Chapter 11

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Addison's POV
The medical examination room felt damp and cold, not that I should be focusing on that. Oh no, I had bigger problems to deal with. Including the dick who was planning to rape me. If you hadn't noticed, at this point I was completely fed up with the way I had been taken into this hell hole. So many questions raced through my mind, what 'procedure' was he talking about? I was so confused an anxious, it was starting to make me feel nauseous. I always got that way when I was nervous or scared, my stomach always made me feel sick.

"What do you want?!" I screamed at him, pure anger releasing out of my mouth. All I wanted were some answers. Was Lena ok? And was I going to be ok?

"Don't worry about it. I suggest you keep still, I'm leaving for a few minutes. Not that you'll be able to escape anyways. This door locks from the outside." As those disappointing words left his dry lips I felt hopeless. There was no way I was going to get out of a room that locked from the outside. I suppose I was going to have to endlessly wait for him to return with whatever he went to retrieve in the first place. "Like I said, stay still." He warned me one last time before leaving to cramped room. I heard the lock click and the anxiety began clawing it's way up my throat. I couldn't breath and my head was pounding, I tried to think of something other than the mess that I was stuck in at the moment. Maybe when he opened the door I could make a dash for it, that was my only chance.

Minutes passed by before the lock clicked open again, the doorknob turned and in walked Trevor, however he wasn't alone. I kept silent, maybe they weren't here to bother me. Oh who was I kidding? Of course they were here to bother me! Fuck I angrily thought to myself. As they both walked in, I noticed Trevor was about to close the door behind him. That's when I made my move. Everything slowed down, as if time were about to freeze completely. I was sure that this was going to work, I had a pretty fair chance.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" The unknown person who had joined Trevor slammed the door in front of me. My eyes watered as I saw the last chance I had of getting out, slip away right before my eyes. "Did you really think it was going to be that easy? Sweetheart you aren't going anywhere. We aren't finished with you or that Brat friend of yours." He growled. I blinked away my pooled eyes and turned to face him, a smug smirk on his face. I definitely knew who it was now. I groaned in response, avoiding the very reality of myself being trapped in the same room as him.

It was Kian.

Of course it had to be Kian. Out of all of the people in this mad house it had to be him. I couldn't contain my tears anymore, the droplets fell down my cheeks and onto my t-shirt.

"Why are you crying?" He sounded sincere and sad. He wasn't kidding about the whole Bipolar thing, he was terrifying one moment and the next he was acting as if I were a hurt child.

"Why do you think?" I started to explode with emotion, "I'm trapped in this building and I've never been so scared. I just want answers, and then I want to go home. I hate it here! Out of all the people in this world why did it have to be Lena and I? What the fuck did we ever do to any of you?" I yelled and cursed, releasing every ounce of pain I could until my throat was numb and my eyes were sore and red.

"You had the life that none of us got the chance to live." Trevor answered back sharply.

"How is it my fault? I never chose for you to live here, hell I never chose your lives. Why? Just why?" My voice was a near whisper. I just wanted to go home, I had never wanted to see my mother so desperately in my entire life. Both of the gentlemen stayed quiet, I guess they didn't have the answers to the never ending questions that I was furiously firing at them. I sighed as a knock at the door arrived. Through all of the yelling and crying, time went by fast. I had assumed that this was how it all ended. They were probably going to kill me, or test some kind of medication on me.

"Boys, we have an issue." Mackenzie sounded dire and eager. Kian and Trevor looked at each other confused and went and opened the door, Mrs. Hembrook stood there anxiously. I couldn't help but wonder what had went wrong? "The other girl, Lena, she got away, I have no idea where she's hiding but I do know that she is somewhere in this facility." The woman sighed, sounding disappointed and upset. A flutter of hope swirled in my stomach, maybe Lena was coming to rescue me. Or at least I hoped.

"Shit," Kian started, "Are the others looking for her?" He asked, also sounding disappointed and some-what upset.

"We have patient 1 through 129 all in their cells, other than you 6 boys of course." There were really 129 patients here? This place looked a little cramped for 129 people staying here. I was wondering myself why she didn't have all of them looking for Lena, I mean obviously her and I were important for this procedure, weren't we?

"If I may intervene, why are all 129 patients in captivity if Lena is so important for this so called 'procedure'?" The curiosity had gotten the best of me, I was begging to know.

"If you must know, some of the people here can be quite dangerous at times and you're correct, she is important for the procedure, which is exactly why we can't risk you nor her getting hurt." I was relieved to finally have had a question answered for once.

"Yes, but aren't the 6 boys dangerous too?" I rolled my eyes at the men who I was directly talking about.

"They can control their anger and aggression, but not everyone in this asylum can." That worried me, what if Lena was in danger. Mackenzie said that they could control there aggression, but what if one of them loses it and she gets hurt? I can't let that happen.

"Oh." I answer back, then stay silent again. I knew what I had to do, maybe this time it would work. I pushed Mrs. Hembrook down and made a run for it, finally getting out of that cramped room.

Hey guys! We are so so so so so so close to 100 reads! I know we can do it!

Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I think I've done a some-what good job with creating this book.

I love you alllllll


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