Chapter 8

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Lena's POV
The hand covering my mouth my was large and sweaty, I also had someone holding my hands behind my back. I couldn't move. I tried to speak, but it just came out as muffled slurs mixed into messy sounding words. Shock hit me when one of the mysterious kidnappers kicked the back of my knee, causing me to fall to the concrete floor. The dark room was lit up by a red flashing light, flickering round and round again.

"No one's going to hear you so keep quiet." Ricky snapped, locking his hands into my hair and pushing my head down so I couldn't see anything in front or around me.

"What should we try first?" I can hear the dirty voice of Jc, and the following sound of the other boys snickering. I stay silent, knowing for myself that nothing I'm capable of will get me out of this mess. I try moving my head so I can at least see which one of them is standing in front of me. I feel them move, closer to me, almost to the point where I'm fearful to see who it really is. I shake my head violently, assuming that it won't work anyways. My curiosity and fear were causing me to test their limits, I wanted to see how far I could go before they bothered with me.

"Stop moving, dumb bitch." Kian yelled kicking me in the side. I groaned then fell silent again. Suddenly someone enters the room, I didn't know who it could have been. Possibly one of the other crazies who live here? I hope not.

"Hey, Mackenzie." Jc sounds surprisingly cheerful, and from what I could tell, he seemed to be pretty happy with whoever was in the room.

"Hello, Justin. May I please see her?" I recognized the voice within seconds.

Mrs. Hembrook.

I suppose the mystery of the whereabouts of Mrs. Hembrook is solved. My head is lifted slowly and my eyes adjust to each of the people in the cold room. It felt damp in here, my guess was that we were in the basement. Mackenzie smiled at me and held up my chin, with a smug smile across her lips.

"What do you want with me and Addison?" I worked up the nerve to ask, finally it hit me. Where the hell was Addison? Now thinking about it, I'm not quite sure that the boys grabbed her along with me. Was she alright? Oh God I hope so, I don't know what I'd do without her. They all simply ignored my question and started to whisper to one another. Mumbles so faint that I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"How much time do we have with her?" One of the gentlemen asked, what were they going to do to me? More importantly, why had I just been kidnapped?

"45 minutes or less, depending on when we get finished with the other girl." My heart started to beat quicker. What were they planning to do with Addison? My entire body went into panic mode, I began trying to set myself free. My eyes began to focus and then go blurry, continuing to do this. I hadn't realized it until I looked over at my right arm, they had put a sharp needle in my arm. The needle was filled with some sort of clear substance, after they pulled the pointy object out of my arm I began to feel nauseous and dizzy. Sooner or later I was expecting myself to eventually pass out, or at least go numb, but I surprisingly didn't. Nothing happened really, I just felt sick. Not knowing what they injected into my arm made me anxious, could it be something that would kill me?

"Who's going first?" The smirks on all of their faces were ominous and devious. I hated it.

"I will, I suppose." Jc grabbed at his hospital gown, beginning to pull it over his head and off his body. He was left in boxers, that's when my hands were tied along with my feet and the other gentlemen had left the room. My stomach flipped. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Get the fuck away from me you pervert." I growled, trying to hold back the vomit in my throat. The nauseous feeling had grown stronger.

"Don't be scared princess, it won't hurt a bit. Besides, you better get used to it because for the next 45 minutes you're ours." His voice send chills through out my entire body. The saddest part about this whole thin was that I couldn't get away, I was tied up and couldn't move if I tried. I stayed silent while he worked out a way for this to all happen without setting me free. This entire thing as making me nervous, is this what was happening to Addison as well? I didn't see Trevor with boys. Maybe she was experiencing the same trauma? I hope not, for her sake. Jc grabbed at the trim of my sweater, pulling it up just enough so he could pull up my shirt as well.

"Please, don't. I'm no good anyways, I'm a virgin so it's not like I know what I'm doing." The vomit kept rising in my mouth, threatening to spill out. Then I got an idea. He can't bother if I throw up, right? I mean who would want to have sex with a sick girl? I gagged on nothing, trying my best to puke. However my plan backfired. Instead of upchucking everywhere, my stomach had started to settle. As he pulled at my jeans, more and more doubt filled my gut. I was going to be raped, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. He slid my jeans down to my ankles and moved his mouth towards my stomach. Was I going to have to do this 4 more times after this?

"I'll go fast, relax." I tensed even more by his words. I struggled around, maneuvering my legs and arms as much as I could. Thankfully, it was starting to work. He had a difficult time keeping me still which didn't help with what he was trying to do. "Stay still, would you?" He sounded pissed off now, even angry.

"Fuck you." I spit in his face. He groaned in frustration, rubbing the saliva off of his face.

"Fine! You stupid fat ass! I'll leave you with someone more aggressive, and sweet heart.. he isn't going to take your bullshit." With those worse, he put his gown back on and stomped out of the room. This was as good of a chance that I was going to get. I tried to stand up and successfully managed to make it to my feet with minor difficulties. I was sure that I was free, I just needed to wait for the next boy to open that door and I was going to get out of here. Of course, I'd need to find a way to cut these ropes loose first and I also needed to find Addison. I looked around the room quickly, searching for anything relatively sharp to cut these ropes. That's when my eye caught something, there was piece of metal sticking out from one of the pipes attached to the wall. I bolted to the sharp metal and turned around backwards, rubbing the rope against the pipe. The thick ropes began to feel looser, but there was one flaw with my miraculous plan.

The door to the room I was trapped in opened and in came Sam.

Hey guys! A bit of a longer chapter for you all :)

I plan to update again tonight, so keep your eyes open!

Love youuuuuuuu <3


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