved his gaze quickly to the curtain then back to Louis.

"Me and Harry?" Louis swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to act surprised and confused. "No? What makes you think that?", Louis chuckled nervously and licked his lips.

"Come on!", Maxwell exclaimed but almost in a whisper knowing the others slept. "If any of us would've called you a diva for example, you wouldn't chase us around half of Paris and disappear in a corner."

Louis felt his cheeks blushing up and looked around in the bus before he cleared his throat and sat up properly.

"Getting quite late, innit? Maybe should go to sleep too."

Maxwell gasped and moved closer in excitement. Louis chuckled and looked at Maxwell.

"For how long?!", Maxwell whispered and looked around to make sure no one of the others had came up or woken up.

Louis sighed and smiled for himself, tilting his head back before he looked at Maxwell once again.

"Stays between us?", Louis asked to make sure which Maxwell nodded to.

"Of course, mate. Before he got the job?"

"November.", Louis said and quickly cleared his throat to cover it up and looked at Maxwell who smiled like an idiot before he once again gasped. Maxwell chuckled and shook his head.

"Explains why there was never really any other, uh, 'competitors' when you were getting a private cameraman following you on tour. Couldn't be without him for that long, hmm?"

"Just a perfectly, yet weird, coincidence.", Louis said with a tone of confident in his voice. Maxwell only rolled his eyes.

"Such a bad liar."

Even though it was in the middle of the night, Maxwell wanted to know the story and since Louis wasn't sure of when he'd be alone with Maxwell like this again because of the fact that other's always were around - he decided to tell him the story. From how they met through Eleanor and Gemma, took pictures together and fell in love.

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