Chapter 26

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The four of them stayed up late as the bus was running along the highway. John had already went to bed, basically from the minute that they even entered the bus after the concert. They all sat chatting and laughing. Eventually both Maxwell and Tim went to bed as well, leaving Harry and Louis alone. 

"Please, don't let me wake up to something I don't want to witness.", Maxwell joked before he walked over to the curtain separating the dining and sleeping area. 

Even though he was joking, he was serious at the same time. He loved knowing that the two love birds felt safe and comfortable enough to be real and honest around the rest of them. But at the same time there was lines. And to be honest, neither of Louis and Harry wanted them to hear or see anything too personal either. 

"Alright, seems like you have to suck me off out here, baby.", Louis answered while leaning back on the couch and moved his legs further apart while playfully winking at Maxwell who quickly shut the curtain. Louis chuckled and looked at Harry who cuddled up to him, causing him to smile fondly while wrapping his arms around the younger boy. "How are you, baby cakes?", Louis hummed while gently twirling a string of Harry's curls around his index finger. Harry smiled with his eyes closed and hugged onto Louis tighter. 

"Sleepy.", Harry said while yawning and rubbing his cheek on Louis' chest through his shirt. 

"Wanna go to bed?"

"Not yet."

"Wanna cuddle here?", Louis asked while he pulled a thin blanket over them. 

"That, and my leg is sleeping.", Harry giggled as he cuddled up to Louis even more who kissed him on top of his head. Louis sat still just playing with Harry's hair and humming meanwhile Harry kept his eyes closed while holding onto Louis. 

Eventually Harry and Louis got up to go to bed as well. Thinking that everyone else had already fallen asleep they walked as quietly as they could before they climbed up and into the same bunk bed. Harry was laying closer to the wall and turned so he was facing Louis when Louis got inside as well, turning to face Harry. Harry yawned with a squeak at the end and covered his mouth giggling as Louis looked at him fondly. He wrapped his arm around Harry while he let his other hand on Harry's cheek, caressing him gently. Harry's eyes could barely stay open and Louis' touch only made him relax more. Louis smiled fondly and kissed him between his eyebrows then on his nose. Harry smiled and licked his lips before he pursed them to get a goodnight kiss. Louis kept his smile as he slightly tilted his head and kissed Harry's lips softly, Harry kissing him back before he smiled proudly. 

"Precious, aren't you?", Louis whispered and Harry moved even closer to Louis. 

"If daddy thinks so, then yes.", Harry hummed.

"Oh, he does, baby cakes." 

"Shhh!", Maxwell hissed from underneath them causing Louis to chuckle before he covered his mouth to keep quiet. 

"We haven't done anything!", Louis whispered as he turned his head towards the closed curtain keeping them hidden. 

"He 'daddied' you, don't tell me I don't know where that could end.", Maxwell whispered. 

Harry took a deep breath while placing his head closer to Louis' on the small pillow. 

"Hmmm, daddy.", Harry hummed louder to make sure Maxwell heard it. Louis chuckled and held Harry tightly in his arms after making sure he was properly covered. It didn't take long before a hand loosely hit Louis' back through the curtain. 

"Knock it off!", Maxwell chuckled while burying his face in his pillow. 

Louis and Harry laid quiet for a bit and so did Maxwell until Louis signed for Harry to keep quiet before he intentionally turned his face more towards the curtain. 

"Oh yeah, baby! Harder, mmm, suck harder!", Louis fake moaned out to only hear a groan from underneath them before something came thrown against the curtain. Louis bursted out laughing and peeked out through the curtain to see Maxwell pull his arm inside his bunk bed. Louis looked around in the dark until he spotted a shoe on the floor below the bunk beds. "You attacked us with a shoe?", Louis whispered and Maxwell peeked out his head through his curtain to look up at Louis. 

"Yes, I did. I don't wanna hear!"

"Can you just shut the fuck up!", John muttered from inside his bed. 

Both Louis and Maxwell looked at each other surprised and mouthed 'oh shit' to one another, before Louis opened his mouth. 


Louis chuckled as he turned back to Harry who during the time had turned around with his back towards Louis. Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around Harry, pulling him closer and let out a long soft sigh. Harry smiled as well and pressed himself against Louis and took one of his hands, holding it in his own against his chest. Louis smiled and softly placed a couple of kisses on the back of Harry's neck before he gently placed his nose against Harry's skin and closed his eyes. 

"Good night, baby cakes. I love you.", Louis whispered softly, feeling how Harry lazily squeezed his hand tighter. 

"Good night, I love you too.", Harry mumbled, barely still awake at this point. 

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