Chapter 34

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Harry came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist after hearing the hotel room door closing. As he walked over to the bed he saw Louis sitting on the opposite side of where they slept in only a towel as well with a tray full of fruits, some pancakes with syrup and berries as well as two cups and two glasses. The glasses filled with some juice and the cups filled with coffee. Louis looked up seeing the boy with wet hair that he had pushed backwards and a small white towel covering his crotch coming closer in the corner of his eye. Louis smiled causing Harry to smile as he slowly walked over. 

"Shower good?", Louis asked while he adjusted the position he was sitting in, to make place for Harry to sit on his lap. Harry nodded his head and smiled as he sat down in Louis' lap sideways, wrapping one of his arms around Louis' bare shoulders. "And does this look good?"

"It looks amazing, daddy.", Harry said shyly as he smiled and licked his lips before his cheeks blushed up as he caught Louis looking directly at him as if he was waiting for Harry to notice him. 

"Perfect.", Louis smiled as he reached over to a slice of watermelon and took a bite after feeding Harry some. 


By the time Louis and Harry came back to the tourbus a couple of hours before the show, they met the rest of the band along with Paul waiting for them. At least Tim and Maxwell.  

"About time, isn't it?", Tim said which caused Louis and Harry to look at each other before they looked at the boys standing in front of them. 

"What?", Louis asked and showed an innocent smile as they were clearly annoyed with him being gone for so long. 

"Where's your phone?", Maxwell asked as Louis helped Harry up the stairs to get inside the bus. "And the heck have you done to that poor boy?"

"Uhm, I don't know. I forgot it somewhere. Why?", Louis began as he started to look around through the things he had left in the bus before checking into the hotel. Louis chuckled and looked at Maxwell. "You don't even wanna know, mate." 

Harry was clearly in pain as he couldn't walk properly. He struggled as he sat down on one of the couches, intentionally leaning more on one of his thighs rather than his bum. Louis picked up his phone from underneath the pillow in his bunkbed and cursed under his breath. 

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry.", Louis exclaimed seeing an uncountable number of missed calls and texts messages from his manager, Maxwell, Tim and Paul. They all had tried to reach him. 

"You better be. Well, he is in the arena and we should do a soundcheck.", Maxwell said as he saw Louis reading through the text messages. 

"Who?", Harry said before he bit his lip as he adjusted his position. 

"Chris.", Tim said and walked out of the bus with Maxwell, Paul and Louis following. Though Louis waited for Harry who slowly got up from the couch groaning before they slowly walked after the others.

"Are you in trouble?", Harry asked as he limped next to Louis who had his arm around his shoulders as they walked into the arena. 

"No, they're just a bit pissed. It'll pass." 

Louis and Harry walked into the stage where the band already stood ready, just finishing their plug-ins. Louis got up on the stage after walking Harry to the crowd area. Harry stood next to Paul and looked up to the stage where he saw a new face. He looked as Louis greeted the new one before he walked to his microphone that was in the mic stand in the middle of the stage. 

"Who is he?", Harry whispered to Paul as they started playing one of Louis' songs on stage. Paul looked at Harry before he looked at the blonde new guy. 

"Chris. Replacement of John, if Louis like him.", Paul answered to which Harry nodded. 

He hadn't even realized that John wasn't there. Him and Paul stood listening as the band along with Louis went through the whole set. That new guy was really good. And he fit right in, as if he had always been one of the others. Louis seemed to like him as well, and clearly Tim and Maxwell liked him. Though Harry was surprised of how quick it went to replace John. But the others acted normal, maybe it always went quick with new crew members. 

Out of reflex Harry went up to the end of the stage where Louis sat down once they were done. Louis couldn't help but smirk as Harry slowly limped over to him. Harry stood between Louis' legs with his forearms resting on Louis' thighs. Louis smiled and kissed Harry's lips to which Harry kissed him back. They both realized what they had done as they heard a random and surprised 'oh' from behind them. They both turned their heads to Chris who looked at them smirking before he looked at the other members who already knew. 

"Well. Harry is not only the photograph, if you didn't notice.", Maxwell chuckled from behind the drums to which Chris chuckled and nodded. 

"Oh, so it's just Harry who gets a kiss after we are done?", Chris joked while taking off the bass off of his shoulders. 

Harry automatically wrapped his arms around Louis waist to pull him closer and Louis chuckled nodding. He let his hand in Harry's curls as Chris walked towards the two.

"Haha, it's alright. I'm not gonna steal him from ya.", Chris said as he noticed how protective Harry got after his comment. 

"Good, he's mine.", Harry giggled and smiled proudly as Louis kissed his forehead. 

"And I'm not into guys.", Chris chuckled to which Harry blushed even though he hadn't said or even took for granted that he was gay. He was just clingy and protective. "I'm Chris by the way, nice to meet you.", Chris added as he squatted down next to Louis and reached his hand out towards Harry who shook it.

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you too.", Harry said politely and smiled before he looked at Louis to see the other two look at Louis from behind. 

"Well?", Tim asked causing Louis to turn his head to look at him confused before he got the hint.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry. Well, you're really good, Chris.", Louis began after standing up along with Chris. "I have on question though, not necessarily about music."


"Can you keep us a secret?", Louis chuckled awkwardly as he caught everyone looking at him.

"Of course!", Chris nodded his head and smiled. 

"Then... I mean I like you. You know the songs. What do you guys think?", Louis said before he turned to Tim and Maxwell who looked at each other.

"We like him.", Maxwell said to which Tim agreed. 

"Then, welcome to the band.", Louis said to which Chris got caught off guard.

"Just like that?", he chuckled. 

"Unless you're a criminal or don't have time to do the rest of the tour. I assume my manager gave you all the info already."

"I have all the time in the world and no criminal record."

Harry was once again surprised of how quick things changed. Not even twenty-four hours ago they all played a sold out concert with John then all of a sudden he was completely gone and here stood Chris who knew the songs, had already received a schedule and was ready to jump on the bus after playing his first concert. 

LouisTomlinson: Massive thank you for these nights, LA! Can't wait to see you again in the future! x 

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LouisTomlinson: Massive thank you for these nights, LA! Can't wait to see you again in the future! x 

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