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Chapter 7 ~ catch a cold

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Chapter 7 ~ catch a cold

My arms flailed helplessly, my foot slipped and I saw everything in a slow motion, Sahil's face contorted from regret to nonchalant one as he faced Soumya who smiled walking towards his way, unaware of me.

Just like, he wanted.

I closed my eyes waiting for the result of my stupidity, my back hit sinking in the cold water of the pool.

One second, I was all flaming, hot with indignation and unexpected overwhelming desire and another, I was drenched, cold and drowning...

I felt water rushing up through my nostrils, choking me filling my throat. I know swimming and the pool wasn't also that deep the water would barely reach my neck.

But here, I was unresponsive couldn't do anything but panic. Flashback of when Aarav jumped in the river played in the back of my mind.

It was like I jumped too, following him or it was like I was imagining myself how had he felt?

Did he also feel the clogging in his throat?

Felt his lungs heavy as lead?

The unbearable burning in the chest?

Hands moving desperately to catch oxygen provide it to the body which appeared it was tearing apart?

The slow calmness out of a sudden?

Dizziness replacing the struggle?

Lightness taking over my body and you found yourself chasing it among the black spots.

Black spots, so many black spots until I couldn't see anything but blackness and then the sharp intake of breath which contracted my lungs painfully and greedily. I gasped felt myself pulled up quite roughly, could faintly hear someone cursing.

I felt my body laid or actually dropped on the wet tiles like some butchered meat. Whoever it was they didn't know at all how to treat a patient. They were being absolutely disrespectful!

"Come on, Mrs. Newton open your eyes!" Someone, someone who was just very arrogant tapped my cheeks impatiently.

That impatient arrogant jerk

I half opened my one eye with a great struggle, my entire body ached and protested against it.

Dhruv was hovering over me, he looked real pissed off and worried?

And his large hands were on my chest, compressing!

I yelped which came out a gurgling sound. I coughed out the water I tried to push Dhruv away or turn away but my arms felt so heavy and delayed to any movement that I spurted the water out in Dhruv's face.

"Gee, thanks" He said, wiping his face.

I was going to reply but it got lost in coughing fit Dhruv tried to make me sit up.

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