Chapter 36

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Harry stood in the background watching as Louis along with the talkshow host Jimmy Fallon sat in front of the cameras with an audience surrounding them. Harry lifted his camera in front of his face as he caught Louis looking at him and snapped a picture. 

Louis lightly smirked and shook his head before he directed his focus back to the Jimmy

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Louis lightly smirked and shook his head before he directed his focus back to the Jimmy. Jimmy spoke to Louis about his current tour and life on the road. 

"And Louis, there's a few rumors going around about you. And no one likes rumors, right?", Jimmy asked before he searched with his hand underneath he desk he sat by.

"Right, right.", Louis agreed and watched Jimmy slightly suspicious of what he was doing. 

"Then, if it's alright with you. Maybe we could clear some of them up while you're here?", Jimmy continued while peeking at the crew behind the cameras. 

Louis looked in the same direction as well. Since his manager wasn't present, a few members of the crew knew that he wasn't allowed to talk about relationships but that was only when he had one. And his manager didn't know about Louis and Harry, so according to him - Louis was all single. It felt weird that for the first time in years no one really interfered. The only thing they gestured no to was questions about his past with Eleanor, which he gladly avoided. 

"Go ahead and see if even I know the answers.", Louis chuckled as he turned his head towards Jimmy again who smiled as he brought up a set of question-cards from underneath his desk. 

Most of them were false. Some rumors talking about how he had no contact with his family, how they were fighting because of Louis' work and fame, fights in the music industry with other creators and singers as well as actors he had never even met let alone talked to. 

"There seem to be a lot of fights surrounding you, are you aggressive or something?", Jimmy chuckled while turning over to the next card in his hand. 

"Apparently, haha. But no, I wouldn't consider myself aggressive or violent.", Louis said and licked his lips before he mumbled between faking a cough. "Unless you deserve it." 

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing.", Louis said with a wide smile and peeked at his crew cheekily. 

"Alright. Well, there's one last about you being in a fight."

"Tell me about it!"

"People have been speculating if you had a fight with your past bassist, John. And there's rumors that you literally kicked him off the band.", Jimmy said and looked at Louis who nodded his listening. 

"Oh. Well I didn't physically kick him with me feet from the band. But he is no longer a part of it, no." 

"How come?"

"Uhh... I'm not sure if I am actually allowed to discuss this but lets just say we had some personal issues. We didn't really get along." 

"Alright, well that happens sometimes."

"Indeed. It is what it is." 

"But he's replaced now, isn't he?"

"We found a new bassist yes, since it was in the middle of the tour and urgent and all. His name is Chris." 

Both Louis and Jimmy looked at the crew to which Louis pointed out the new guy who awkwardly waved as they looked at him. Louis smiled and couldn't resist but to move his gaze to Chris' left where Harry was standing. Louis licked his lips and smiled at Harry who smiled back at him before Jimmy caught Louis' attention again. 

"Lucky to find someone that quick.", Jimmy added before he switched to the last card he held in his hand. 

"Really grateful. Would've been shit if we had to cancel or take a break just to find someone new."

"You get along?"

"Haha, absolutely.", Louis chuckled and nodded his head while looking at Jimmy who smiled.

"Otherwise he wouldn't be here! And without him you wouldn't be able to preform for us later."


Louis looked at the card Jimmy held tightly in his hand as it seemed that he was dragging out the conversation about the bassist to avoid the last one somehow. Eventually Jimmy turned the card a bit to be able to read what he was going to ask Louis about, even though he already knew. Jimmy smiled and looked at Harry before he looked at Louis who patiently waited for the next question. 

"This one, you've probably been expecting this one." 

"I have?", Louis chuckled as he adjusted the way he was sitting and fixed his shirt by pulling it further down by the end of it. Louis leaned forward a bit with his elbows on his knees and looked at Jimmy who took a deep breath.

"Your cameraman.", Jimmy began and Louis licked his lips smiling and nodded his head. "What is going on there? Is something even going on there?"

"Uhm, what is going on between me and Harry? Well, he is my cameraman.", Louis chuckled. 

"Is there something else going on? Are you two maybe involved more personally or?"

"Uhm, well. You know, we keep it professional and we have become very close."

"Romantically? Sexually?"

"I believe that's between me and him if anything.", Louis chuckled and playfully wiggled his eyebrows causing Jimmy to chuckle as well before he looked over at Harry who tried to keep a serious face while playing a some buttons on his camera. 

"But you are not denying.", Jimmy teased while putting the card away to go back to his regular ones. 

"Nor am I confirming.", Louis chuckled to which Jimmy laughed and nodded his head. 

Though Louis wanted to confirm it so badly. He wanted people to know how in love he was with this amazing, charming and lovely young man. How proud he was to be Harry's. Even though he felt good during the whole time, he got frustrated over the fact that he would be in so much trouble if he just said the simple word 'yes'. 

"That doesn't clear the rumor.", Jimmy joked to which Louis leaned back in the chair again.

"That's true. But people can speculate how much they want, at the end of the day both me and Harry know where he stand whether it's just professional, closer friends or more or even less. We oBviOuSly know the truth ourselves. OBviOuSly."

LouisTomlinson: Thank you, Jimmy, for having me on the show

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LouisTomlinson: Thank you, Jimmy, for having me on the show. A pleasure to meet you again! x

After the interview was done Louis and his band along with Harry went to the hotel they all were staying at. It was once again one of the few times where they would spend the night in the city since the interview was the day before the actual concert. 

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