Chapter 2

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Lena's POV

We arrived at my place, dropping our bags onto my bed. Rather than asking our own parents to sign the sheet that gives us permission to go, we decide to sign it ourselves. It's easier then attempting to convince them, they'd never allow it. "So we just sign them?" Addie asked as I handed her a pen.

"Well, don't you know your mom's signature off by heart?" I questioned, already knowing the answer. She had told me previously in the year that she had memorized it, I wasn't sure why. After handing her the blue pen, she quickly scribbled her mom's signature. She took a deep breath and handed me the sheet, I nodded and gave it back to her so she could stuff it back in her bag. I then took my own sheet and neatly copied my dad's signature. It was kind of ironic how both of our parents were split up, I lived with my dad and she lived with her mom. I guess it made us closer, we definitely had that in common.

"There, all set and ready." She breathes as I put the sheet away. I smile and nod slightly sitting on the bed next to her, she scrolls through her phone, completely ignoring conversation. Before we know it, my dad calls us down for dinner. My dad never cooked anything significant, so instead I had assumed he bought pizza. He hated cooking, especially for other people. We ate quickly, unfortunately Addison had to go home pretty much right after that. Normally she would have just spent the night, but for some odd reason both of our parents said no. I went upstairs and practically passed out, thankful that tomorrow was Friday.

+The next morning+

My eyes fluttered open and I was not ready to get up, at all. I was not a morning person, especially knowing that I had to walk to school everyday. "Ew." I looked in my mirror that was on the back of my door. I sauntered downstairs and grabbed something quick for breakfast, hoping that I wouldn't have to run to school. Afterwards I went upstairs and threw on some random outfit that made me look and fell some-what satisfied. I applied my makeup and I was off, not even bothering to say goodbye to my dad who was still asleep on the sofa. He had a habit of falling asleep in the living room rather than his own bed. I got to school pretty quickly for the first time in a while, I was surprised.

"Lena!" I heard Addison shout to me from across the field, I ran over to her and we stood and talked until the bell rang, telling us that first period was about to begin. I walked into the dull classroom, taking a seat at the back of the class like I always did. Addie however sometimes sat in the front, her eyes weren't the best so she sometimes couldn't tell what the teacher had written on the board.

"Ok class, let's start off the day with a pop quiz!" Our english teacher announced, I rolled my eyes. Of course we had a pop quiz, we always did every Friday. Unfortunately for him he made them extremely easy, not realizing that a grade 6 could complete it with no trouble at all. It appeared that majority of the time, he seemed to forget that we were all in high school, not elementary school. I hated being treated like a child by the teachers here, especially by my science teacher. I looked at the clock, expecting this class to go by fast. Sadly, Addie and I both had separate classes next period, I was stuck in math while she was stuck in history. Our teacher handed us the sheets for the quiz and gave us a time to have them completed by, of course we all finished before that set time. It was too easy. "Have a good day class, and remember, I expect you all to start those assignments over the weekend." He stated, eyeing Addison and I. The bell rang and we both handed him our permission slips, allowing us to go to the asylum for the research. I prayed he wouldn't find out about us signing them ourselves. Not that I would be the one to tell him, I didn't expect Addison to either.

"I'll see you after class, k?" I hugged Addie and she kissed my cheek. It was our thing we always kissed each other's cheek and I never knew why, it sort of just happened one day. We parted ways and I started towards my math room, realizing that this day was going to be longer then I anticipated it to be.

"Watch where you're going!" Some kid yelled as he bumped into me, I turned and gave him a glare before noticing that he was in most of my classes. His short blonde hair was messy and his dark brown eyes were filled with frustration. His facial features kind of scared me. He looked scary, and unpleasant to be around.

"Why don't you watch where you're going, you ass." I hissed. He backed off, standing up and vanishing down the hallway and around the corner. What a dick. I reach my destination and take a seat, surprisingly the class went by pretty fast. It felt like hours before the day ended, making me feel more exhausted then I had already felt lately. I walked home, taking my time yet rushing all at once. "Dad! I'm home!" I yell once I get inside, he doesn't answer. Oh shit, he must be working hours today. I set my bag down on the couch and head for the kitchen, I see a note sticking from the fridge door. Working the overnight shift tonight, I'll be back around 7am tomorrow. Love you -Dad.

I sigh and set the note down, it's been forever since I was home alone. I always begged my dad to work different shifts so I wouldn't have to be alone. Truth be told, I hated being home alone, I always got either bored or scared of ridiculous things such as the noise from the t.v. or people walking across the street. My mind always convinced me that there was somebody in the house, or that my own house was haunted. Of course neither of those possibilities were true, I alwas seemed to have a way of believing it though. I took a deep breath and grabbed something from the cupboard the eat, ignoring all of the mysterious sounds that seemed to fill the house. Ignoring them was my only option. Nothing was appealing so I skipped the snack and decided to watch t.v. I figured that it might help block the noises from the upstairs and the basement. Nothing seemed to work, which was disappointing. My phone dinged, causing me to jump the slightest bit. I grabbed it off the cushion next to me and checked to see what it was. Addison.

Dude you ready to go and see all of the crazy people tomorrow at the asylum? ;)

It had completely slipped my mind that we were going tomorrow night when both of our parents were supposed to be out of the house. Rather then text back I decided to call, might as well talk about it since my dad wasn't home. "I'm kind of nervous about it actually." I spoke right when she picked up the phone. "I mean what if something goes wrong?" I asked, trying to keep calm.

"First of all, this was your idea. Second of all, what's the worst that can happen? All of the people get loose from there cells and try to kill us? I doubt it." She laughed, I laughed awkwardly. I guess it was my idea in the first place, I'm sure there was nothing I needed to worry about. I stayed calmed as we spoke, we talked on the phone for hours until I started to fall asleep.

"Hey, Addison? I'm gonna head to bed now, get some rest for tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow night and we can set everything up. Goodnight, love you." I told her, I could hear her yawn on the other line.

"Okay, night Lena. Love you too, call me." I hung up after that and pretty much fell asleep right there on the couhc, the sound of the television buzzing in the backround.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! I feel like I've done well so far, anyways, more updates soon so keep your notifications on ;)

Love you guys!


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